Background. Traumatic spinal cord injury (SCI) is a lesion that can affect several spinal structures, including the vertebrae, spinal cord, ligaments, and other adjacent parts of the spine. Traumatic spinal cord injury (SCI) can cause functional changes in patients of different ages. Material and methods. The study aims to determine whether there are social, clinical, and radiological differences between young, middle-aged, and elderly adults with SCI caused by a ground-level fall. This retrospective study analyzed the records of patients with a clinical diagnosis of SCI. It enrolled patients with traumatic spinal cord injury after a ground-level fall divided as follows: young aged adults 18–35 years of age (G1); middle-aged adults aged 36–60 years (G2); and elderly adults aged over 60 years (G3). Their clinical, social, and radiological variables were analyzed. Results. It is observed that low schooling level, being widowed, and being a homemaker were more frequently encountered among elderly adults, whereas being single was more common in middle-aged adults. The morphologic diagnosis of compression fracture and the associated injury of facial trauma occurred more frequently in elderly adults, with an increasing tendency with age. Conservative therapeutic management was most commonly encountered in elderly adults, compared to surgery from a posterior approach in middle-aged adults. Listhesis was better identified in middle-aged adults by computed tomography (CT). Spinal cord contusion and injury to the C1 vertebra were demonstrated in young adults by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Conclusions. 1. Elderly adults with low education level, widowed, and homemakers were more susceptible to SCI caused by a fall. 2. Single marital status was more frequently noted in young adults. 3. The most frequent clinical aspects were the morphological aspect of compression fracture and facial trauma as an associated injury in elderly adults, with the occurrence of facial trauma increasing with age. 4. Conservative therapeutic management was more common in elderly adults than surgery from a posterior approach in middle-aged adults. 5. Regarding the radiological aspects of CT, listhesis was better identified in middle-aged adults. Spinal cord contusions and C1 vertebra lesions were better identified in young adults by MRI.
The article examines methodical and organizational approaches used in the development of information support for business activity results. Accounting data and its analysis, as well as internal control results, form the basis for the information support development. The aspects of accounting and analytical support at different stages of business entity operation have been analyzed with regard to adjustments in regulatory control of economic and accounting issues.
Zbadano metodyczne i organizacyjne podejścia do tworzenia wsparcia informacyjnego dla prezentacji wyników działalności gospodarczej przedsiębiorstwa, które opierają się na informacjach dostarczanych przez rachunkowość, analizę ekonomiczną oraz kontrolę wewnętrzną. Z uwagi na różnorodną działalność przedsiębiorstw zaleca się zróżnicowanie systemu wsparcia księgowo-analitycznego oraz kontroli wewnętrznej zgodnie z trzema poziomami trudności: prostym, o umiarkowanej złożoności i kompleksowym. Ze względu na specyfikę działalności przedsiębiorstw w różnych fazach cyklu ich życia w artykule zaproponowano, by w każdej z wymienionych przez autorów faz, posługiwać się właściwym systemem wsparcia księgowo-analitycznego oraz kontroli wewnętrznej. Zaproponowana modyfikacja wsparcia informacyjnego wyników działalności gospodarczej przedsiębiorstwa w zależności od faz cyklu życia przedsiębiorstwa pozwoli jego kierownictwu uzyskiwać na czas użyteczną informację o wynikach działalności i podejmować niezbędne decyzje w najwcześniejszym możliwym terminie.
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