The article examines the role of food in shaping the Italian national identity based on the example of Italian football language in the most-read Italian newspaper entitled “La Gazzetta dello Sport” (www.gazzetta. it). At first, the concept of identity is analyzed and then its particular shades in the case of Italy and the attitude of Italians toward food, its importance and widespread occurrence within the entire country will be discussed. In fact, the food is a factor which seems to be a bonding element for all Italians and a means of expressing the current Italian national identity. The author identifies it as the Italian culinary identity. The phenomenon can be observed in such presently existing Italian culinary terms as cioccolatino, brodino, biscotto, spezzatino, mangiarsi un gol and the like that are used in Italian football news.
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This paper provides an overview of recent scholarship on the value of using literature and song lyrics to help students of English as a Foreign Language improve their pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar and accuracy, linguistic competence and confidence, motivation, cultural knowledge, empathy and objectivity, and literary awareness. Literature and multimodal materials can help to promote better understanding of the cultural background of the target language, resulting in improved comprehension of context, dialect, and idioms through the use of language as it is spoken by native speakers. Students are more likely to learn if they are given materials that they enjoy, and if they can see immediate benefits from studying, so teachers are encouraged to promote cross-curricular applications of the skills taught in language classes. The paper then provides a case study to illustrate these principles with an analysis of the popular song “Let It Go” from the recent Disney film Frozen.
U radu se donosi pregled novije znanstvene i stručne literature o uporabi književnosti u riječima pjesama kako bi se pomoglo učenicima engleskoga kao stranoga jezika da unaprijede svoj izgovor, rječnik, gramatičku točnost, jezičnu kompetenciju i samopouzdanje, motivaciju, poznavanje kulture, empatiju i objektivnost, kao i književnu svjesnost. Književni i višemodalni materijali mogu pomoći promicanju boljega razumijevanja kulturne podloge ciljnoga jezika, što također vodi boljemu razumijevanju konteksta, dijalekata i idioma u jezičnoj uporabi izvornih govornika. Uspješnost učenja jezika potencijalno je veća ako se učenicima ponude materijali u kojima nalaze zadovoljstvo i ako pritom iskuse neposrednu korist od učenja. Stoga se učiteljima preporuča poticanje primjene vještina usvojenih na nastavi jezika u drugim predmetima. Rad uključuje i analizu pojedinačnoga slučaja popularne pjesme „Let It Go“ iz nedavnoga Disneyeva filma Frozen, kojom se ilustriraju navedena načela.
Der Beitrag bietet einen Überblick über die Ergebnisse der wissenschaftlichen Forschung zur Verwendung von literarischen Texten bzw. Songs als Hilfe beim Erwerb der korrekten Aussprache, des Vokabulars, der Grammatik, der Sprachkompetenz und des Selbstvertrauens, der Motivation, der kulturellen Kompetenzen, der Empathie und der Objektivität sowie der Förderung von literarischen Kompetenzen im Rahmen des englischen FSU. Literarische und multimodale Unterrichtsmaterialien können zum besseren Verständnis des kulturellen Hintergrunds der Zielsprache beitragen, wodurch auch ein besseres Verständnis des Kontextes, der Mundart und der seitens der Muttersprachler verwendeten Idiome gefördert wird. Dabei ist der Erfolg beim Erlernen einer Fremdsprache potenziell größer, bietet man den Schülern Unterrichtsmaterialien an, an denen sie Gefallen finden und anhand deren der Lernnutzen unmittelbar erfahrbar ist. Deshalb wird den Lehrenden empfohlen, die in anderen Fremdsprachen erworbenen Fähigkeiten und Fertigkeiten der Lernenden aufzugreifen. Im Beitrag wird als Beispiel für die Anwendung der angeführten Grundsätze die Analyse der neuerdings durch den Disney-Film Frozen populär gewordene Song „Let It Go“ vorgelegt.
W artykule prezentowana jest sylwetka Nikity Iljicza Tołstoja, twórcy moskiewskiej szkoły etnolingwistycznej, filologa-starożytnika i lingwisty-etnologa, który badał historię kultur słowiańskich i słowiańskich języków literackich, zajmował się słowiańskim językoznawstwem porównawczym, folklorystyką, etnografią i mitologią, widząc przy tym konieczność jednoczesnego rozpatrywania języka i kultury duchowej, języka i twórczości wspólnotowej, ich wzajemnych odniesień i różnych typów zależności. Przybliżane są podstawowe myśli z jego bogatej spuścizny.
The article presents the figure of Nikita Ilyich Tolstoy, the founder of the Moscow School of Ethnolinguistics, a historical philologist, linguist, and ethnologist. Nikita Tolstoy researched in the history of Slavic cultures and languages, Slavic comparative linguistics, folk studies, ethnography, and mythology. In his approach, he jointly considered language and spiritual culture, the language of creative activity of a community, and the relationships between them. The article presents and discusses the main ideas of Tolstoy’s rich body of research.
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