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Every society using its language refers to its own history, tradition and culture. The way of society’s perception of the world is expressed by vocabulary. Names, common words, proverbs, phrases, metaphors convey not only the meaning and comprehension of the statement but also a variety of associations and moral values it denotes. The way we speak, when and what we speak about, all this is as important as information itself and influences the way people see us. Because of that, speaking skills are also perceived as a manifestation of proper behaviour in a given culture. Some of the quoted proverbs are present only in works of literature, some are parts of colloquial language, others have fallen into disuse or have been forgotten. Because of the fact that they are published in contemporary Turkish dictionaries, we can assume that they still constitute a basic element of the verbal language and define Turkish culture. The following paper includes the definition of respect both in Polish and Turkish and the proverbs and expressions connected with the meaning of respect. All the chosen proverbs and expressions, grouped subject-wise, are presented in their original version together with a Polish translation. Polish equivalents of Turkish proverbs are also provided when the exact or very similar Polish ones have been found. Groups contain proverbs and expressions describing: 1. Perception of respect and the way it is shown; 2. A person who shows/does not show his respect; 3. Respectful and respectless behaviour; 4. General truth which concerns respect; 5. Proverbs giving advice how to behave.
The aim of this article is to present the results of the analysis of linguistic image of water in Russian and Polish idioms and proverbs. The study shows the differences and similarities of the images of water recorded in both languages. The theoretical basis of the research is the notion of the linguistic image of the world defined as the set of beliefs and convictions recorded in the language of a certain language community. The object of the study are Russian and Polish proverbs and idioms, containing the lexeme “water,” excerpted from the dictionaries of idioms and proverbs. The comparative analysis of the two images of water has shown two basic tendencies. On the one hand, they share common, universal traits, which are the consequence of objective characteristics of the described object, as well as the universal cognitive processes and intercultural contacts. On the other hand, they differ in many aspects, having specific traits, which may result from different climatic or cultural conditions. In the Russian language the following traits are more distinctly expressed: the destructive influence of water, its power over the world. In the Polish language the characteristics appearing more frequently are: value of water, its indispensability and positive influence on man’s health and beauty. One of the most important elements of the linguistic image of water is the axiological aspect — the detailed analysis has shown that in both cases negative convictions are prevalent.
nr 19
The author cites five different etymological hypotheses for the general Slavic word jęczmień ‘barley’. Three refer to the features of the ear: its boniness, its shape during the time when the seeds ripen, and its adhesiveness; the other two adduce the sound that this cereal makes during the time of ripening, and its alleged taste. The paper aims to verify the cited hypotheses using the linguistic-cultural image of barley in Polish folk culture, as has been reconstructed from rich linguistic material. The author adduces linguistic contexts from various genres in an attempt to demonstrate that the reconstruction of the linguistic image of an object can help choose between etymological hypotheses. The underlying assumption is that those features which are most strongly preserved in the linguistic world view, indicate the most probable hypothesis.
tom 16
The article depicts former, regionally diversified wedding lexis and helps to reconstruct rich nuptial rites hidden behind words, which were still very common in the second half of the 19th century and are now nearly completely forgotten. The resource material used as a basis of considerations herein is a nineteenth century glossary by Z. Gloger Nazwy weselne, wyrażenia i przedmioty używane przy godowych obrzędach ludu na przestrzeni byłej Rzplitej. The set of words recorded by Gloger mostly includes archaisms which not only show a fragment of a historical reality of the language but also reflect an important segment of a family and social life that does not exist anymore in the same old form.
Content available remote Etymologia a językowo-kulturowy obraz jałowca i kaliny
nr 19
The paper tries to answer the question about the onomastic base of the names for ‘juniper’ and ‘viburnum’, i.e. which of their features or what image of these plants has been preserved in their names. The author tests whether the features captured in literary and dialectal Polish names for these shrubs are confirmed by folk texts, popular narratives and beliefs. Hypotheses put forward by etymologists are verified and confronted with the linguistic material which the author used to reconstruct the linguistic-cultural image of juniper and viburnum in colloquial and folk Polish. The paper is a yet another voice in the discussion about the suitability of ethnolinguistic research for the study of etymology, and the usefulness of etymology for ethnolinguists.
