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Fr. prof. Władysław Piwowarski is known in Poland and abroad primarily as a sociologist of religion. His sociological works are an important component (one would like to say – classic) of the Polish sociology of religion, they have determined and still determine its development. Most of them closed a certain stage in the development of the sociology of religion in Poland and opened a new one. Today it would be difficult to imagine a thorough study of religiosity without taking into account the sociological achievements of Fr. prof. Piwowarski. In this study, we will only focus on selected aspects of his concept of the sociology of religion (sociology of religion as a sociological subdiscipline), religiosity as a subject of sociological research, methodological problems of the sociology of religion). We ignore his scientific achievements in the fields of sociology of morality, social philosophy, Catholic social science and pastoral theology.
Content available remote Maria Sklodowska-Curie - scientist, friend, manager
Great names in science represent an inexhaustible source and richness of inspiration, satisfaction and consolation, a moving and victorious force. Throughout her exemplifying life, Maria Sklodowska remained modest but with a keen sense of humor, of an outstanding style, a mine of knowledge and experience, of innovative ideas and a rich inner life. Full of love, of passion to give and to share, of natural optimism, mixed with a light melancholy, so typical for sages. She vehemently defended the love of scientific research, of the spirit of adventure and entrepreneurship and fought for international culture, for the protection of personality and talent. Maria Sklodowska left her passion to science, her dedication to work including education and training of young people, her passionate adherence to her family, her belief in her friends, her pure and profound humanity and warmth!The paper should be a homage to her, an appreciation of her work over the years, but not less a correspondence, a conversation with her! On the other hand, the present solemn occasion resuscitates the personalities of Maria and Pierre Curie and their work, in particular of Maria Sklodowska in her own native land! In this manner, it truly contributes to her immortality!
The work Daddy #3 (2012) by Italian artist Giulia Andreani, inspired by a photographic archive, represents Heinrich Himmler with his daughter Gudrun. By means of adapting the photographic image into painting, the artist evokes the burden, sometimes heavy to carry, of family legacies. Moreover, Daddy #3 reveals Andreani’s interest in the woman artist figure, and in the issue of artistic heritage. The painting, which provokes one to ponder the political uses of the image of the family, can also be seen as one of the rare works of art representing an emotional relationship between a father and his daughter.
Praca przedstawia wybitny charakter profesora Wiktora Zina – architekta – nauczyciela – popularyzatora – uczonego – i przyjaciela kilku pokoleń młodych ludzi. W artykule przyjrzymy się charakterowi i pracy Profesora z perspektywy jego studenta. Interesującym dodatkiem są referencje do multimedialnych materiałów źródłowych.
The work presents the outstanding character of professor Wiktor Zin – an architect – teacher – populariser – scholar – and a friend of several generations of young people. The article takes a look at the character and work of the Professor from the perspective of a student of his. References to multimedia source materials are an interesting addition.
Purpose: Due to the increasing importance attached to how corporations attempt to build their legitimacies, it is not to be avoided to gain insight whether strategies they can implement can be assessed as being fair from the point of view of stakeholders. Because the way in which organizations communicate with stakeholders can be considered as being one of the sources of corporate legitimacy special attention should be paid to the level of sincerity and fairness in messages send to stakeholders by corporations. When analyzing the process of communication from this point of view symbols and symbolic management may become relevant factors. The paper determines circumstances under which corporations can use or resign from using impression management techniques, which is believed to be related to how they perceive both sources of their power over stakeholder (be it legitimacy or other established way of rendering stakeholders’ judgment about those corporations) and the level of uncertainty related to their operations carried out within given sectoral environment. Design/methodology/approach: The work is based on literature studies and critical review of hitherto established ways of analyzing symbolic management and its possible impact on how corporations take part in communication process aimed at legitimacy building. Findings: Research propositions have been built based on analysis that reveals how organizational failures in carrying out activities related to indicated types of legitimacy are expected to impact on the probability of making use of impression management techniques. Research limitations/implications: Limited number of types of legitimacy has been taken into account. Practical implications: Because impression management techniques may lead companies to problems with building relationships with stakeholders, companies need to take care of when they could be more inclined to use those techniques. Then in spite of greater probability that those techniques may be implemented, companies may decide on more sincere communication. Originality/value: The approaches to problems related to impression management techniques should allow for showing that in addition to phenomena like legitimacy or reputation, those related to stigmatization and disapproval appear to be significant when analyzing corporate communication. The communication when being symbolic not necessarily should be disregarded.
