The subject of the study is a highly controversial issue related to the criminal law assessment of an intraneus act for non-executive forms of criminal cooperation, which is discussed in the literature on criminal law. Deliberations are conducted in the context of the crime of infanticide specified in Article 149 of the Penal Code. As a result of the deliberations, the author determines that in the legal language of the Penal Code a given type of prohibited act specified in the special part of the Penal Code or the Non-Codex Criminal Act, it always refers to all forms of committing a prohibited act in terms of Chapter II of the Penal Code: executive, non-executive forms, as well as stadium forms.
Przedmiotem opracowania jest wysoce sporne w literaturze z zakresu prawa karnego zagadnienie związane z karnoprawną oceną czynu intraneusa za niewykonawcze formy współdziałania przestępnego. Rozważania prowadzone są w kontekście przestępstwa dzieciobójstwa określonego w art. 149 k.k. W wyniku poprowadzonych rozważań autor ustala, iż w języku prawnym Kodeksu karnego dany typ czynu zabronionego określony w części szczególnej k.k. bądź ustawy karnej pozakodeksowej, swoje odniesienie ma zawsze do wszystkich form popełnienia czyn zabronionego w ujęciu rozdziału II k.k., a więc form wykonawczych, niewykonawczych, a także form stadialnych.
The object of considerations is legal issue of qualification of legal relations as cultivation contract in accordance with article 613–622 of Civil Code. Cultivation contract has productive character. Its subject is closely related to the manufacturing process in agriculture, where at the same time it is important starting position in the chain of supply of agricultural products, although sometimes it is regarded by mistake as sale or delivery contract. Judicial decisions, analyzed in the article confirm the existence of several model features, which occurence in particular legal relationship makes it a part of cultivation contract. While lack of characteristic features for code model of contracting causes that the agreement is not recognized as cultivation contract in the meaning of article 613–626 of Civil Code. Features of cultivation contract highlighted in the judicial practice can be divided into features so called connected with subjective aspects – parties to the contract and features connected with object of the contract. Party to the contract may be agricultural producer, who produces agricultural products in his own farm in productive process, and provides it to contracting person, and of course contracting person (most often entrepreneur). The subject of performance is “facere” – production and delivery of fixed amount of agricultural products, produced in own farm.
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The object of considerations is legal issue of qualification of legal relations as cultivation contract in accordance with article 613–622 of Civil Code. Cultivation contract has productive character. Its subject is closely related to the manufacturing process in agriculture, where at the same time it is important starting position in the chain of supply of agricultural products, although sometimes it is regarded by mistake as sale or delivery contract. Judicial decisions, analyzed in the article confirm the existence of several model features, which occurence in particular legal relationship makes it a part of cultivation contract. While lack of characteristic features for code model of contracting causes that the agreement is not recognized as cultivation contract in the meaning of article 613–626 of Civil Code. Features of cultivation contract highlighted in the judicial practice can be divided into features so called connected with subjective aspects – parties to the contract and features connected with object of the contract. Party to the contract may be agricultural producer, who produces agricultural products in his own farm in productive process, and provides it to contracting person, and of course contracting person (most often entrepreneur). The subject of performance is “facere” – production and delivery of fixed amount of agricultural products, produced in own farm.
W tekście przedstawiono problematykę dotyczącą wskazania przez oskarżyciela, w tym także przez oskarżyciela publicznego, kwalifikacji prawnej czynu oraz znaczenie tej czynności dla możliwości sprawowania przez oskarżonego skutecznej obrony. Wskazano na zależność zachodzącą pomiędzy granicami oskarżenia a granicami rozpoznania sprawy przez sąd karny i granicami obrony. Omówiono problematykę notyfikacji podejrzanemu i oskarżonemu zmian w obrębie kwalifikacji prawnej oraz uprawnienia sądu w tym zakresie, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem regulacji zawartej w art. 399 § 1 k.p.k. Omówiono wątpliwości narosłe wokół stosowania art. 80 k.p.k. oraz jego wpływ na stosowanie instytucji obrony obligatoryjnej.
The text presents problems concerning the indication by prosecutor, including public prosecuting attorney, of the legal classification of the offence and the importance of this activity for the defendant’s ability to effectively defend himself or herself. It points to the relationship between the scope of indictment and the scope of examination of the case by penal court and the scope of defence. It discusses the issues of notifying the suspect and the defendant of changes made within the legal classification and the court’s powers in this respect, with particular stress on the regulation contained in Article 399 § 1 of the Polish Code of Criminal Procedure. Concerns about the application of Article 80 of the Code of Criminal Procedure and its impact on the use of compulsory defence institutions were also discussed.
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