In a global market the customer selects the supplier, which can provide short and reliable delivery dates. Delivery dates largely depend on duration of lead times, therefore the basic requirement of customers can be fulfilled only by gradual transition from workshop production type to flexible manufacturing systems (reduction of number of operations, reduction of transition times, overlap of operations) or by a suitable method for reduction of lead times of orders in a current workshop production type (without big investments). The article describes methods for reduction of lead times, the emphasis being given to the reduction of lead time of operation; the method is based on the analysis of current order flow through workplaces, computer-aided design of flow diagrams, definition of average lead times of workplaces, and finding the critical workplaces that have the biggest influence on lead times. Three-line ABC analysis is used to find out the critical workplaces. Presented are the results of lead time reduction in a tool production department which exports 30% of its production, 5% of its production is sold on domestic market and 65% of production is used by the company itself. The company has a strong competition on domestic and global markets and the only surviving strategy seems to be in shortening delivery dates (i.e. shortening lead times of orders).
Wykorzystywanie elementów prefabrykowanych podczas realizacji budów nie jest nowością. W branży mostowej również można wyszczególnić obiekty, których konstrukcja nośna w pełni została wykonana z elementów prefabrykowanych wyprodukowanych poza miejscem wbudowania.
Using prefabricated elements during construction is not a novelty. Within bridge engineering, it is also possible to specify structures whose supporting structure has been completely manufactured using prefabricated elements produced off the site of their assembling.
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Since insufficient warning time limits the possibility of taking precautionary actions by managers of water resources, forecast lead time in the hydro-meteorological warning considers as a crucial index. The aim of this study, first, is to investigate the sensitivity of heavy precipitation forecast toward lead time and, second, to identify forecast lead time, best suited for predicting the heavy precipitation event, on 31 March 2019, on Karkheh River basin in Iran. By applying Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model, a total of 12 experiments were designed via combinations of three microphysics (MPS) and two cumulus (with and without for nest domain) parameterization schemes (CPS) over two interactively nested domains. Finally, to achieve the aims, 24-h accumulated precipitation forecasts through the designed experiments at different lead times (up to 198 h) were examined by comparing against observations. The results showed that the 4-km domain has an advantage over the 12-km domain at lead-times shorter than 102 h, while the sensitivity to the use of CPS for the 4-km domain is positively increased at lead-times longer than 102 h. Based on the assessed lead-times, the performance of Grell–Freitas CPS was better than that of Kain–Fritsch CPS. The WSM6 MPS also showed advantages over the Thompson and Goddard MPSs at lead-times shorter than 78 h. The maximum amount and the spatial average of precipitation tend to be underestimated, and the extent of the underestimation increases with lead-time. Taken together, these results suggest that a forecast lead-time of 78–102 h was appropriate for issuing warnings for the targeted heavy precipitation event.
Global competition and increasingly complex networks of supply chains require new production philosophies, novel supply chain paradigms (Lean, Agile and Hybrid ones) and new organization and cooperation forms of companies in order to reduce cost, increase productivity and boost competitiveness. Therefore, members of an Agile supply chain form a virtual enterprise (VE) network, which stands for temporary cooperation of VE members (final assemblers, suppliers, service providers) in which the members share their skills, human and equipment resources as well as waste for more efficient operation. The goal of this study is VE optimization, which means forming optimum combinations of potential chain members. This innovative and original approach involves developing an optimization method and defining objective functions (total cost, total lead time) and design constraints (production and service capacities, inventories and members flexibility) for optimum formation of VEs. The focus of VE optimization is to manufacture and deliver final products to customers in the most time- and cost-effective manner, with the total cost and total lead time of the supply chain being minimized during the optimization. Unique optimization software has been developed based on this method. It can can be widely used for optimizing micro- and macro regional virtual networks.
Value Stream Mapping (VSM) is a visual Lean Manufacturing tool for graphically illustrating material and information flows in processes, on production lines, and even across a factory. It makes it possible to identify activities that do not generate added value, and thereby creates opportunities for improvement by reducing or completely eliminating waste. This paper explores a real-work case study of the production process for an air handling unit. Thus, after analysing the activities undertaken in an enterprise operating in the HVAC (Heating Ventillation Air Conditioning) industry, a current state map was drawn that shows the actual flow of the value stream. Then, a future state map was developed with suggestions for eliminating the root causes of waste and those for improving processes. The proposed improvements allow for shorter lead time and faster order processing, which may increase competitiveness.
