Laser surface texturing (LST) has emerged as a versatile and efficient technique for modifying surface properties across various materials. This paper provides an analysis of the characteristics and diverse applications of laser surface texturing. The paper begins by explaining the fundamental principles underlying LST, highlighting the mechanisms involved in material interaction and the resultant surface modifications. It explores the influence of laser parameters such as pulse duration, energy density, and wavelength on the texturing process, emphasizes their impact on surface morphology, roughness, and topographical features. Furthermore, this paper delves into the wide-ranging applications of LST across different industries and fields. It examines how LST enhances surface functionalities, including improvements in tribological properties, wettability, friction reduction, and biocompatibility. Additionally, the utilization of LST for creating microstructures enabling advanced functionalities in optics, electronics, biomedical devices, and energy harvesting systems is discussed. Moreover, the challenges and future directions in LST technology are highlighted, which encompass advances in precision, scalability, and integration of LST with other manufacturing processes. The potential environmental implications and economic feasibility of LST are also discussed.
W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań wpływu tekstury na właściwości dynamiczne wirującego wału wykonanego za stali węglowej konstrukcyjnej C45. Oba czopy wałka zostały poddane laserowemu teksturowaniu powierzchni. Zastosowanie ablacyjnej mikroobróbki laserowej miało na celu wytworzenie tekstur powierzchni w kształcie czasz kulistych o powtarzalnych wymiarach geometrycznych (średnica 150 μm, głębokość 8 μm). Wymiary, kształt i gęstość tekstur została dobrane na podstawie przeglądu literatury oraz doświadczeń autorów a stopień pokrycia teksturą wynosił ok. 20%. Wytworzone zagłębienia pełniły rolę mikrozasobników olejowych. Badania potwierdziły, że wytworzenie tekstur wpłynęło na podniesienie progu rezonansu dla wirującego wału oraz zmiany współczynnika tłumienia. Występujące tu zmiany charakterystyk dynamicznych należy oceniać jako korzystne dla węzła tarcia.
The paper presents results of the influence texture on the dynamic properties of the rotating shaft made of medium carbon steel C45. Both pivots shaft were subjected to laser shaft surface texturing. Application of ablative laser micromachining was intended to produce surface textures in spherical shape of repetitive geometrical dimensions (diameter 150 μm, depth 8 μm). Dimensions, shape and density of texture had been chosen based on literature and authors experiences and density of the texture was approx. 20%. The resulting cavity served as oil pockets. The testing was confirmed that the formation of the textures had contributed to raising the threshold resonance for rotating the shaft and changes the damping factor. Present here changes the dynamic characteristics should be assessed as beneficial to friction.
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