When it was decided in the late summer of 1990 that the Soviet troops would withdraw completely from the recently unified Federal Republic of Germany by the end of 1994, the modalities and logistical details of the withdrawal of people and material soon developed into a heated political issue. The ‘Russians’ and the spaces they had occupied since the end of the Second World War quickly became important topics in the newly unified German society, and their impact during this highly dynamic and confusing period cannot be underestimated. In particular, the German mass media played an immensely important role in the public and symbolic imagination of these perpetual ‘strangers’ and their spaces. In some parts of the media, these spaces were portrayed as requiring an urgent transformation so that they could become ‘German’ again. Via the social images of the post-Soviet military bases, this article discusses the immediate and longterm consequences of attributions and categorizations of the ‘Russian’ past and argues that those contested images also allow insights into the functioning of society’s self-understanding discourses in reunified Germany.
In Kazanie o śmierci (A sermon about death), Polish writer and Jesuit preacher Piotr Skarga wrote: reward wrongs, write a last will. Hence, the authors of ars bene moriendi manuals from 16th and 17th centuries were of the opinion that the last will was an indispensable step on the road towards a good death. They argued that the last will enabled the testator to erase the committed wrongs, secure his family and leave his worldly affairs in good order.
Język Polski
tom 96
nr 3
Przedmiotem rozważań jest pytanie o status i miejsce gwary we współczesnej rzeczywistości językowej, społecznej, kulturowej i cywilizacyjnej oraz w przestrzeni globalnej, regionalnej i lokalnej. Czy jest postrzegana jako dziedzictwo językowe i kulturowe, czy jako niepotrzebny balast obciążający, bez elementu dziedzictwa i tożsamości? W artykule zostały przywołane różne stanowiska i postawy wobec gwary: akceptacji, negacji i wyparcia, nieświadomości, ucieczki, dziedzictwa rozmytego i zapomnianego. W konkluzji wskazano na ambiwalentne odbieranie gwary – od akceptacji po całkowitą negację – z położeniem nacisku na dziedzictwo ciągle żywe i trwale wpisujące się w strukturę językową miejsca i regionu.
The article sets out to answer the question regarding the status and place of the local dialect in the linguistic reality of today, in contemporary society, culture and civilization as well as in global, regional and local space. Is it perceived as linguistic and cultural legacy or an undesirable burden with no legacy and identity? The thesis is corroborated by exposing various attitudes towards the local dialect: acceptance, negation and rejection, unawareness, evasion, vague and forgotten legacy. The conclusion to be drawn points to the ambivalent perception of the local dialect, ranging from acceptance to complete negation, with the emphasis on legacy still alive and permanently embedded in the linguistic structure of place and region.
Content available Spotkania z Arturem Danielem Liskowackim
Largely based on the correspondence of Anna Frajlich with Artur Daniel Liskowacki, the article gives an account of the key moments and nature of their acquaintance, including their various collaborations.
Artykuł relacjonuje kluczowe momenty i elementy znajomości, okazyjnej współpracy, głównie korespondencyjnej, Anny Frajlich z Arturem Danielem Liskowackim.