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Prognoza odpływu ze zlewni prowadzona w czasie rzeczywistym ma duże znaczenie w profilaktyce przeciwpowodziowej. Jest ona źródłem informacji wykorzystywanej przy podejmowaniu decyzji dotyczących sterowania zbiornikami retencyjnymi, a także przez ośrodki wczesnego ostrzegania przed powodzią. W artykule przedstawiono próbę zastosowania modelu fali kinematycznej w połączeniu z analizą statystyczną do prognozy odpływu w czasie rzeczywistym ze zlewni rzeki Raby. Wybrana zlewnia badawcza ma charakter podgórski, w związku z tym występuje na jej obszarze znaczący spływ powierzchniowy, który jest źródłem niekontrolowanego dopływu lateralnego, rozumianego jako błąd bilansu opad-odpływ opartego na danych wodowskazowych. Autorzy artykułu omawiają kolejne etapy procedury prognostycznej, jaką zastosowano do symulacji prognozy w podsystemie rzeki Raby. Uzyskane wyniki prognozy są porównywane z analogicznymi, uzyskanymi przez zastosowanie liniowej sztucznej sieci neuronowej.
The real-time forecast of outflow from a catchement is very important in the context of flood prevention. It supplies information necessary for making the proper decision of reservoirs control, and also it is used by flood warning centers. In the paper the trial of hydrodynamic model application with statistical analysis of input variables was presented for the purpose of forecast of Raba river outflow. The chosen catchement has mountain characteristic, that causes there are meaningful surface flow, that is a source of lateral inflow, that can be treated as inflow-outflow balance error based on water discharge measurement data. These authors present succeeding stages of forecasting procedure, which was applied for forecast simulation in Raba river subsystem. Obtained results are compared with analogic ones, obtained for linear artificial neural network.
An investigation of various factors which affect the lead time in spinning mills which produce 14.76 tex (40 Ne) carded yarns linear density is reported. For this study, data were collected from 27 mills producing 14.76 tex carded yarns of linear density. The important parameters which affect the lead time were obtained by principal component analysis of the data. Correlation matrix and multiple regression analysis were carried out taking into account the lead time as the dependent variable and HOK (the number of Operative Hours required to produce 100 kg of yarn), FQI (Fibre Quality Index), YQI (Yarn Quality Index) and spindle production as independent variables. The reliability of the data was checked by Cronbach’s alpha, which indicated 0.839. Other tests such as the Kruskal-Wallis test, Durbin Watson test, KMO (Kaiser – Meyer Olkin) and Bartlett’s test were also done to find out their association. The results show that of all the parameters considered the, lead time exerts maximum influence on spindle production, HOK and the yarn quality index in carded counts.
Opisano badania rożnych czynników, które oddziałują na czas produkcji w przędzalniach produkujących przędze zgrzebne o masach liniowych 14.76 tex. Dla prezentowanej pracy zebrano dane pochodzące z 27 przędzalni produkujących przędze zgrzebne o masie liniowej 14.76 tex. Parametry, które wpływają na czas produkcji uzyskano przez analizę głównych składowych. Następnie zastosowano macierz korelacji i wieloparametrową analizę regresji biorąc pod uwagę czas produkcji jako zmienną zależną i liczbę operatywnych godzin potrzebnych do produkcji 100 kg przędzy (HOK), wskaźnik jakości włókna i przędzy oraz produkcję wrzecion jako zmienne niezależne. Stosowano również test Cronbach alpha, Kruskal-Wallis, Durbin-Watson, Kaiser-Meyer Olkin i Bertlett. Wyniki wykazują, że ze wszystkich parametrów wziętych pod uwagę przy rozważaniach czas produkcji wywiera największy wpływ na produktywność wrzecion, HOK i współczynnik jakości przędzy.
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W pracy rozpatrywane są możliwości wyznaczenia poziomu obsługi klienta w modelach zarządzania zapasami z losowym popytem. Rozważane są trzy typowe rozkłady popytu, mianowicie rozkłady ciągłe: rozkład normalny i rozkład gamma oraz dyskretny rozkład Poissona. Dla tych rozkładów przytoczone są i uproszczone wzory na obliczenie poziomu obsługi popytu I stopnia ilościowej realizacji zamówień. Do wyznaczenia tych wielkości konieczna jest znajomość rozkładu popytu w cyklu uzupełniania zapasu. Badana jest możliwość znalezienia rozkładu popytu w cyklu ze znanego rozkładu popytu w czasie. Podany jest również przykład obliczeniowy.
In the paper the possibility of deriving certain measures of service level in the classical stochastic inventory models is studied. The most popular probabilistic demand distributions are considered, namely continuous normal and gamma distribution and discreet Poisson distribution. For the mentioned distributions the probability of no stock out called cycle service level and the fill rate are cited and simplified. In order to compute these quantities the knowledge of the demand distribution in the lead time is necessary. The possibility of calculation of the lead time distribution given the demand distribution in time is also considered. Finally some computational examples are presented.
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