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The purpose of the article is to disclose the state of formation of methodological culture of future primary school teachers during their training. Experimental study of our research work was aimed at checking the effectiveness of formation of methodological culture of future primary school teachers during their training. For this purpose, we developed a test program, which was based on the complex of reliable, tested, modified and our own developed methods for determining the levels of formation of the components of methodological culture. Motivational component of the methodological culture of future primary school teachers, the overall structure motifs were found by means of testing methods, ranking, observation, individual interviews and a number of techniques: “Values” (M. Rokicha); T. Ilyina adapted techniques to study the formation of methodological culture in order to motivate students to learning in higher education institutions; study of motivation to professional and methodological activities (adapted from C. Zamfir in modification of A. Rean). Representations of students about the essence of the concept of “methodological culture”, its importance for teachers, components, conditions that allow to raise the level of education of the future teacher’s methodology we determined using a questionnaire. Students were offered a few questions and their task was to choose a particular statement or specify your option. In order to determine the level of methodological training of future elementary school teachers we suggested the adapted technique “Education self-methodological preparation of students” by V. Zverev. Respondents were asked to assess themselves an 8-point scale for each of the proposed statement. Using diagnostic card “The most important methodological skills of the teacher” we attempted to identify the skills needed for students to carry out methodological activities, based on the specifics of an elementary school teacher. The level of formation of professional competence and teaching students that they possessed at workshops on pedagogy, different teaching methods in primary school teaching practice and we have determined by the method of “Letter assess professional and methodological competence of students. “Renzuli creativity questionnaire” was designed to determine the features of the student’s creative component of methodological culture. In order to determine the degree of reflection of students’ educational institutions we used the test questionnaire developed by N. Dudnikova. The prospect of further research is to develop a program of formation of methodological culture of primary school teachers in training.
Content available Pomiar internacjonalizacji przedsiębiorstwa
The degree of internationalization of enterprises is determined by the intensity and scope of their business activity on foreign markets. Enterprises are subject to increasing internationalization in the context of globalization, which also applies to Polish enterprises. However, the actual level of internationalization is unknown because it has not been the subject of research so far. The article consequently sets out to: - review scientific achievements in measuring enterprise internationalization to date - verify and assess the usefulness of the most popular indicator known as the transnationality index (TNI) - propose modifications in this index - promote interest among researchers and businesspeople in methods to measure the internationalization of Polish enterprises. In the empirical part of the article, on the basis of a list of the world’s 100 largest corporations compiled by UNCTAD in 2004, the author developed six analytical indicators and one composite indicator to measure the internationalization of enterprises. A comparison of the results of the research shows that there is no relationship between the analytical measures and the composite indicator. This calls for a search for better methods to measure enterprise internationalization, hence the proposal to modify the method for calculating the ITA, ITS and ITZ analytical indices, which make up the TNI index. The principal difference is based on changing the content of these indices so that the internationalization of assets, sales and employment in a given corporation is measured in relation to the corresponding values for all transnational corporations. The analytical indices of internationalization calculated in this way as the basis for the TNI index should better reflect the actual level of internationalization.
The article aims to show changes in the level and intensity of intra-industry trade between the Central European Free Trade Association (CEFTA) and the European Union. The analysis covers the period from CEFTA’s inception to the time when most of its member countries joined the EU. The structure of trade was examined using the Gruber-Lloyd indices of intra-industry trade (IIT), which are frequently used in such analyses. The IIT indices were calculated for 5,712 products according to 6-digit CN classification divided into 31 sections. The analysis showed that in 1993-2003: - The Gruber-Lloyd intra-industry trade indices for CEFTA’s trade with EU countries increased considerably. The greatest increase was noted for Poland (85%), Romania (61%), the Czech Republic (54%) and Slovakia (43%), while the slowest growth in the IIT index was reported for Bulgaria (20%). - The analyzed period marked a clear diversification in the growth of IIT indices by CN section in reference to individual countries. Countries with the lowest IIT indices (Bulgaria, Romania and Slovakia) modified the structures of their trade with EU countries to a greater extent than countries with relatively high indices. - Another important change is that most countries displayed a tendency toward concentration of trade with the highest IIT indices in an increasingly smaller number of CN sections. Notably, there was also a “shift” in the concentration of the highest IIT indices toward sections 15-20, meaning those characterized by a relatively high level of innovation and technological advancement.