The so-called principle of personal character of a testament becomes more and more often raised as an argument by Polish legal scholars. The text provides the first systematic analysis of the principle in Polish law. In order to verify the opinion that such a principle is a norm, two approaches have been used: a theoretical one (based on Dworkin’s and Alexy’s concept of principles and rules) and a practical one (based on concepts developed in the context of an academic analysis of Polish private law). The validity of the principle of personal character of testament is unquestionable in the light of Article 944 § 2 of the Polish Civil Code, which prohibits making and revoking testaments by a representative. There is, however, a wide range of situations with no clear answer concerning the applicability of that principle, and these situations have been analysed in the text. Basically, third party impact on testament content should be considered unacceptable, while such impact on testament effects is admissible. An example of the former might be a special purpose bequest (zapis celowy) instead of a bequest specifying an obligation. On the other hand, an example of an acceptable disposition might be letting a third party choose from among possible objects of a bequest. The latter would not be admissible by naming an heir (however, not because of the principle of personal character of a testament, but because of the regulations concerning the form of a testament), which made the issue controversial among Polish legal scholars (the so-called variant or alternative bequest (zapis wariantowy or zapis alternatywny) has been accepted by the Polish Supreme Court lately). The analysis presented in the text also affirms the admissibility of a third party aid in revoking a testament by destroying it with the intention of revoking (according to Article 946 of the Polish Civil Code). Finally, the principle of personal character of a testament is used in the text to mark the boundaries of the allowed interpretation of a testament. As a result, the analysed principle is accepted as valid (in both theoretical and practical sense of the notion of a principle) in Polish law. It has, however, smaller (than expected by some other authors) impact on the way of interpreting the provisions of Polish inheritance law.
The aim of this paper is to discuss some features of the doctrines of the agrapha dogmata in Neoplatonism, starting from the reading of an anecdote, presented in the Anonymous Prolegomena to Platonic Philosophy, in which Plato dreams that close to death he becomes a swan which hunters are unable to catch. In fact, the dream is an explanation of the development of the Platonic tradition, and, more precisely, it presents a story of several exegetical disagreements that have survived till the present day. Compared to modern interpretation of the Aristotelic testimony on the “so-called unwritten doctrines”, we can state that the late antique interpretations of them focus and depend on what Plato has left us in his written dialogues, which are the best living images of his oral dialogues. This conclusion is, then, a consequence of a study carried out on Ancient and Neoplatonic texts that leads to the acknowledgement of a Platonic philosophical system as well as to an overview of modern secondary bibliography produced by the esoteric interpretation of Plato and various views of scholars who are against this account.
W sprzecznych wyobrażeniach o przeszłości bośniacko-osmańskiej, w latach dziewięćdziesiątych XX wieku reinterpretowanej pragmatycznie przez pryzmat nacjonalizmu w krajach byłej Jugosławii, najsłynniejsze postacie w historii Bośni zazwyczaj przedstawiane są w bardzo różny sposób. W tym kontekście laureat Nagrody Nobla Ivo Andrić wyróżnia się jako jeden z najczęściej przywoływanych (i krytykowanych) pisarzy bośniackich. Rozpad republiki Jugosławii miał ogromny wpływ na ocenę Andricia i jego dzieł. Do twórczości Andricia rościli sobie prawa przede wszystkim Serbowie, a w mniejszym stopniu także i Chorwaci. Boszniacy natomiast starali się wręcz wymazać pisarza z kart historii, klasyfikując go jako zagorzałego zwolennika orientalizmu.Artykuł przedstawia prezentowany przez Andricia wariant orientalizmu, umiejętnie wkomponowany w jego twórczość literacką, widoczny także w jedynym napisanym przez niego dziele naukowym – pracy doktorskiej zatytułowanej Rozwój życia duchowego Bośni w czasach panowania tureckiego. W artykule znajduje się krótka analiza dyskursywna tej pracy; szczególny nacisk położono na omówienie sposobu, w jaki Andrić prezentował wpływy osmańskie widoczne w życiu społecznym, kulturalnym i politycznym Bośni. Analiza wykazuje, że poglądy Andricia na osmańską spuściznę początkowo ewoluowały jako dialog z orientalizmem habsburskim i austro-węgierskim, a także z ideologią formującego się Królestwa Serbów, Chorwatów i Słoweńców (państwa jugosłowiańskiego). Napisane przez samego Andricia komentarze do pracy doktorskiej sugerują, że nie mamy tu do czynienia ze spójną i niezmienną perspektywą orientalistyczną, a raczej z wysoce wieloznacznym rozumieniem islamu i dziedzictwa osmańskiego. Artykuł ukazuje też, jak poglądy Andricia na osmańskie dziedzictwo są (błędnie) interpretowane w środowisku boszniackich intelektualistów oraz analizuje rolę Andricia w procesie tworzenia świadomości narodowej w powojennej Bośni i Hercegowinie.
