The spatial patterns of carbon pool in landscape vary greatly with variation of forest structures and climate conditions. In this field study, the carbon storage in overstory, understory, litter layer of plants and soil carbon in forests was investigated in 26-28 year-old Masson pine (Pinus massoniana) pure and mixed forests along a latitudinal gradient (20–30 °N) crossing Hunan and Guangxi provinces of China, during the period of May 2015–August 2017. We found that the total carbon storage in Masson pine forests ranged 88.92–149.41 Mg/ha, of which 54.03% occurred in aboveground compound and 45.97% occurred belowground. The overall total carbon storage distribution was 34.62–68.72 Mg/ha, 3.82–10.19 Mg/ha, 2.37–3.96 Mg/ha, and 6.06–12.08 Mg/ha in stems, branches, leaves, and roots, respectively. The carbon storage in the overstory of forest stands and forest soils significantly decreased with increasing latitude, while the carbon storage in the understory and litter of the forest stands significantly increased as the latitude increased. The overall carbon storage significantly decreases by 8.26 Mg/ha in Masson pine forests as the latitude increased by one degree. The carbon storage increased by 8.43% in Masson pine mixed forests compared to the pure forest stands after the transformation from the pure forest stands into the mixed forest stands ∼ 15 years later. The results of changes in carbon storage in the studied forests with the latitudinal gradient could be attributed to variations in hydrothermal conditions with changing latitudes. The forest structure with different tree species composition was another important factor regulating carbon storage in forest ecosystems at the same latitude. The results provided a scientific basis for better understanding of latitudinal variation and spatial distribution of carbon storage in Masson pine forest stands with optimal forest stand structures in subtropical region of China.
Degree-day values can be calculated using climatic data. Thus, seasonal, monthly, daily and hourly energy requirements for heating and cooling in buildings can be calculated. The effect of outside ambient temperature can be determined by means of the degree-day method in determining the basic temperature values in buildings. The altitude and latitude affect significantly the temperature distribution in the Earth. Thus, the latitude and altitude values are required to determine the degree hour values. This study was taken in 9 provinces located in the Southeastern Anatolia Region (SAR). The annual outdoor dry-bulb thermometer temperatures for a long period of nine provinces in the SAR were obtained to determine heating and cooling degree hour values according to the six different base temperatures. According to the suggested six different base temperature values, the cumulative long-term annual heating degree-hour (HDH) value was 50862 in total for Gaziantep province. The lowest cumulative long-term annual heating degree-hour value took place in Sanliurfa province as 39638. Also, the highest total cooling degree-hour (CDH) value took place in Sanliurfa province as 10886 degree-hour value and the lowest value took place in Sirnak province as 3909. It was determined that there was not an exact linear or monotonous relationship between HDH and CDH values and altitude, latitude and longitude values. However, although it was seen that the relationship of CDH values with the altitude was not a formal linear or monotonous relationship, it was determined that CDH values decreased linearly together with the increasing altitude values when the values were examined.
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Variation in life history strategies of rudd Scardinius erythrophthalmus (L.) in Europe was evaluated based on published sources. The growth and lifespan were analysed as the main variables in life strategies of any fish. The results revealed that total length (TL) at age 1 year was correlated with latitude and faster growth during the first growing season leads to a shorter lifespan in Europe. Variation in length at age 1 year was more pronounced in southern (40-46[degress]N: mean TL = 84.6 mm, SD = 27.2, n = 9) than in northern populations (49-61[degress]N: mean TL = 46.4 mm, SD = 4.2, n = 10). Thus, rudd can show different life history strategies in southern populations whereas in northern populations these options are few.
