What is discussed in the presented study are the transformations in the realization and fulfillment of life aspirations of children and youth from the Polish-Czech borderland. This is done in reference to Carol S. Dweck’s concept of motivation and life aspirations, according to which they are fulfilled in two different ways depending on how the nature of human abilities and the reaction to diffi culty and failure are understood. The studies conducted in 1990-1991 and 2014-2015, with the application of the strategy of longitudinal comparisons based on the time criterion, enabled both the recognition of some factors which affected the fulfillment of life aspirations by the young, and the presentation of the relative dynamics of the change and capturing the mechanisms which determine it.
The sense of coherence, as a personality variable, affects an individual’s functioning in its various areas. Some researchers find links between the world of values to life as a mental resource and the sense of coherence. Perceiving the world as reasonable and orderly may be related to the emergence of life aspirations. A group of 162 young adults were surveyed (101 women and 61 men), aged 21–33 (M=22.52; SD=1.85). The survey was based on a questionnaire with the use of the Sense of Coherence Scale and the Life Aspirations Index. The statistical analyses performed revealed positive links between life aspirations and the sense of coherence. In addition, significant statistical differences were identified between the employed and unemployed in the level of sense of coherence and the preferences of individual life goals. The obtained results may be useful in the process of career counselling and human resources management addressed to young adults.
Poczucie koherencji jako zmienna osobowościowa wpływa na funkcjonowanie człowieka w różnych jego obszarach. Niektórzy badacze odnajdują związki między światem wyznawanych wartości jako psychicznych zasobów a poczuciem koherencji. Spostrzeganie świata jako sensownego i uporządkowanego może być związane z ujawnianiem się aspiracji życiowych. Badanie zostało przeprowadzone na grupie 162 młodych dorosłych (101 kobiet i 61 mężczyzn) w wieku 21–33 lat (M=22,52; SD=1,85). Miało ono charakter kwestionariuszowy – wykorzystano w nim Kwestionariusz Orientacji Życiowej oraz Indeks Aspiracji Życiowych. Przeprowadzone analizy statystyczne wskazały pozytywne związki aspiracji życiowych z poczuciem koherencji. Dodatkowo wykazano istotne statystyczne różnice między studentami pracującymi i nieposiadającymi zatrudnienia w nasileniu poczucia koherencji oraz preferencji poszczególnych celów życiowych. Otrzymane wyniki mogą być użyteczne w procesie poradnictwa kariery i zarządzania zasobami ludzkimi skierowanymi do tej grupy młodych dorosłych.
The article presents the results of research into youth conducted with the use of the survey method in the borderlands in Poland, Ukraine and Hungary. The gathered data indicates that the attitudes and life aspirations are formed by three factors. The first one is connected with the type of the borderland, and the “borderland effect” is observed here. The second one regards socio-economic differences between countries. The most commonly observed differences between youth’s attitudes are observed on the West-East line. The third factor is of cultural character and mainly it is formed by psycho-cultural trends resulting from the processes of globalization and the specificity of being young. In this case we observe a global teenager, who aims at fulfilling their needs beyond borders.
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The following article focuses on life aspirations found out among university students of pedagogy faculties in Poland, Latvia and Belarus. The aim of the research was to answer the following questions: How the respondents assume their current educational work experience based on their knowledge? Whether they find it necesary to gain further education for their professional needs? What is the hierarchy of their life aims? What is the respondents attitude towards their own future plans? Do they discuss their future plans with close friends? What personality features and social-demographic factors influence differentiation of life aspirations among university students in individual countries? The research was carried out during scientific internship period in 2016 among 246 respondents in total. The method of diagnostic survey with the use of the author`s questionnaire of auditorial survey was used and the analysis of the material was conducted with the support of SPSS programme.
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