Badania nad językowym obrazem świata, postulowane przez Jerzego Bartmińskiego, pozwalają postrzegać język jako źródło wiedzy o rzeczywistości, w której funkcjonuje człowiek. Zdaniem Anny Pajdzińskiej i Ryszarda Tokarskiego mogą być one prowadzone zarówno w oparciu o system języka, jak i jego konkretne użycia, w tym teksty literackie. W artykule analizie poddany został obraz pracy na roli oraz samej ziemi, jako dającej plony, ukazany przez Wincentego Burka w zbiorze opowiadań wydanych w roku 1935. Autorka omawia agrarne leksemy podkreślające istotność i wysoką rangę aspektów rzeczywistości związanych z pracą i miejscem gospodarowania rolnika, apelatywy motywowane uprawianym przez człowieka zawodem i wykonywanym zajęciem, metafory oraz porównania agrarne, a także najważniejsze motywy Drogi przez wieś, mieszczące się w polu semantycznym pracy, a przy tym szczególnie ważne z punktu widzenia prostego człowieka, nosiciela kultury ludowej, współtworzonej przez agrarność. Efektem przeprowadzonej analizy jest ukazanie fragmentu obrazu wsi wykreowanego w dziele nieco już zapomnianym, które jednak – ze względu na zawartą w nim stylizację na gwarę sandomierską oraz ludowość – stanowi cenny dla językoznawcy, szczególnie etnolingwisty, materiał do badań nad językiem i kulturą społeczności wiejskiej z pierwszej połowy XX wieku.
Jerzy Bartmiński pustulates research on the linguistic image allows to perceive the language as a source of knowledge about reality within which human functions. According to Anna Pajdzińska and Ryszard Tokarski, it may be conducted based on both language system and its concrete use, including literary texts. The work and the arable land presented by Wincenty Burek in the storybook published in 1935 is submitted for analysis in this article. The author discusses agrarian lexemes which emphasize importance and high rank of aspects related to reality of work and place of administration on the farm, appellatives motivated by profession and occupation of the human being and metaphors as well as the most important motives of Droga przez wieś included in the semantic field of work, particularly important from the point of view of a simple man, carrier of folk culture co-created by agrarianism. The effect of the conducted analysis is presentation of a fragment of the countryside view created in a slightly forgotten the work and the arable land which is a precious material for linguist and especially for ethnolinguist in order to conduct research on language and culture of the rural society from the first half of the 20th century due to included stylization for a local dialect spoken in Sandomierz and folksiness.
Content available Obraz Polaków w felietonach Henryka Sienkiewicza
The aim of the article is to reconstruct the linguistic image of the Poles on the basis of Henryk Sienkiewicz’s feuilletons. This image is determined by the speaker’s point of view. Creating his image of Polish society, Sienkiewicz adopted the following points of view: the POV of a Pole, the POV of a thrifty economist, the POV of a positivist and the POV of a Christian. As a Polish citizen, he criticizes his compatriots for the fact that they do not respect their native tongue. As a thrifty economist, he exposes numerous instances of their profligacy. As a positivist, Sienkiewicz notes the backwardness of the countryside and proposes specific initiatives to address this problem. Finally, assuming the perspective of a Christian, he unmasks false piety. This image of the Poles is predominantly negative. The fact that Sienkiewicz highlighted his compatriots’ weaknesses and focused on their wastefulness, rather than on their positive attributes, could be motivated by censorship concerns. Russian censors were very effective in suppressing all forms of manifesting Polish national identity and were more inclined to accept critical opinions.
W powieści Matka jawi się równolegle dwuwymiarowa kreacja drogi: w ujęciu fizycznym oraz w ujęciu metaforycznym. W kreacji drogi Ignacy Maciejowski wykorzystał kontrast: droga do miasta – droga zła, czarna, z demonami, trudna, męcząca, z zacierającym się celem, a droga do domu – do wsi, do sielanki, do swoich. Ważną rolę w obrazowaniu pokonywanej trasy odgrywają opisy przyrody, która stanowi uzupełnienie kreacji różnych etapów drogi, jak i oddziałuje na emocje, przeżycia i odczucia głównej bohaterki powieści. Elementem kreującym drogę w analizowanej powieści są także barwy. Pisarz wykorzystuje paletę – od ciemnej, czarnej do białej i jej odcieni, sporadycznie wykorzystując barwę niebieską, granatową, czerwoną, różową. Droga pokonywana przez matkę jest miejscem sakralnym, przestrzenią, którą można pokonać z Bożą pomocą.
In the novel Matka a parallel, two-dimensional creation of a road can be observed – physical and metaphoric. In the creation of a road Maciejowski used the contrast between the road to the town – which is bad, black, demons-infested, difficult, tiresome, with blurring destination, and the road home – to the village, to the idyll, to one’s own folks. The descriptions of nature play a significant role in the imaging of the covered distance. They complement the creation of the different stages of the road, and affect the emotions, feelings, and experiences of the main character of the novel. The colours are also a factor used for creating a road in the Sewer’s novel. The writer uses a palette of colours – from a dark, black to white and it’s shadows, and occasionally blue, navy-blue, red and pink. A road covered by the mother is a sacred place, a space which can be travelled with the divine help.