Content available Some Parity Statistics in Integer Partitions
We study integer partitions with respect to the classical word statistics of levels and descents subject to prescribed parity conditions. For instance, a partition with summands λ1≥⋯≥λk may be enumerated according to descents λi >λi+1 while tracking the individual parities of λi and λi+1. There are two types of parity levels, E=E and O=O, and four types of parity-descents, E>E, E>O, O>E and O>O, where E and O represent arbitrary even and odd summands. We obtain functional equations and explicit generating functions for the number of partitions of n according to the joint occurrence of the two levels. Then we obtain corresponding results for the joint occurrence of the four types of parity-descents. We also provide enumeration results for the total number of occurrences of each statistic in all partitions of n together with asymptotic estimates for the average number of parity-levels in a random partition.
In this paper the main difficulty concerning Hartmann’s theory of the objectivated spirit is analyzed. Firstly, I reconstruct the main theses of Hart- mann’s stratalism. Secondly, I demonstrate three main forms of the spiritual being: a personal spirit, an objective spirit and an objectivated spirit. Thirdly, I analyze the main difficulty of this theory: understanding the objectivated spi- rit as being composed of two layers. Important is also the lack of distinction between objectivated spirit and objectivation. Fourthly, I present some interpretations proposed by other scholars interested in Hartmann’s philosophy.
Content available remote Droga do trójwymiarowości w grach komputerowych
W artykule prześledzono historię rozwoju gier komputerowych z punktu widzenia silników graficznych, od pierwszej gry do gier w pełni korzystajacych z trójwymiarowości. Analizę przeprowadzono pod kątem projektowania poziomów w grach tzw. level designing. Wraz ze wzrostem zainteresowania coraz dokładniejszym i bardziej realistycznym środowiskiem w grze potęgowało się zapotrzebowanie na coraz lepsze i wydajniejsze komputery i karty graficzne. Tak więc gry komputerowe stymulowały rozwój komputerów. Praca niniejsza pokazuje ten proces krok po kroku.
This article tells about developing of the computer games. The main point of view is history of the game engines, from first game to the games fully using 3 d. In this analisys the main aspect is level designing. Along with growth of interest exact more and request more beter was increased in game more reallistic environment and efficient computers and graphic cards. So, computer games stimulated development of computer. The present work shows this process step by step.
Content available remote Zmiany infrastruktury polskiej wsi w warunkach Unii Europejskiej
The paper presents a comparative analysis of a separation of rural areas and subsequently basing on the definition of rural areas by TERYT the analysis of changes of infrastructure (mainly technical and social) in the country, urban areas and rural areas in the years 2003-2009 has been presented. As a result of external circumstances, including financial support of the European Union the pace of changes in rural areas accelerates, especially with regard to the level of infrastructure. Moreover, the present evolution of function of rural areas has been characterised in terms of Poland’s accession to the European Union.
Content available remote Analiza konstrukcji uchwytów obróbkowych w aspekcie montażu
Rozpatrywanym problemem w artykule jest porównanie zastosowania dwóch typów uchwytów w operacji wykonania dokładnych otworów w dźwigni. Porównano zaprojektowany uchwyt specjalny i modułowy. Założono wielkość produkcji oraz określono przybliżony czas wykonania oprzyrządowania. Porównano czasy zamocowania obrabianej dźwigni w uchwycie i koszty zastosowanych elementów.
The problem that was examined in this article was to compare the use of two types of handles in precise drilling operation in the lever. Study was taking into consideration both special handle and modular handle. A throughput was assumed as well as an approximate time of development was determined. Times of fastening the worked lever in the handle and costs of applied elements were compared.
In the article, attention has been focused on the concepts of “competitiveness” and “volitional quality”. We have described the content, motivational, emotional and volitional, operational components, within the limits of which the structure of competitiveness of the future doctors and pharmacists is determined at the presence of information technology competence (IT competence) formed during teaching the disciplines of naturally scientific training. The volitional qualities, what the future specialists develop and show in the process of formation of IT competence during teaching the disciplines of naturally scientific training, have been systematized. We have come to the conclusion that volitional qualities of the future doctors and pharmacists, which develop in the process of formation of IT competence during teaching the disciplines of naturally scientific training, should be divided into four groups, i.e. by spatial, time, energy and information parameters. The method of evaluation of levels of volitional qualities of the future doctors and pharmacists on condition of acquisition IT competence by them during teaching the disciplines of naturally scientific training has been offered, which provides the questionnaire survey of subjects of educational process with the use the formulated questions and implementation of algorithm of evaluation of its results with the use of the appropriate statistical methods. The high, middle, satisfactory and low (unsatisfactory) levels of volitional qualities, which develop at the future specialists in the process of formation of IT competence during teaching the disciplines of naturally scientific training, have been described. We have come to the conclusions on the levels of volitional qualities for each of participants of research as the results of the questionnaire survey. The results of the questionnaire survey with the use of statistical methods and the proper algorithm have been estimated. It has been found out, that the process of formation of IT competence during teaching the disciplines of naturally scientific training with the use of the developed manuals allows the future specialists to develop their volitional qualities effectively.
