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Content available remote Ocena wskaźnikowa mapy strumienia wartości
tom nr 7
168--180, CD
Mapa strumienia wartości (Value Stream Map) jest jednym z podstawowych narzędzi koncepcji oszczędnego wytwarzania ( lean manufacturing). Sporządzenie mapy strumienia wartości nie powinno być samo w sobie głównym celem firmy. Kluczowa jest bowiem jej analiza, której podstawowym rezultatem winno być opracowanie koncepcji usprawnienia strumienia wartości (przekłada się to na obniżenie kosztów). W pracy autor zaproponował metodę analizy wskaźnikowej mapy strumienia wartości. Oparta jest ona o dwa podstawowe wskaźniki wynikające z wspomnianej mapy: wskaźnik czasu przepływu (Flow Time Indicator) oraz wskaźnik płynności przepływu FSI (Flow Smoothness Indicator). Na przykładach pokazano sposób obliczania i interpretacji obu wskaźników. Artykuł zakończono krótką informacją o aspektach praktycznych przemysłowego zastosowania analizy.
The value stream map is one of the basic tools of the lean manufacturing concept. Creating a value stream map should not be in itself the main goal of the company. The key is its analysis, the main result of which should be the concept of streamlining the value stream (this translates into lower costs). In the work, the author proposed a method of index analysis of the value stream map. It is based on two basic indicators resulting from the above-mentioned map: flow time indicator (Flow Time Indicator) and FSI flow smoothness indicator (Flow Smoothness Indicator). The examples show how to calculate and interpret both indicators. The article was concluded with a brief information on the practical aspects of the industrial application of the analysis.
Content available remote Implementacja narzędzia lean manufacturing w wybranym przedsiębiorstwie
tom nr 7
51--65, CD
Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie zastosowania lean manufacturing w wybranym przedsiębiorstwie. Na wstępnie autorzy opisują definicję i zastosowanie lean manufacturing oraz jedno z narzędzi jakim jest TPM (Total Productive Maintenance). W kolejnym punkcie opisano proces produkcyjny w analizowanym przedsiębiorstwie, stan przed i po wprowadzeniu TPM. Na zakończenie przedstawiono wnioski z analizy.
The aim of the article is to present the application of lean manufacturing in a selected company. Initially, the authors describe the definition and use of lean manufacturing and one of the tools that TPM (Total Productive Maintenance) is. The next section describes the production process in the analyzed company before and after TPM. At the end, the conclusions from the analysis are presented.
tom Vol. 6, No. 4
This paper presents a concept of using selected lean manufacturing methods. The lean manufacturing methods and techniques allow a systematic identification and elimination of waste by the continuous improvement of logistics processes in manufacturing enterprises. The reduction of costs and improvement in product quality, and also customizing a product with a customer’s requirements in mind, have a key importance in gaining competitive advantage. This is often connected with the maintenance of machines, particularly to increasing their reliability and obtaining better production flexibility. Those objectives can be accomplished by using lean manufacturing methods.
Due to an increase in energy price and pollution plus environmental regulations, companies start to adopt green policies. In fact, companies are encouraged by governments to develop strategies to achieve more sustainable operations. Based on this literature review the contribution of Lean Manufacturing on environmental performances will be discussed, a survey of 50 different automotive companies based in Morocco, shows how they are carrying out manufacturing and environmental practices. The result of this study shows a positive impact of advanced Lean Manufacturing’s tools on the environmental performance and contribute to the present literature on environmentally friendly Manufacturing. The findings and proposals of this paper can be a beginning step for Moroccan companies to completely use their capability of environmental practices and improve their manufacturing productivity performance while identifying trends in organizational development.
tom Nr 6
W artykule przedstawiono rozwiązania zastosowane w malej firmie wdrażającej koncepcję lean manufacturing (LM), dotyczące obszaru współpracy z klientem, a także związane z organizacją produkcji i sterowaniem nią, w tym również w zakresie stworzenia systemu obsługi klienta. Artykuł zakończono wnioskami wskazującymi na efekty zastosowania rozwiązań LM, ale również na problemy pojawiające się w trakcie wdrażania koncepcji.
This paper describes implementation of Lean Manufacturing in smali manufacturing enter-prises. This includes analysis of cooperation with customers as well as analysis of organization and production control. Series of practical conclusions revolved problems and this solutions conclude this study.
