The paper discuses one of the most commented topic in the contemporary science of canon law, that is the bill of subjective rights and obligations set by the ecclesiastical legislator in the Code of canon law for the Western Church. The author analyses the concept of those rights and obligations in the light of the Principles of revision elaborated by the first Synod of Bishops held in 1967. One of the commission’s first actions was to draft a set of principles to guide the work of rethinking the Code, especially the significance of rights and obligations of the Christian faithful. Given the nature of the Catholic Church developed by the Second Vatican Council (communion and participation), the examination of this document let the author to affirm that the main goal was to emphasise the exercise of authority that should have appear more clearly as service and should be free from abuse rather to define and safeguard the rights of persons. Furthermore, it was also possible to determine the correct intention of the Synod Fathers whose idea was to define the subjective rights in term of liberties in the same way in which they are obtainable in catalogues of human rights. Eventually, the author demonstrates consequences related to the new vision of rights and obligations highlighting for example the clear priority of obligations over rights.
Przedmiotem artykułu jest jeden z najbardziej dyskutowanych tematów w kanonistyce posoborowej, tj. podmiotowe prawo osoby ochrzczonej zawarte w przepisach kodeksu prawa kanonicznego z 1983 roku. Poruszana problematyka została poddana analizie w oparciu o zasady rewizji kodeksu wypracowane przez I Synod Biskupów. Autor podkreśla, że zasadniczym zamierzeniem odnowy prawa kościelnego miała być nie tyle pilna konieczność poszerzenia katalogu praw wszystkich wiernych, ile bardziej kwestia sposobu sprawowania władzy rządzenia przez kościelnych przełożonych, którzy winni się wystrzegać arbitralności lub innych form poważnych nadużyć w tym zakresie. W konsekwencji autor wskazuje na przewagę obowiązków nad tzw. prawami i postuluje, by tzw. prawa podmiotowe wyrażać poprzez termin „wolność”, z uwagi na istotę założeń, na których zbudowany jest prawny system Kościoła katolickiego.
In a world where increasingly more voices from different geographical areas talk speak about equality between people, religions are called to uphold and preach human dignity and rights of all people, without taking account of race, sex or religion. In the interreligious dialog, the meetings between representatives of Christianity and Islam have multiplied considerably and they deal with themes analyzing preaching and defending human rights at all levels of life. From the preceding discussion it is clear that the human rights issue is quite sensitive, especially after the latest political, economic and social events that have shaken the world in which we live. After the period of time that the proclamation and recognition of global human rights were made as contained in the various international documents, it was passed into a new phase where the followers of different religions should work together for human dignity and human rights.
The paper aims at presenting Wesley Newcomb Hofeld’s conception of rights and its possible implementations and developments. The Hohfeldian conception of jural correlatives is analysed against the debate on the essence of rights. The Hohfeldian theory could be applied as the point of departure for further research on claims and entitlements in various settings. The paper discusses the recent concept of molecular rights as functional correlatives. The theory of molecular rights is analysed from the perspective of both will and interest theories or rights.
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