Stwardnienie rozsiane (sr) jest przewlekłą chorobą demielinizacyjną układu nerwowego dotyczącą najczęściej młodych dorosłych z przewagą występowania wśród kobiet. Dokładna przyczyna sr nie jest znana. Przyjmuje się, że jest to choroba wieloczynnikowa. Rozpowszechnienie występowania sr na kuli ziemskiej jest nieregularne, uzależnione od szerokości geografiznej. Częstsze zachorowania odnotowuje się w szerokościach geografiznych o klimacie chłodnym i umiarkowanym aniżeli w strefi zwrotnikowej i podzwrotnikowej. Liczba osób z sr na całym świecie przekracza 2,5 mln, z czego około 630 000 zachorowań odnotowano w Europie. Polska znajduje się wśród krajów o wysokiej częstości występowania sr. Przyjmuje się, że zapadalność na sr w Polsce wynosi od 45 do 92 osób na 100 000 mieszkańców. Choroba rozpoczyna się zazwyczaj pomiędzy 20 a 40 rokiem życia, czyli w latach największej aktywności zawodowej, w związku z tym sr, będąc jedną z najczęstszych przyczyn długotrwałej niezdolności do pracy, stanowi znaczny problem nie tylko zdrowotny, ale również społeczny. Cel pracy: Celem pracy jest ocena częstości występowania i rozmieszczenia stwardnienia rozsianego w Polsce i na świecie. Metoda: Dokonano przeglądu piśmiennictwa krajowego i zagranicznego z lat 2008–2014. Przeszukano następujące bazy danych: PubMed, Science Direct, Termedia, Polska Bibliografi Lekarska.
Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a chronic demyelinating disease of the nervous system affcting mostly young adults and predominately women. The exact cause of MS is not known. It is assumed that this is a multifactorial disease which is caused probably not by a single factor but several coexisting factors. The prevalence of MS on the globe is irregular and associated with latitude. Increased incidence is recorded in the latitudes with cool and temperate climate than in tropical and subtropical ones. Number of people with MS all over the world exceeds 2.5 million and about 630,000 cases were reported in Europe. Poland is among the countries with high incidence of MS. It is assumed that the incidence of MS in Poland ranges from 45 to 92 people per 100,000 inhabitants. The disease onset is usually between 20 and 40 years of age at the time of greatest professional activity. MS is one of the most common causes of long-term incapacity for work and therefore it is not only signifiant health, but also social problem. Aim: The aim of this study is to assess the prevalence and distribution of Multiple Sclerosis in Poland and around the world. Method: A review of domestic and foreign literature in the years 2008-2014 was conducted. The following databases were searched: PubMed, Science Direct, Termedia, Polska Bibliografi Lekarska.
We studied the intra- and interspecific size variability of 271 water shrewsNeomys fodiens (Pennant, 1771) andN. anomalus Cabrera, 1907 from seven sample sites along a latitudinal transect from Bosnia and Herzegovina to Poland.Neomys anomalus was the only water shrew in three Dinaride karst fields, while it was sympatric with N.fodiens in remaining sites. The first principal component scores (PC1; 72.2% of variance explained), derived from principal components analysis of 13 cranial, mandibular and dental measurements, were used as the size factor. One-way ANOVA detected significant interpopulation variation in both species; intraspecific variation, however, was much more pronounced inN. anomalus. No latitudinal size pattern was found in N. fodiens (r = −0.42, p = 0.58), while mean PC1 scores correlated significantly and negatively with latitude inN. anomalus (r = −0.92, p = 0.004). Therefore, along a north to south transect,N. anomalus converged in size towards N. fodiens, which suggests that the former species occupies increasingly more aquatic habitats in the same direction. Individuals from allopatric populations ofN. anomalus from Slovenia and Bosnia and Herzegovina were, on average, larger than sympatric conspecific populations from the same latitudinal zone, which is consistent with the hypothesis of character displacement.