Conflicting understandings of the Ottoman and Bosnian past, which has been pragmatically reinterpreted through the nationalising gaze in the 1990s in the former Yugoslav space, tend to encompass different reinterpretations of the most prominent Bosnian (historical) figures. The Nobel Laureate Ivo Andrić stands out as one of the most politically (ab)used writers in Bosnian history. The dissolution of Yugoslavia deeply affected the reception of Andrić and his works. While both Serbs and, to a lesser extent, Croats claimed exclusive ownership of Andrić’s qualities, many Bosniaks made attempts to write him out of history, claiming that Andrić was a strong proponent of orientalism. The article traces a unique Andrić’s brand of orientalism, which is skilfully woven not only into Andrić’s literary works, but is also prominent in his only scientific work, a doctoral dissertation entitled The Development of Spiritual Life in Bosnia Under the Influenceof Turkish Rule. Hence, the article offers a short discursive analysis of Andrić’s dissertation, with special focus on his depiction of Ottoman influence on Bosnian social, cultural, and political life. An analysis indicates the early stages of Andrić’s thinking about the Ottoman legacy, developed in dialogue with the Habsburg or Austro-Hungarian orientalism and ideas of the new or still emerging Kingdom of Serbs, Croats, and Slovenians (Yugoslav state). Andrić’s reactions to his own dissertation suggest that, we cannot speak of an unchanging and coherent orientalist perspective, but rather of a highly ambivalent understanding of Islam and the Ottoman legacy. Current (mis)understandings of Andrić’s reading of Ottoman legacy among a circle of Bosniak intellectuals are also exposed, with the aim to explore the position of Andrić in the process of nation-building in post-war BH.
Content available remote Dziedzictwo Lubrańskiego - Inspiracje w sztuce, urbanistyce i architekturze
W niniejszym artykule przybliżono sylwetkę i działalność biskupa Jana Lubrańskiego, wybitnego przedstawiciela renesansu, którego działalność przyczyniła się do rozwoju kultury, nauki i sztuki XVI-wiecznego Poznania. Jego dzieło kontynuowane jest przez powołaną w 2020 r. Fundację Akademia Jana Lubrańskiego, której głównym celem jest „prowadzenie działalności kulturalnej, artystycznej, edukacyjnej, naukowej i dobroczynnej”. W pracy przedstawiono inspiracje wynikające z dziedzictwa Lubrańskiego, które widoczne są we współczesnej sztuce, urbanistyce i architekturze.
This article tells the story of the life and work of archbishop Jan Lubrański, the eminent representative of the Renaissance, whose actions contributed to the development of culture, science and art of the sixteenth century. Now his work is continued by the Lubrański Foundation, established in 2020. Pursuant to its Articles of Association, the main goal of the Foundation is to conduct activities in the field of culture, art, education, science and charity. The article presents inspirations coming from Lubrański’s legacy which can be found in contemporary art, urban planning and architecture.
The roots of foundations go back to Roman Law, in which they functioned as units without a legal personality. In most cases, foundations had the form of a legacy or donatio sub modo for the benefit of existing persons. The currently-binding legal framework lacks even a general concept of a charitable trust. In fact, no legal system includes a legal definition of a charitable trust. Such a legal status is unacceptable. Does it mean that it is impossible to establish such a trust in practice? A charitable trust cannot be treated only as resulting from the “concept” of property management in accordance with the founder’s will. This concept cannot form the basis for detailed legal opinions. In such a situation, it seems essential to find the basis for its lawful activities and related detailed legal assessment. In this article I am going to attempt to set the direction for discussion and point out the consequences of this interpretation of the subject matter.
nr 31
L'Affaire Furtif (2010) by Sylvain Prudhomme and L'Empreinte à Crusoé (2012) by Patrick Chamoiseau invest the ‘robinsonade’ genre with a renewed thought on memory and forgetfulness. These stories have the particularity of enriching the thematic and philosophical treatment of forgetfulness with a literary approach, in the light of the mythical legacy in which they are involved. Forgetfulness constitutes an initiatory threshold, desired in Prudhomme's case or endured in Chamoiseau's, thanks to which the main characters discover or rediscover themselves. Above all, the two stories have a strong specular dimension used to think on the weight of literary legacy in scriptural work.
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