In the article the question of future research faculty of philology by means of library resources and the formation of research skills during this activity is described. The problem of formation of research skills of teachers of philology is one of the important tasks that must realize high school. After all training teachers-philologists involves building knowledge and skills needed for its future professional activity, enhance mental and search activities, research skills and creativity. Every future teacher-scholar must understand the essence of pedagogical and philological phenomena and processes, which is impossible without search (research). That teacher, including a linguist must be in creative search, explore and exploit new scientific achievements in the work. Engagement into research activity is a manifestation of the existing research skills. In addition to knowledge and skills, research activity should be characterized by the following structural elements (components) as motivation, intellectual, purposeful, organizational. The purpose of research is to acquire research skills, in addition, in the course a person acquires new knowledge and skills. It should be noted that since the research activity is a specific way of activity, which requires a special organization of learning activity. Unique is that for conducting research activity cognitive, mental and search activity is implemented. The achievement of formation of research skills of the future teachers-philologists, in our view, largely depends on the formation of information culture, as well as the ability to use library resources, the ability independently to find the process and use information in training. But the formation of research skills of future teachers-philologists by means of library resources is not paid sufficient attention, mastering them is not allocated as a separate component of training, and therefore not actually monitored nor assessed. The author defines research as the ability to understand a set of knowledge, skills and personal property that is able to search and research. Manifestations of activity are interest in it, dedication, courage and ability to formulate statements, development of creative thinking and so on. The pedagogical conditions of formation of research skills of future teachers of philology by means of library resources in view of the problem and developing training is defined.
The article is focused on process of the creating of the Central Military Library's resource over 100 years, since 1919 when the Library was established, with particular emphasis on both, war losses of the years 1939-1945, and the issue of rebuilding the resource after World War against the background of the Polish Peoples Republic's reality.
Artykuł poświęcony jest kształtowaniu zasobu Centralnej Biblioteki Wojskowej na przestrzeni 100 lat, od momentu powołania Biblioteki w roku 1919, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem strat wojennych z lat 1939-1945, a także problematyce odbudowy zasobu po II wojnie światowej w realiach PRL.
W artykule omówiono wyposażenie bibliotek gimnazjalnych w zbiory książek z zakresu literatury popularnej, którą młodzież najchętniej wybiera do czytania w czasie wolnym. Dane pochodzą z badania „Dydaktyka literatury i języka polskiego w gimnazjum w świetle nowej podstawy programowej”, zrealizowanego w 2013 r. na próbce losowej 60 gimnazjów z pięciu województw oraz 73 nauczycieli bibliotekarzy. Tylko około 10% bibliotek gimnazjalnych posiada różnorodne i atrakcyjne dla uczniów zbiory. Paradoksalnie biblioteki gimnazjalne są najsłabiej zaopatrzone w literaturę fantastyczną z dorosłymi bohaterami, której przede wszystkim poszukują czytający chłopcy.
The paper presents selected aspects of the research project Teaching Polish language and literature in lower-secondary school in the light of the new core curriculum, carried out by the Educational Research Institute in 2013, concerning the issue of popular literature collections most frequently read by teenagers, in lower-secondary school libraries. The survey covered a random sample of 73 librarians and 60 lower-secondary schools from five voivodeships. The percentage of schools that do not have collections of this kind, have fewer or more than 100 books in the categories of popular literature identified by Zofia Zasacka, and the percentage of students who borrow these books are presented in the research report. About 10% of lower-secondary school libraries have diverse collections, attractive for their readers. Paradoxically, the most popular reading among boys, i.e. fantastic literature with adult characters, is also the most poorly represented in the libraries.
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