The paper presents a theoretical method for assessing the level of corporate social responsibility (CSR) using original concept of CSR continuum model (CSR CM). The CSR CM constitutes from two main parameters: the institutional level of CSR and the CSR area. Theoretical background for the institutional levels is the CMM concept. The identified areas of the CSR CM consist of such as: employees, customers, suppliers, local community and natural environment.
W artykule zaprezentowano teoretyczne ujęcie sposobu oceny poziomu społecznej odpowiedzialności przedsiębiorstw za pomocą autorskiego modelu kontinuum SOP (MK SOP). Konstrukcja modelu opiera się o dwa zasadnicze parametry: instytucjonalny poziom SOP oraz obszary społecznej odpowiedzialności. Teoretycznym tłem dla poziomów instytucjonalnych jest koncepcja Modelu Dojrzałości Procesowej CMM. W ramach obszarów społecznej odpowiedzialności przedsiębiorstw wyodrębniono takie obszary jak: pracownicy, dostawcy, klienci, społeczność lokalna i środowisko przyrodnicze.
Artykuł obejmuje zagadnienia dotyczące poziomu wykształcenia ludności w krajach Unii Europejskiej w kontekście szansy dla rozwoju społecznego i ekonomicznego. Celem prowadzonych analiz było ukazanie zmian zachodzących w poziomie wykształcenia ludności oraz w rozwoju społeczno-ekonomicznym krajów w latach 2006–2015 oraz zależności pomiędzy wskaźnikami opisującymi badane kwestie. Do oceny podjętej problematyki uwzględniono takie wskaźniki jak: odsetek ludności według osiągniętego poziomu wykształcenia w wieku 15–64 lata, odsetek osób z wyższym wykształceniem w wieku 30-34 lata, odsetek ludności przedwcześnie kończących edukację w wieku 18–24 lata oraz niepracujących i nieuczących się w wieku 15–24 lata, uczestnictwo w kształceniu osób w wieku 25–64 lata, produkt krajowy brutto na 1 mieszkańca, dochody ludności, zagrożenie ubóstwem lub wykluczeniem społecznym. Źródłem danych empirycznych były informacje pochodzące z Europejskiego Urzędu Statystycznego. Analizie poddano 28 krajów Unii Europejskiej. W większości krajów Unii Europejskiej następuje wzrost poziomu wykształcenia ludności oraz obniża się odsetek osób przedwcześnie kończących naukę. Poziom i wzrost wykształcenia społeczeństwa europejskiego znajduje swoje odzwierciedlenie w poziomie i rozwoju społeczno-ekonomicznym krajów.
Article covers issues related to the education level of the population in the countries of the European Union in the context of opportunity for social and economic development. The aim of this analysis was to show changes in the level of education of the population and socio-economic development of countries in the years 2006–2015 and the relationships between indicators describing the investigated issues. To evaluate the issues taken into account indicators such as the percentage of the population by level of education attained at the age of 15–64 years, the proportion of people with higher education aged 30–34, the percentage of the population of early school leavers aged 18–24 and unemployed and non-learning aged 15–24, participation in education of persons aged 25–64 years, gross domestic product per 1 capita income of the population, the risk of poverty or social exclusion. The source of empirical information was derived from the European Statistical Office. We analyzed 28 European Union countries. In most countries, the European Union is an increase education of the population and reduces the rate of early school leavers. The increase in education of European society is reflected in the social and economic development of countries.