The research problem raised at work was to examine the role of lean management in shaping sales and implementation of the strategy. The work consists of three parts. The first part discussed decision making in relation to the implementation of the company's strategy. The second part presented the essence and principles of lean manufacturing in business management. In the last part, a case study was carried out, in which the sales profitability analysis in the context of the implementation of lean manufacturing carried out in three companies of the chemical industry was analyzed. The research methods used in the work were literature studies and index analysis. The case study shown that decisions in the area of sales profitability should include instruments optimizing the costs of operations.
Problemem badawczym podniesionym w pracy było zbadanie roli szczupłego zarządzania w kształtowaniu się sprzedaży oraz realizacji strategii. Praca składa się trzech części. W pierwszej części omówiono podejmowanie decyzji w odniesieniu do realizacji strategii przedsiębiorstwa. W drugiej części zaprezentowano istotę i zasady szczupłego wytwarzania w zarządzaniu przedsiębiorstwem. W ostatniej części przeprowadzono studium przypadku, w którym analizie poddano badanie rentowności sprzedaży w kontekście implementacji szczupłego wytwarzania zrealizowane w trzech przedsiębiorstwach branży chemicznej. Metodami badawczymi zastosowanymi w pracy były studia literaturowe oraz analiza wskaźnikowa. Z przeprowadzonego studium przypadku wynika, że decyzje w obszarze rentowności sprzedaży powinny uwzględniać instrumenty optymalizujące koszty prowadzonej działalności.
This paper presents the findings of research of a short-pulse low pressure carburizing technology developed for a new large-chamber furnace for high-performance and precision thermal treatment of parts of mechanical gear. Sections of the article discuss the novel constructions of the device in which parts being carburized flow in a stream, as well as the low-pressure carburizing experiment. The method has been found to yield uniform, even and repeatable carburized layers on typical gear used in automotive industry.
tom No. 11
Transformation of Polish system caused the neccesity to make changes in functioning of companies. Growing customers' demands, falling economic growth and improvement of effectiveness of competition make the companies search for new ways of progress. One of the possibilities to realize this aim is implementation of Lean Manufacturing. The article presents the concept of application of that system in one of enterprises in Wielkopolska.
Lean has established itself as the primordial approach to obtain operational excellence. Its simple and intuitive techniques focus on reducing lead time through continuous improvement, involving all levels of employees in the organization. However, the rate of successful implementations has remained low. This paper contributes to the understanding of continuous improvement in a Lean context, by analyzing a database of almost 10.000 improvement actions, from 85 companies, covering the time frame 2010–2018. It discusses categories of actions, their impact and cost, as well as key characteristics of the companies. It proposes an objective criterion to identify “success” and “failure” in Lean implementation and tries to link these to operational results. It is probably the first time an analysis of this magnitude on the subject has been performed.
Artykuł ma na celu wskazanie wybranych determinantów efektywnego wdrożenia filozofii Lean Manufacturing (LM) w przedsiębiorstwach produkcyjnych. Opierając się na definicji LM zaprezentowano cztery czynniki, które mają największy wpływ na skuteczność implementacji nowego podejścia w zarządzaniu produkcją. Te czynniki to: dobór odpowiedniego modelu zarządzania zmianą, praca zespołowa, wdrożenie jednolitego systemu szkoleń stanowiskowych, dostosowanie zasad rachunkowości finansowej i zarządczej do wymagań LM. Każdy z wymienionych wyżej czynników został szczegółowo zdefiniowany wraz z dokonaniem oceny ich oddziaływania na skracanie czasu między złożeniem zamówienia przez klienta a wysyłką towaru do końcowego odbiorcy poprzez eliminowanie marnotrawstwa ze strumienia wartości.
The aim of the paper is presenting chosen determinant of effective implementation of the concept of (LM) in a manufacturing company. Basing on the definition of Lean Manufacturing it presents four factors which influence the effectiveness of the tool most. The factors are: the choice of a proper model for managing the shifts, team work, implementing consistent system of workstation training, and lastly adjusting accounting rules to the requirements of LM.
