The sequential designed experimentation was applied for leaching of Ni-Fe-Mg containing serpentine ores. The experiments were arranged in two sequences, according to the 2IV4-1 fractional factorial experimental design. Six factors were examined, i.e., the material sample, solid-to-liquid ratio (S/L), acid type and its concentration, leaching temperature, and stirring speed. The analysis of variance was used to establish the relation between tested factors, their interactions, and metals recovery. All the derived empirical models were of prime statistical importance. The obtained results showed that the recovery of Ni was dependent mainly on the material sample, the concentration of acid as well as their interaction, and temperature. The recovery of nickel at the optimal leaching conditions was high (93%). The dissolution of other metals was below 84% (Fe) and 54% (Mg).
Zbadano możliwości wykorzystania metabolitów wytwarzanych przez dzikie grzyby strzępkowe do bioługowania krzemianowych rud niklu. Przetestowano kilkanaście szczepów pleśni, wyizolowanych ze środowiska naturalnego, głównie z rodzaju Aspergillus oraz Penicillium. Przeprowadzono badania wpływu zagęszczenia cząstek ciała stałego oraz pH na skuteczność i przebieg procesu bioługowania. Dokonano porównania wydajności procesu bioługowania z ługowaniem chemicznym. W oparciu o uzyskane wyniki, zaproponowano dwa warianty prowadzenia procesu ługowania z użyciem grzybów pleśniowych.
The possibility of using metabolites produced by wild mycelial fungi for bio-leaching siliceous ores of nickel was investigated. A number of mould strains were tested, isolated from their natural environment, mainly from the Aspergillus and Penicillium groups. An effect of thickening solid particles and of pH on the efficiency and on the proceeding of the bioleaching process was investigated. Efficiencies of bio-leaching process and chemical leaching have been compared. Based on the obtained results two optional methods for conducting the leaching process using mould fungi have been proposed.
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