Content available remote A Standardised Test as a Tool for the Reliable Verification of Acquired Knowledge
This article deals with the testing of the achieved language skills of students in a higher education institution. Various forms of testing are reviewed, including the phenomenon of electronic testing (e-testing). A common problem when testing is the validity and the reliability of the tests. It is for this reason that for the research a standardized tool - mock test - was used and converted into electronic form. The aim of the research was to verify, through the aforementioned tests, whether students of English at the Institute of Technology and Business in České Budějovice (ITB), after completing the first two semesters of general English (the course was preceded with English acquisition at primary and secondary schools), actually achieved a B1+ level according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) for the written part of the test.
W pracy przedstawiono wielkość i strukturę kosztów przepływów surowcowo-towarowych w gospodarstwach warzywniczych w aspekcie powierzchni produkcyjnej oraz odległości od rynków zaopatrzenia i zbytu. Badania przeprowadzono na próbie 30 obiektów położonych w rejonie Polski Południowej. Stwierdzono, że najwyższe koszty przepływów występowały w gospodarstwach najmniejszych - 17,0 tys. zł x ha-1, w których stanowiły one 81,6% kosztów mechanizacji, najniższe zaś w gospodarstwach największych - 7,6 tys. zł x ha-1 (56,8%). W strukturze kosztów, niezależnie od przyjętego podziału, najniższy udział kosztów transportu występował w fazie zapatrzenia, a najwyższy - w fazie dystrybucji.
Paper presented the value and structure of costs connected with raw material - commodity flows in vegetable growing farms, in aspect of production area and distance to the supply and sale markets. The study were carried out on a pattern of 30 objects located in region of the South Poland. It was stated that the highest flow costs (17.0 thousand PLN x ha-1) occurred in the smallest farms, achieving 81.6% of mechanization costs, whereas the lowest costs (7.6 thousand PLN x ha-1, i.e. 56.8%) occurred in largest farms. In the structure of costs - irrespective of assumed division - the lowest share of transport costs occurred in phase of supply, while the highest ones - in distribution phase.
The analysis of the influence of planned increase of sand output from under water in “Obora” sandpit on water relations of neighboring areas is conducted in this paper. The bases for the performed simulations were mathematical models based on Boussinesq equations and hydrodynamic dispersion equations. The model includes all most important factors occurring in a given area influencing the hydroisohipses system and lines of chemical pollutant concentrations. Apart from typical hydrogeological elements such as water-courses, wells, and supplying from the aeration zone, the terrain’s depression caused by copper ore exploitation was also considered. As results from the carried out multi-variant simulation computations, the planned sand output will not cause the formation of depression hopper and will not significantly deteriorate the quality of underground water in the area surrounding the sandpit.
Content available Lingwista wobec języka uczuć
The goal of the paper is collecting hitherto existing ways of understanding the concept of the language of feelings by linguists and suggesting a way of describing the language of feelings. This question was the subject interest of such researchers as Wierzbicka, Grabias, Nowakowska-Kempna, Awdiejew, Habrajska, Pajdzińska, and Data. Taking into account the levels of a language, included in communication grammar, the author considers naming of feelings and expressing them. The naming is contained in the ideation level, the expressing – in the interaction level. Examining utterances with reference to the language of feelings one can notice that it is not easy to show a borderline between the mentioned levels. The difficulties are mainly connected with two questions. The first one consists in using the names of feelings for expressing them, in which the feelings are expressed by naming them. The second question is the emotive marking of the names of feelings or emotive naming of reactions which can manifest the feeling. The analysis the utterances including naming and expressing feelings proves that the phenomenon in question occurs in various scopes and manifest in diverse means of language.
Celem referatu jest zebranie dotychczasowych sposobów rozumienia zagadnienia języka uczuć przez lingwistów oraz zaproponowanie sposobu opisu języka uczuć. Zagadnienie to było przedmiotem zainteresowania takich badaczy jak Wierzbicka, Grabias, Nowakowska-Kempna, Awdiejew, Habrajska, Pajdzińska, Data. Biorąc pod uwagę poziomy języka, uwzględniane w gramatyce komunikacyjnej, autorka rozważa zjawiska nazywanie uczuć oraz ich wyrażania. Nazywanie mieści się na poziomie ideacyjnym, Wyrażanie – na poziomie interakcyjnym. Badając wypowiedzi pod względem języka uczuć, zauważyć można, że nie zawsze łatwo jest wskazać granicę między wymienionymi poziomami. Trudności te związane są przede wszystkim z dwiema kwestiami. Pierwsza z nich polega na wykorzystaniu nazw uczuć do ich wyrażania, mamy wtedy do czynienia z wyrażaniem uczuć za pomocą ich nazywania. Druga kwestia to emotywne nacechowania nazw uczuć albo też emotywne nazywanie reakcji mogących świadczyć o uczuciu. Analiza wypowiedzi, zawierających nazywanie i wyrażanie uczuć dowodzi, że w różnych odmianach języka omawiane zjawisko występuje w bardzo różnych zakresach i przejawia się bardzo zróżnicowanymi środkami językowymi).
