The EU Restructuring Directive (2019/1023) requires Member States to provide a preventive restructuring framework for financially distressed entities that remain viable or are likely to readily restore economic viability. The first step to a successful restructuring is the approval of an arrangement between the debtor and creditors. The main research objective of the article is to identify factors affecting the conclusion of an arrangement in restructuring proceedings. In the process of filtering companies initiating a restructuring procedure, these factors are seen as increasing the probability of concluding an arrangement between debtor and creditors. Moreover, an additional research objective is to construct a turnaround prediction model aimed at assessing the probability of a conclusion of an arrangement in restructuring proceedings. The study covered the companies in Poland for which restructuring proceedings opened between 2016 and 2021 ended with the approval of an arrangement, and a similar number of companies that failed to restructure successfully. Binary logistic regression was applied to achieve the aims of this study. The results show that two financial variables affected companies in terms of their chances to conclude the arrangement: the current ratio and return on assets were among the statistically significant indicators and they are characterized by higher values for debtors reaching the arrangement with their creditors. A direct positive relationship was also identified between the company’s lifespan and the outcome of the proceedings. The probability of the conclusion of the arrangement was also affected by the type of industry. Models assessing the probability of completing restructuring proceedings with an arrangement can be useful for insolvency practitioners and financial analysts during viability assessments.
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The aim of the article is an attempt to indicate the economic effectiveness of the "compensation" mechanism usage in the amendments to accounting law. Accounting law is intended to protect the security of economic transactions. When simplifications in financial reporting are applied, not all recipients of financial information may receive sufficient data to assess the activities of business entities and make business decisions. Hence, there are proposed solutions to "compensate" new simplifications through disclosures in other elements of the financial statements. There may be many legislative solutions, but the question about the effectiveness of these solutions remains open. As part of the research approach, in addition to a literature study, the legal-economic method was used to attempt to assess the effectiveness of the regulation mechanism proposed by the lawmaker. Based on a case study related to an ongoing legislative work on the Accounting Act, a production capacity curve was used to indicate how additional disclosures in other elements of the financial statements could compensate the possible use of simplifications. The results lead to the conclusion that appropriate regulation may allow for the implementation of simplifications while maintaining information that is important for the recipients of financial statements. In the practical sphere, the use of economic mechanisms in constructing legal regulations should allow accounting to retain its core in accounting theory while creating economically effective standards.
Celem artykułu jest zaprezentowanie mechanizmów rekompensaty jako zabiegu legislacyjnego, który może być wykorzystany w celu ograniczenia negatywnych efektów wprowadzanych uproszczeń w nowelizacji prawa bilansowego. Prawo bilansowe ma za zadanie ochronę bezpieczeństwa obrotu gospodarczego. Przy stosowaniu uproszczeń w sprawozdawczości finansowej, nie wszyscy odbiorcy informacji finansowej mogą otrzymać dostateczne dane do oceny działalności podmiotów gospodarczych oraz podejmowania decyzji. Stąd proponowane są rozwiązania „rekompensujące” nowe uproszczenia, przez ujawnienia w innych elementach sprawozdania finansowego. Rozwiązań legislacyjnych może być wiele, natomiast otwarte pozostaje pytanie o efektywność tych rozwiązań. W ramach podejścia badawczego, obok studium literatury, wykorzystano metodę prawno-ekonomiczną w celu dokonania próby oceny efektywności proponowanego przez ustawodawcę mechanizmu regulacji. Na podstawie studium przypadku związanego z prowadzonymi bieżącymi pracami legislacyjnymi nad ustawą o rachunkowości, wykorzystano krzywą zdolności produkcyjnych, aby wskazać, jak dodatkowe ujawnienia mogłyby zrekompensować ewentualne stosowanie uproszczeń w innych elementach sprawozdania finansowego. Wyniki prowadzą do wniosku, że odpowiednie ukształtowanie regulacji może pozwolić na wdrożenie uproszczeń przy jednoczesnym zachowaniu istotnych dla odbiorcy sprawozdań finansowych danych. W sferze praktycznej, stosowanie mechanizmów ekonomicznych przy kształtowaniu regulacji prawnych powinno pozwolić rachunkowości zachować swój twardy rdzeń w teorii rachunkowości, przy jednoczesnym tworzeniu norm efektywnych ekonomicznie.
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