W niniejszej publikacji mowa jest o językowym obrazie kobiety i mężczyzny w aforyzmach Gertrud von le Fort, niemieckiej pisarki żyjącej w latach 1876-1971, której twórczość określają inspiracje religijne. Podjęte tu rozważania wchodzą w zakres semantyki leksykalnej i korespondują z językoznawstwem aksjologicznym oraz nowszym nurtem badań językoznawczych, tzw. teolingwistyką. Autor poddaje semantycznej analizie sposób, w jaki Gertrud von le Fort kategoryzuje i wartościuje w swoich aforyzmach relację zachodzącą między kobietą i mężczyzną. Interesuje go etyka mowy poetki oraz wartości semantyczne tworzące w jej idiolekcie obraz obu płci. Ponieważ sferę aksjologiczną aforyzmów Gertrud von le Fort konstytuuje język doświadczenia religijnego, autor zwraca również uwagę na sposób, w jaki przedstawiana jest w badanych aforyzmach duchowość kobiety i mężczyzny. Refleksja metodologiczna oparta jest o studium wiedzy z zakresu badań nad językowym obrazem świata. Autor definiuje to zagadnienie, przedstawiając pierwotną koncepcję Wilhelma von Humboldta oraz współczesne koncepcje badawcze Jerzego Bartmińskiego i Ryszarda Tokarskiego, a następnie odnosi je do relacji, jaka zachodzi między językowym obrazem świata a literaturą. Rozważania wzbogacone są o notę biograficzną Gertrud von le Fort, której poetycka i prozatorska twórczość stała się na początku XX wieku oznaką duchowego odrodzenia Niemiec. Przedstawione zostały najważniejsze fakty z życia poetki oraz rozwój jej pisarskiego kunsztu. Autor przypomina o Hymnach do Kościoła (Hymnen an die Kirche) – jednym z najważniejszych poematów niegdyś protestanckiej pisarki, w którym zawarła swój własny duchowy proces zbliżania się do katolicyzmu. Praca stanowi oryginalny wkład autora do badań nad literacką spuścizną Gertrud von le Fort. Jak dotąd nie były prowadzone żadne analizy ujmujące jej aforystyczną twórczość z punktu wiedzenia językoznawstwa kulturowego, uwzględniającego aspekty aksjologiczne jej idiolektu. Refleksja dowodzi, że orientacja estetyczna języka le Fort oparta jest o ideę wzajemności kobiety i mężczyzny, i że obraz obu płci zastany w aforyzmach pisarki jest spójny z ich potocznym wyobrażeniem zakorzenionym w tradycji chrześcijańskiej. Tym samym praca może być społecznie ważnym przyczynkiem do dalszych rozważań z zakresu wywiedzionej z literatury chrześcijańskiej antropologii płci.
The following paper deals with a linguistic image of man and woman in the aphorisms of Gertrud von le Fort, a German writer whose dates are 1876-1971 and whose oeuvre is determined by religious inspirations. Reflections undertaken in this paper are related to the field of lexical semantics and correspond with axiological linguistics as well as the latest tend in linguistic studies, the so called theological linguistics. The semantic analysis carried out in the paper addresses the ways in which Gertrud von le Fort categorises and evaluates the relation between a man and a woman in her aphorisms. The author of the paper is interested in the ethics of the poet's utterance as well as semantic properties that create the images of both sexes in le Fort's idiolect. Since the axiological sphere of Gertrud von le Fort's aphorisms is constituted by the language of religious experience, the author of this paper also concentrates on the ways in which spirituality of a man and a woman is represented in the aphorisms under discussion. Methodological reflection focuses on recent developments in the studies on the linguistic image of the world. The author defines this issue by referring to the original concept formulated by Wilhelm von Humboldt as well as recent research conceptions of Jerzy Bartmiński and Ryszard Tokarski, among others. He then relates them to interdependence between literature and the linguistic image of the world. The reflections are enriched by a biographical note of Gertrude von le Fort, whose poetry and prose became a symbol of spiritual rebirth of Germany at the beginning of the 20th century. Major facts of the poet's life as well as her artistic skill in writing are presented in the paper. The author evokes Hymns to the Church (Hymnen an die Kirche) that belong to the most important texts of this formerly protestant writer – in which she presented her own spiritual process of moving closer to Catholicism. The author of this paper provides an original input into the studies on the literary legacy of Gertrud von le Fort. So far no studies have been conducted on her aphoristic oeuvre from the angle of cultural linguistics that includes axiological aspects of her idiolect. The reflection proves that the esthetically-oriented language of le Fort is based on the idea of mutuality between man and woman and that the images of both sexes found in the writer's aphorisms are consistent with a popular perception rooted in Christian tradition. Theat is why this paper may become an important contribution to further considerations in the field of gender anthropology inferred from Christian literature.
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