The authors report an unusual case of a 33-year-old Indian male adult, who sought treatment for skin infection, skin ulcer and oedema of leg for two years, but got no relief until he was incidentally diagnosed by scrape cytology for presence of microfilaria in leg ulcer, blood and pleural fluid. The patient was fully cured after receiving complete treatment for filariasis
The anatomical method with Computer- Digital Image Analysis system served to examine large skin arteries of the crus and the fool in 152 human specimens. Their sources were: 1. popliteal artery (rr: gastrocnemii: medialis - 62.89%, lateralis - 78.95%), 2. anterior tibial artery (n. peronealis laterarlis superior- 97.37%, a. peronealis lateralis inferior - 62.50%, cr. collateralis inferior lateralis - 78.95%), 3. posterior tibial artery (r: circumflexus fibulae - 75.66%, r. soleus lateralis - 48.03%, r. musculi flexoris hallucis longi - 84.87%), 4. peroneal artery (r. perforans - 86.84%) and 5. medial plantar artery (r. profundus - 89.47%). The following ones characterized themselves with the longest course: a. peronealis lateralis superior (112±21 mm), r: gastrocnemius medialis (93±11 mm) and r. soleus lateralis (91±8 mm). The largest flaps supplied successively: r. gastrocnemius medialis (8530±1125 mm²), a. peronealis lateralis superior (7920±1227 mm²), r. profundus a. plantaris medialis (7580±1820 mm²), r. gastrocnemius lateralis (7320±1320 mm²), r. soleus lateralis (7140±1630 mm²) and a. collateralis inferior lateralis (6220 ±1981 mm²).
Celem tego artykułu jest nakreślenie najważniejszych reguł normatywnych, które składają sięna ochronę patentów w Polsce i Europie. Wymaga to analizy wybranych źródeł prawa regulujących tę ochronę.W artykule krótko zaprezentowano następujące akty prawne: ustawa z dnia 30 czerwca 2000 r. – Prawowłasności przemysłowej (tekst jednolity: Dz.U. z 2013 r. poz. 1410 z późn. zm.), Konwencja o udzielaniu patentóweuropejskich (Konwencja o patencie europejskim), sporządzona w Monachium dnia 5 października1973 r., zmieniona aktem zmieniającym artykuł 63 Konwencji z dnia 17 grudnia 1991 r. oraz decyzjami RadyAdministracyjnej Europejskiej Organizacji Patentowej z dnia 21 grudnia 1978 r., 13 grudnia 1994 r., 20 października1995 r., 5 grudnia 1996 r. oraz 10 grudnia 1998 r., wraz z protokołami stanowiącymi jej integralnączęść (Dz.U. z 2004 r. Nr 79 poz. 737 z późn. zm.), ustawa z dnia 14 marca 2003 r. o dokonywaniu europejskichzgłoszeń patentowych oraz skutkach patentu europejskiego w Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej (tekst jednolity: Dz.U.z 2016 r. poz. 2), rozporządzenie Prezesa Rady Ministrów z dnia 17 września 2001 r. w sprawie dokonywaniai rozpatrywania zgłoszeń wynalazków i wzorów użytkowych (Dz.U. z 2001 r. Nr 102 poz. 1119 z późn. zm.).
The aim of this article is outlining the most important normative rules which compose patent protection in Poland, as well as in Europe. It requires an analysis of selected sources of law regulating this protection. In this article the following legal acts have been briefly presented: Industrial Property Act of 30 June 2000 (consolidated text: Dziennik Ustaw of 2013, item 1410 with later amendments), Convention on the Grant of European Patents (European Patent Convention) of 5 October 1973 text as amended by the act revising Article 63 EPC of 17 December 1991 and by the decisions of the Administrative Council of the European Patent Organisation of 21 December 1978, 13 December 1994, 20 October 1995, 5 December 1996 and 10 December 1998 (Dziennik Ustaw of 2004 No. 79, item 737 with later amendments), Act of 14 March 2003 on filing of European patent applications and the effects of European patents in the Republic of Poland (consolidated text: Dziennik Ustaw of 2016, item 2) and Regulation of the Prime Minister of 17 September 2001 on filing and processing of patent and utility model applications (Dziennik Ustaw of 2001 No. 102, item 1119 with later amendments).
Our studies were carried out on 8 male and 2 female baboons Papio anubis cadavers. We examined a total of 20 hind legs. The vessels of the hind leg were filled with coloured latex. Afterwards we prepared the superficial and deep veins and accompanying arteries. We paid attention to the location, diameter and the course of the long and short saphenous veins. We found many differences between the system of superficial veins in the baboon hind leg and that in the human lower limb. First of all, the long saphenous vein in the baboon Papio anubis presented as two similar trunks that ran together with a concomitant artery. The saphenofemoral junction was also duplicated. The distance between these outlets was about 4 mm and their location was different from that in humans. Neither trunk exceeded 2.5 m in diameter. Some human-like features were noticed in the system of the short saphenous vein in Papio anubis. The diameter of the short saphenous vein and its course and the location of the saphenopopliteal junction were very similar to those in humans. On the other hand, the short saphenous vein was the main superficial venous channel of the hind limb of Papio anubis.
Using an isotope labelling technique it has been shown that an organophosphorus insecticide methylparathion (0,0-diethyl 0-4-nitrophenyl phosphorothioate) depressed calcium uptake by sarcoplasmic reticulum isolated from rabbit hind leg muscle. The effect was significant for insecticide concentrations of 50 and 100 µM and was dose-dependent The insecticide exerted a more pronounced effect on calcium uptake in the presence of ATP in the reticulum environment than in the absence of ATP. The inhibitory action of methylparathion on Ca2+ accumulation by sarcoplasmic reticulum can cause a rise in myoplasmic free Ca2+, the essential prerequisite for contracture activation. Because methylparathion, as well as other organophosphorus insecticides, is primarily neurotoxic, evidence of non-specific effect could be important for assessing its environmental safety.
The objective of the study was to compare the chemical composition of leg muscles of six duck strains. A total of 60 drakes out of four flocks of conservative (Miniduck K2, Polish Pekin P33-native, Pekin population-typeA3, synthetic Polish flock SB) and two breeding strains (A55, P66), aged seven weeks, were used for the study. The content of protein, lipids, moisture, essential amino acids, fatty acids and cholesterol were estimated. The muscles of K2 contained less lipids than the remaining ones. Fat of A55 and P66 leg muscles contained the least cholesterol. No significant differences in protein and moisture content were found. Isoleucine (Ile) and valine (Val) are amino acids limiting the biological value of meat proteins from leg muscles of A3, P33 and K2, and tryptophan (Trp) for A55, P66 muscles. Unsaturated fatty acids (UFA) were predominant in the muscle fat of all flocks. The fat of A55 muscles contained the most UFA. The highest level of PUFA was determined for K2 muscles. The PUFA/SFA and n-6/n-3 PUFA ratios were 0.74-0.92 and 4.17-5.66 respectively. The lipids of A55 were characterized by the best fatty acid profile among the investigated muscles’ fat. Taking into consideration the nutritive value of proteins, cholesterol content and profile of fatty acids, A55 leg muscles appeared to be the most favorable from the perspective of human health.