Objectives: In accordance with the provisions of Article 10 paragraph 2 of the Constitution of the Republic of Poland, the basic function of the Polish Parliament is a legislative function. However, for years in the field of law making, there have been a number of irregularities related to, among others, overly frequent changes in the legal status, the adverse treatment of public consultations, and undue haste in law making, which all translate into its low quality. Material and methods: The research was conducted using descriptive methods and – due to the legal nature of the publication – the crucial role played dogmatic method, consisting in the interpretation of legal acts and court decisions. Results: During the last parliamentary term, the state of affairs in this field has not improved, and, in many respects, the existing problems have intensified. As a consequence, the standards of the Polish law-making process have deteriorated. The Parliament has become a “manufacturer” of law by which everything can be “produced”. Conclusions: The parliamentary legislative apparatus “spits out” the laws made to order by politicians, and, then, the executive apparatus uses the laws produced in accordance with this political order without taking into account any established principles and universally accepted legislative standards in the democratic world. No one from the ruling group wants to acknowledge that such a law made to be applied on a ‘political order is merely an appearance of law’.
Przedmiotem opracowania jest ukazanie dynamiki rozwoju źródeł powstawania prawa. Obecnie, dominująca jeszcze w pewnym stopniu pozytywistyczna koncepcja prawa, determinuje spostrzeganie samego prawa jako takiego. Problem dynamiki rozwoju źródeł powstawania prawa można zauważyć już w prawie rzymskim, czego świadomość mieli przede wszystkim prudentes. Hipotezą badawczą jest twierdzenie, według którego konieczne jest odejście od statycznej koncepcji źródeł powstawania prawa. Twierdzenie to wymuszone jest zachodzącymi zmianami globalizacyjnymi. Celem pracy jest ukazanie tego procesu na przykładzie prawa unijnego oraz wpływu cyberprzestrzeni na prawo. Wynikiem końcowym opracowania jest wskazanie potrzeby powiązania pracy prawników z nowymi technologiami oraz uwzględnianie nowych zjawisk społecznych, zwłaszcza związanych z cyberprzestrzenią w procesie tworzenia prawa. Zmiany technologiczne zmuszają ustawodawcę do gruntownego przemyślenia koncepcji stanowienia prawa, zwłaszcza procedur.
The subject of the study is to show the dynamics of development of the sources of law formation. The positivist concept, which is still dominant to a certain extent, determines the perception of the law itself. The problem of the dynamics of the development of the sources of law formation can already be seen in Roman law, which prudentes were aware of. The hypothesis is the assertion that it is necessary to move away from the static concept of the sources of law formation. This statement is forced by the ongoing globalization changes. The aim of this work is to show this process on the example of the European Union’s law and the impact of cyberspace on the law. The final result of the study is an indication of the need to link the work of lawyers with the new technologies and to take into account new social phenomena, especially those related to cyberspace in the law-making process. Technological changes force the legislator to thoroughly rethink the concept of law-making, especially procedures.
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