Wymagania dotyczące zarówno bezpośrednio parametrów oświetlenia miejsc pracy we wnętrzach jak i czynników, które wpływają na jakość tego oświetlenia, zawarte są w nowej normie, którą przyjęto w końcu roku 2011. Norma ta, opublikowana w oryginale, zastępuje poprzednią, wprowadzoną do normalizacji w roku 2004. W artykule przedstawiono wybrane zagadnienia dotyczące zmian i uzupełnień, przewidzianych w nowej normie.
In this paper the selected issues concerning the revised lighting standard requirements were presented. Appropriate lighting enables people to perform visual tasks efficiently and accurately. New standard concerning indoor work places specifies lighting requirements, necessary for visual performance and comfort: a minimum illuminance on walls and ceilings, cylindrical illuminance and detailed information on modelling, uniformity of illuminance and definition of background area, new luminance limits for luminairesused with display screen equipment, definition of an illuminance grid.
Road lighting is a fundamental public service for the safety of pedestrians and drivers. Due to the global energy crisis and climate change, energy conservation has become a priority in any country. Road lighting should provide the required quality and quantity of illumination in the most efficient manner possible. In this work, a study of lighting conditions was carried out in an Argentinian city, and energy efficiency was evaluated based on three methods. The results and conclusions of the work provide an objective critique of the advantages and disadvantages of applying each method to measure the efficiency of an installation.