The Act on Museums of 1996 regulated peculiar challenges faced by museums. At the same time it separated museum preservation of archaeological heritage from the system of the preservation of monuments. From that moment onwards those museums whose collections were movable archaeological heritage were obliged in their museum procedures to comply with the regulations of two acts: the afore-mentioned Act on Museum and the Act on the Protection and Guardianship of Historical Monuments of 2003, together with its implementing regulations. The ordinance of the Minister of Culture and Art on the standard for registering heritage items in museums introduced quite a revolutionary change in the registering of archaeological heritage in those institutions as for object inventorying. The registering was to be from then on applied only to single tangible heritage items, and not to archaeological sites together with all the collections like in previous years. The change implied quite a lot of organizational repercussions, including difficulties in defining the collection’s countability and its financial worth, or the unequivocal item’s identification. The challenges caused are, among others, problems with the decisions how to qualify different historic groups of scientific sources to be entered into museum documents. This is connected with the necessity to differentiate and define what archaeological mass finds versus museum objects are in museum registers. New principles of museum object identification were introduced, and their implementation in the documentation practice forced significant changes in the attitude to the traditionally perceived methodology of creating information on archaeological monuments. Furthermore, the value assessment of archaeological monuments is questionable. It is the lack of standards for assessing the value of this group of monuments that is related to this issue.
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Artykuł prezentuje zmiany prawne wprowadzone w roku 2023, które dotykają swoim zakresem regulacji procesu rozwoju projektów instalacji odnawialnych źródeł energii (elektrownie fotowoltaiczne i wiatrowe). Wskazano zmianę przepisów kwalifikujących systemy fotowoltaiczne jako przedsięwzięcia mogące potencjalnie znacząco oddziaływać na środowisko. Wychodząc z praktycznego przykładu elektrowni fotowoltaicznej wskazano na trudności interpretacyjne zmienionego brzmienia rozporządzenia OOŚ. Wskazano też zmiany tzw. ustawy ocenowej, przez które uproszczona została procedura wydania decyzji o środowiskowych uwarunkowaniach dla przedsięwzięć realizowanych w granicach parków krajobrazowych i obszarów chronionego krajobrazu. Przeanalizowano zmiany w systemie planowania przestrzennego w kontekście inwestycji z zakresu elektrowni fotowoltaicznych. Analizie poddano także ustawę określającą możliwości lokalizacyjne elektrowni wiatrowych.
The article presents legal changes introduced in 2023, which affect the regulation of the development process of renewable energy installations projects (photovoltaic and wind power plants). Legal changes qualifying photovoltaic systems as a projects potentially capable of having a significant impact on the environment were indicated. Starting with a practical example of photovoltaic power plant, problems of interpretation of amended text of the EIA regulation were pointed out. Amendments to the so-called Assessment Act were also indicated, which simplified the procedure for issuing a decision on environmental conditions for projects implemented within the boundaries of landscape parks and protected landscape areas. Then, legal changes in spatial planning system in the context of investments in the field of photovoltaic power plants were analysed. An analysis was also made of the act defining the location possibilities of wind farms.
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