The article considers the phonetic and orthographic means that create the uniqueness of the national ethos. The deformation of Ukrainian phonetic features is revealed to have been caused by a number of social factors, which include: the lack of a state language policy, the consistent destruction of the native language of the nation, systematic Russian expansion in the areas of information and culture, the results of the colonial past, and state intervention in the internal laws of the language. The impact of alien (Russian) speech on the phonetic system of the Ukrainian language is shown, which has resulted in numerous pronunciation errors. The destruction of linguistic, melodic, volume, vocality and other language characteristics is described. The suggestions and the experience of the Spelling Project of 1999 on the phonetic system of the language are analysed.
This paper introduces Catalonia, an autonomous community of Spain, located on the north-eastern extremity of the Iberian Peninsula. The focus is partly on the demography and the linguistic situation of this territory, but primarily on its linguistic politics and language legislation. Catalonia has established a number of language policies, comprising a very complex and ambitious set of Catalan language legislation. As a result of these language policies, which provide support and subsidies, Catalan has become the language of the public administration of Catalonia.
Artykuł analizuje rolę i status prawny języków na Białorusi w różnych okresach historycznych (od czasów Wielkiego Księstwa Litewskiego do współczesności). Rozważany jest wpływ polityki językowej państwa na rozwój i funkcjonowanie języka białoruskiego. Analizowane są statystyki i dokumenty prawne.
У артыкуле аналізуецца роля і прававы статус моў у Беларусі ў розныя гістарычныя перыяды (ад часоў ВКЛ да нашых дзён). Разглядаецца ўплыў моўнай палітыкі дзяржавы на развіццё і функцыянаванне беларускай мовы. Прыводзяцца статыстычныя дадзеныя, аналізуюцца юрыдычныя дакументы.
The article analyzes the role and legal status of languages in Belarus in different historical periods (from the times of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania to the present day). The influence of the state language policy on the development and functioning of the Belarusian language is considered. Statistics are given, legal documents are analyzed.
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