A parasitological investigation was performed on a total of 5380 Atlantic cod larvae, post-larvae and small juveniles sampled from the North Sea during a period of five years. The copepod Caligus elongatus (Von Nordmann, 1832) and the nematode Hysterothylacium aduncum (Rudolphi, 1802) were found at a relatively high prevalence of infection (4.6% and 5.2%, respectively). The infection by both parasites showed annual and spatial variability. C. elongatus showed a higher prevalence in 1992 compared to the following years, whereas the prevalence of H. aduncum increased from 1992 to 2001.We observed a relation between parasite distribution and parameters such as latitude and water depth. Adult digeneans (Lecithaster gibbosus and Derogenes varicus) and larval cestodes were also found with lower infection rates. Since changes of infection levels coincided with increasing North Sea water temperature in the studied period, it is hypothesized that temperature may affect parasite population levels. However, it is likely that other environmental factors may contribute to the observed variations. Absence of infection intensities higher than one nematode per fish in small larvae and post-larvae suggests that host survival may be affected by a high infection pressure. The relatively high levels of infection in the younger stages of cod, and the annual/spatial variability of these infections should be considered in the understanding of the early life dynamics of the species.
Publikacja prezentuje propozycję implementacji prostego symulatora systemów GPS i GSM. Moduł został przystosowany do instalacji rozszerzeń zapewniających dodatkową funkcjonalność. Urządzenie pozwala na praktyczne wykorzystanie przewagi technologii bezprzewodowej w wielu złożonych zastosowaniach. Połączenie protokołu NMEA oraz języka komend AT sprawiło, że prezentowany system jest kompatybilny z najnowszymi standardami obowiązującymi w branży telekomunikacyjnej. Projekt generuje efekty spotykane w wysoko-budżetowych rozwiązaniach korzystając z podzespołów oferowanych w dostępnych cenach. Dzięki wykorzystaniu popularnego standardu krótkich wiadomości (SMS) oraz światowego systemu nawigacji (GPS), prezentowany moduł może zostać użyty w każdym projekcie, który wykorzystuje powyższe technologie. System może służyć do symulowania zachowań telefonu komórkowego, śledzenia innych urządzeń, lokalizowania nadajników i prezentowania otrzymanych danych na dowolnej mapie. Projekt sprawdzi się również w złożonych procesach obliczeniowych.
This paper proposes and implements a simple extendable GSM and GPS systems simulator. It allows user to learn advantages of modern wireless technology and use it in many complicated solutions. By combining NMEA protocol and AT commands, system is compatible with newest standards in telecommunication industry. Project uses low cost hardware to produce effects that are nowadays only seen in very expensive solutions. By utilizing popular short messages standard (SMS) with worldwide working GPS system, it is possible to make use of presented module in any project involving wireless technology. This system is useful for simulating mobile phone, tracking device, localizing beacon within map range and using module for more complex data calculating processes.
In our publication we focus on monitoring logistics maps with the GSM/GPS communication system. An influence map was used for optimization of the trace route. Information collected from GPS transmitters is processed and presented with additional help from Google Maps technology and detailed graphs. Stored data might be used to design new streets and highways, preventing from formations of traffic jams, increasing safety within specified locations, planning fastest roads for logistic business, choosing police control places and many more. Presented solution covers technology born in traffic control industry and many modern computer applications.
Publikacja porusza temat monitoringu map logistycznych z użyciem systemu komunikacji w systemie GSM/GPS. W celach optymalizacji dróg namierzania, w pracy wykorzystana została mapa wpływów. Informacje zebrane z nadajników GPS zostają przetworzone i zwizualizowane z pomocą technologii Google Maps oraz rozbudowanych schematów. Przechowywane informacje mogą zostać użyte do projektowania nowych ulic i autostrad, zapobiegania formowania się korków drogowych, wzrostu bezpieczeństwa w wyznaczonych lokacjach, planowaniu najszybszych dróg przejazdu dla branży logistycznej, wyboru optymalnych miejsc kontroli policyjnych oraz wielu innych zastosowań. Zaprezentowane rozwiązanie wykorzystuje technologie stosowane w sektorze operowania ruchem drogowych oraz w wielu nowoczesnych aplikacjach komputerowych.
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