Celem artykułu jest rozpoznanie poziomu zaspokojenia potrzeb mieszkańców miejscowości o charakterze turystycznym i udowodnienie, że turystyka wpływa na kształtowanie się tego poziomu. Realizacji celu posłużyły wyniki badań przeprowadzonych w 2014 roku w Krynicy-Zdrój wśród 550 osób. Narzędziem badawczym był autorski kwestionariusz ankiety zaprojektowany na potrzeby badania. Badanie przeprowadzono techniką PAPI. W rezultacie stwierdzono, że ocena poziomu zaspokojenia potrzeb mieszkańców Krynicy-Zdój jest ponadprzeciętna; Krynica-Zdrój w opinii mieszkańców jest postrzegana jako miejscowość typowo turystyczna, która rozwija się dzięki turystyce; im większa świadomość mieszkańców Krynicy-Zdrój turystycznego charakteru miejscowości, tym wyższy poziom zaspokojenia ich potrzeb. W związku z tym podmioty podaży turystycznej winny dążyć do uatrakcyjnienia oferty miejsca, co przekłada się na korzyści płynące nie tylko dla nich, ale również dla mieszkańców miejsc recepcji przez poprawę ich warunków życia.
The aim of the article is to identify the level of meeting the needs of the inhabitants of tourist destinations, proving that tourism influences the development of this level. To realise this aim a survey was carried out in 2004, in Krynica-Zdrój, among 550 respondents. The research tool was a survey questionnaire designed solely for the purpose of this study. The study was conducted using the PAPI technique. As a result, the level of meeting the needs of the inhabitants of Krynica-Zdrój was rated above the average; Krynica-Zdrój, in the opinion of inhabitants, is perceived as a typical tourist destination which develops thanks to tourism. The greater the awareness of the inhabitants of Krynica-Zdrój of the touristic character of the place, the higher the level of meeting their needs. Consequently, the suppliers of tourism services in the area should strive to make their offer more attractive, which will result in benefits not only for them but also for the residents of the touristic area, by improving their living conditions.
Цель статьи – определить уровень удовлетворения потребностей жителей местностей туристского характера и доказать, что туризм влияет на формирование этого уровня. Достижению цели послужили результаты обследований, проведенных в 2014 г. в Крынице-Здруй среди 550 человек. Исследовательским инструментом был авторский вопросник анкеты, спроектированный для нужд обследования. Опрос провели по методу PAPI. В результате констатировали, что оценка уровня удовлетворения потребностей жителей КрыницыЗдруй более чем средняя; Крыница-Здруй по мнению жителей воспринимается как типично туристская местность, которая развивается благодаря туризму; чем более высокое сознание жителями Крыницы-Здруй туристского характе- ра местности, тем более высокий уровень удовлетворения их потребностей. В этой связи субъекты туристского предложения должны стремиться повышать привлекательность предложения места, что ведет к выгодам, вытекаю- щим не только для них, но и для жителей мест приема туристов посредством улучшения их бытовых условий.
Przedstawiono poziom i strukturę kosztów infrastruktury logistycznej oraz udział tych kosztów w całkowitych kosztach produkcji, nadwyżce bezpośredniej oraz wartości produkcji towarowej. Określono również wskaźniki aktywności zasobów logistyki, efektywności wykorzystania infrastruktury logistycznej oraz inwestycyjności logistycznej. Stwierdzono, że koszty infrastruktury logistycznej w zależności od typu gospodarstwa stanowią w całkowitych kosztach produkcji 36,4%-69,4%.
The paper presents the level and structure of logistic infrastructure costs and the share of these costs in total production costs, direct surplus and commodity production value. Moreover, the research allowed to determine activity indexes for logistics resources, logistic infrastructure utilization efficiency, and logistic investment potential. Among other things it has been found that, depending on farm type, logistic infrastructure costs constitute 36.4% - 69.4% of total production costs.
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