Bioługowanie jest znaną i stosowaną coraz częściej na skalę przemysłową metodą przeróbki rud siarczkowych, skał nadkładu, odpadów mineralnych oraz węgli. Jest także stosowane do odzysku metali z koncentratów siarczkowych. Znacznie mniej uwagi poświęca się natomiast badaniu możliwości odzysku metali z ubogich rud niesiarczkowych. Jak dotąd brakuje doniesień literaturowych o próbach zastosowania metod biohydrometalurgicznych na większą skalę. Niniejszy artykuł przedstawia krótką charakterystykę możliwości odzysku metali z ubogich rud niesiarczkowych, zwłaszcza laterytów, z wykorzystaniem metod biologicznych. Przedstawiono mechanizmy procesu bioługowania tych rud, stosowane mikroorganizmy, jak również czynniki wpływające na efektywność tego procesu. Ponadto zwrócono uwagę na szereg problemów, pojawiających się przy prowadzaniu badań nad bioługowaniem, a także na zagadnienie dostępności źródła węgla organicznego, niezbędnego do wzrostu mikroorganizmów heterotroficznych.
Bioleaching is a well-known method, applicable to sulfide ores, waste rocks, tailings or coals processing. It is also applied to metals recovery from sulfide concentrates. Much less attention however, is being given to the research on possibility of metals recovery from low-grade nonsulfidic ores (e.g. laterite ores). Up till now, there is a lack of information in literature about application of biohydrometallurgical methods on a bigger scale. This article presents short characteristics of possibilities of metals recovery from low-grade nonsulfidic ores by using biological methods. The mechanisms of bioleaching these ores, several examples of microorganisms used, as well as different factors affecting a process recovery are discussed in the article. Moreover, several problems arising in the course of bioleaching research, as well as an accessibility of an organic carbon source for heterotrophic microorganisms growth are dicussed.
The paper discusses the problem of determining the thickness of a laterite cover using electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) in a selected area of the Seram Island in Indonesia. Seram Island lies in the tropical zone between the Seram and Banda seas. The laterite covers are rich in nickel, cobalt, iron and other metals. Concentrations of these metals in the laterites are high enough to form economic deposits. A significant part of the report concerns the measurement technique (ERT method) in difficult climatic (high humidity and temperature) and topographic conditions (equatorial jungle with significant variations in elevation) and the methods of processing and interpretation of the acquired data. The problem seems very interesting, because geophysical prospecting is currently more and more often conducted in poorly accessible regions of the world. Additionally, there are no sufficient and commonly available publications that would allow us to get acquainted with local measurement problems by potential contractors of similar geophysical investigations. The primary result of the geophysical survey was to determine the electrical resistivity of bedrock and laterite. This was the basis for the development of sections of electrical resistive distribution for the ERT profiles, which enabled to estimate the depth to the crystalline basement and the laterite thickness. It also facilitated to produce a map of laterite thickness, which may be an important material to develop the concept of searching and mining of nickel and cobalt ore.
The article presents the geological features of rarely described ferruginous nickel ores in carbonate rocks. They are exploited mostly in central Greece, giving about 1% of world production. Geochemical associations of laterite-derived nickel ores and bauxites occurring in carbonate formations of similar age in the not distant area are presented. The deposits formed in several stages starting with the lateritic alteration of nearby serpentinite and redeposition of water-suspended saprolite into karstic forms of Jurassic limestones. Ferruginous clayey material was sealed by transgressive Cenomanian marly sediments and was subject to further transformations in the vadose zone of the uplifted rock massive. Mining geology, environmental and economic aspects of exploitation are analysed. Finally, guidelines for the land use in post-mining areas are provided.
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