tom Vol. 3, No. 4
The purpose of the study is to compare Developmental leadership with Lean leadership; document the differences and similarities and examine if you can combine these theories to achieve better results in the organization. A literature review is used. The result indicates more similarities than differences between Developmental leadership and Lean leadership behavior. The major difference is that Developmental leadership focuses on making the leader conscious of their own behavior and develop (possibly change) their behavior. Through new behaviors their co-workers and organization also gain developmental advantages. There is no further purpose described in Development leadership theory. Lean leadership also concentrates on behaviors, but clearly declares an override purpose; continuous improvement with focus on eliminating waste in the value stream. Lean leadership behaviors share a similar purpose, and focus on making leaders aware of what incorrect behaviors can cost or cause the organization. Even if Lean leadership does not have this clear and distinct relationship it is an underlying element in one of the two key principles - respect for people, which permeates both models. The two studied models seem to be quite similar and both focus on role models and frequency of developmental/value creating behaviors. The proposed comparative study should be oriented towards practical application in management positions.
The paper deals with the use of Lean Manufacturing tools in improving the production process of car arm rests in a car manufacturing company in Poland. The article describes the original condition of a single production process of assembling ready pieces to produce car arm rests. The original condition was assessed and described with the use of some basic Lean indicators and value stream mapping. The aforementioned tools allowed to assess the process condition and to identify the organizational issues and their sources. It also enabled to reorganize the process and increase its efficiency. The further part of the article describes the results of improvement actions. The process assessment was held and improvements introduced in the first quarter of 2018.
This study aims to explore the predominant critical success factors (CSFs) for the implementation of lean manufacturing (LM) in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) producing machinery and equipment (M&E). The convergent parallel mixedmethods (qualitative and quantitative) were employed in three Malaysian M&E manufacturing SMEs. The study identified four predominant CSFs that significantly impact on the LM application in M&E manufacturing SMEs, namely, leadership and commitment of the top management, training to upgrade skills and expertise, employee involvement and empowerment, and the development of LM implementation framework for SMEs. This study can assist the M&E manufacturing SMEs in prioritising these predominant CSFs so that the management teams can work on the improvement strategy and achieve a higher level of lean sustainability. It offers valuable insights into the LM implementation that could provide a practical reference guide to other industrial companies.
Inventory management continues to play a critical role in the success of an organization. It is the collection of all the materials and goods stored, whether for use to complete the production process or for sale to the customer. The efficiency of inventory management is a challenge for all companies that have a warehouse or distribution center. Therefore, all firms need to adapt their business strategies to survive in a highly competitive market by applying tools or systems to support inventory control and management. This research was conducted to increase the efficiency of inventory management of an industrial tool distributor in Thailand by using the data visualization tool. It focused on the inventory planning process. Lean manufacturing was implemented to identify, improve and eliminate unnecessary activities in operations. Microsoft Power BI is a data visualization tool that was used in this study to support officers in operational decision-making and planning. It facilitated the monitoring of inventory levels, evaluating the value of inventory, and analyzing the key vendors on an almost real-time basis. The results showed that unnecessary activities were improved and simplified by integrating the data visualization tool. The lead time of the inventory planning process was decreased by 76.19% from 10.5 days to 2.5 days per time. It can increase the efficiency of inventory management.
Zarządzanie zapasami nadal odgrywa kluczową rolę w sukcesie organizacji. Zapasem określa się wszystkie materiały i towary przechowywane w celu wykorzystania ich do procesu produkcyjnego czy też sprzedaży klientowi. Efektywność zarządzania zapasami jest wyzwaniem dla wszystkich firm, które mają magazyn lub centrum dystrybucyjne. Wszystkie firmy muszą dostosować strategie biznesowe, aby przetrwać na wysoce konkurencyjnym rynku. W tym celu stosuje się narzędzia lub systemy wspomagające kontrolę i zarządzanie zapasami. Przeprowadzone badanie miało zwiększyć efektywność zarządzania zapasami dystrybutora narzędzi przemysłowych w Tajlandii za pomocą narzędzia do wizualizacji danych. Skupiono się na procesie planowania zapasów. Wdrożono koncepcję zarządzania szczupłego w celu identyfikacji, poprawy i eliminacji zbędnych działań w operacjach. Do wizualizacji danych zastosowano Microsoft Power, które zostało wykorzystane w tym badaniu do wspierania pracowników w podejmowaniu decyzji operacyjnych i planowaniu. Umożliwiło ono monitorowanie poziomów zapasów, ocenę ich wartości oraz analizę kluczowych dostawców w czasie niemal rzeczywistym. Wynik pokazał, że zbędne czynności zostały usprawnione i uproszczone dzięki integracji narzędzia do wizualizacji danych. Czas realizacji procesu planowania zapasów został skrócony o 76,19% z 10,5 dnia do 2,5 dnia. Przeprowadzone badania stanowią przykład, jak można zwiększyć efektywność zarządzania zapasami.
tom nr 2
W artykule przedstawiono wybrane praktyczne aspekty wdrożenia zintegrowanego systemu informatycznego do zarządzania przedsiębiorstwem. Wdrożenie zintegrowanego systemu informatycznego jest bardzo trudnym i złożonym projektem informatycznym obarczonym dużym ryzykiem niepowodzenia. Celem tego artykułu jest pokazanie praktycznych aspektów mogących zminimalizować potencjalne ryzyko występujące w tego typu projektach. Ważnym aspektem jest czynnik ludzki, który jest nieprzewidywalny i bardzo złożony. Autor celowo nie wymieniał żadnych konkretnych zintegrowanych systemów informatycznych ze względu na chęć przedstawienia w sposób obiektywny omawianej problematyki. Przedstawione wybrane aspekty praktyczne wynikają z kilkunastoletniego doświadczenie biznesowego, które autor posiada.
The article presents selected practical aspects of implementing an integrated IT system for enterprise management. The implementation of an integrated IT system is a very difficult and complex IT project with a high risk of failure. The purpose of this article is to show the practical aspects that can minimize the potential risk in this type of project. An important aspect is the human factor, which is unpredictable and very complex. The aspects of lean manufacturing that have a significant impact on the management of a manufacturing enterprise by an integrated information system will be discussed.The author intentionally did not mention any specific integrated IT systems due to the willingness to present the discussed issues in an objective manner. The presented selected practical aspects result from several years of business experience that the author has.
Content available Ocena propozycji usprawnień produkcji
tom Vol. 18, nr 4
Market is demanding for competing organizations in present days. Present management of enterprises has to be on high level and have to be one step ahead of the competition. This is reason to introduce modern management philosophies which can improve different processes. One of the good method which brings savings is Kaizen. This management tool is focused on continuous improvements. There are described two improvements in this paper. First one shows how to reduce cost of breakdowns. Second improvement shows how (without any investment) reduce cycle time and thus save about 4 700€ per shift. There is proposed “evaluation form of improvements” in this paper, which helps to estimate profitability of investments. This calculation can be made for improvements in areas such as breakdowns, scrap or cycle time. This small form helps to quick calculate cost savings from improvements. During implementation of the following tools (e.g. TPM, SMED), there are determined different activities, which improve production processes. These activities should be analyzed using proposed evaluation form to calculate savings.
tom z. 156
Objective: The aim of this article is to analyze and evaluate the introduction of selected Lean Manufacturing tools into the management of a given enterprise, the task of which is to increase the efficiency of the machine park and improve the quality of finished products. The introduced changes are also expected to increase the detectability of waste, avoid unnecessary stopping of machines and unplanned stoppages. Design/methodology/approach: As part of the research, the internal materials of the surveyed company were analyzed and free interviews with employees and specialists of the plant were conducted. An efficiency analysis of the production process was carried out. Findings: In order for the improvement of technical progress to function well, the requirement of an appropriate technical condition and the course of technical progress. The entire process flow of the product should be analyzed. Research limitations/implications: Subjectivity of the analysis thanks to the use of a qualitative approach in research. Future research may be related to creating a mentoring program in the area of interest. Practical implications: The results of the study can be used as input data for the design of training programs in the study area. Social implications: The concept of lean manufacturing is a tool for constant changes that can be observed both in the modern economy and in society. They require dynamic flexibility from entrepreneurs and looking for solutions that can optimize production processes. The concept includes a slogan such as corporate social responsibility, which grew out of sustainable development. It is prioritized by managers of various companies. Therefore, this work deals with the subject of Lean Management as an instrument of responsible business. Originality/value: This article is addressed mainly to companies that want to implement and improve Lean Manufacturing tools. It shows how companies can improve selected areas of production.
The authors of this paper present the stages of SMED method implementation and standardization of jobs on the example of a company in the metal industry. Particular emphasis is placed on the analysis of the lathe socket, focusing on its standardization and the manner and times of changeover. The work described here is an example of introducing new solutions and improving the changeover process. The summary describes the key results of the improvements, resulting in improved availability of equipment, which in turn translates into increased productivity.
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