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tom No 257-258
The article highlights some socio-economic aspects of land use planning. Effective space management requires co-ordinated programmes, the limits allowing the social space to self-regulate and the carefully calculated volume of input (not only in the economic terms) into maintaining the desired quality of this space. Disturbed balance between the space self-regulation and the disproportionate input usually results in excessive burden laid on one of these elements. Therefore, adequate proportions between the two of them should be of central importance for land use planners. To this end, it is extremely important to develop a proper land use policy, a part of which are local development plans. They create the space and its functions and, conversely, it is the space and its quality that determine the provisions of land use plans. The latter make entities behave on the market in a specific way, thus shaping, directly or indirectly, the local property prices. A local development plan, or its absence, often hinders the growth of not only the local real estate market, but also the local development in general. Effective planning, especially in terms of economic and social consequences, determines the contents of the information resource that is necessary for making right land use decisions. The deficit of micro-scale analyses leads to a situation when local plans are created on the basis of data aggregated for much larger areas (such as cities or their districts) thus making the predicted effects of land use planning burdened with error. Another equally important issue is an ex post analysis of the land use planning effects. It is also necessary to develop a coherent concept of the spatial order of the area beyond the administrative borders. Unfortunately, the areas covered by land use planning are constantly shrinking in size, which is resulting in the disturbed continuity of the spatial order and in the uncontrolled urban sprawl.Spatial development policies and land use plans should be preceded by the strategic analyses of their impact on the natural environment, of the mutual influence of the plan provisions on the neighbouring administrative units, of the economic effects of using local land and buildings (not limited to the financial consequences of a zoning fee) and, first and foremost, of the social relevance of the functions proposed for the area in question.
The correct arrangement of area use function in built-up and urbanized areas is of a crucial meaning as for the satisfaction of economical and functional needs of a city. The process of creating functional structure is not incidental, it is a consistently implemented concept included in the planning documents. The use of limited resources is conditioned by the needs linked to the proper management, based on optimal adjustment of area to determined functions. Maintaining spatial order is a result of interdependent and correlated actions of many entities. Some of these actions are regulated in law, while other arise from indirect actions of entities operating in a given area, among others, of real estate market professionals. Selected problems of the optimal shaping of built-in and urbanized areas (in particularly of cities) were presented in the study. Those processes of the real estate system and their influence on the optimal use of areas in which a significant role may be played by real estate professionals: real estate appraisers, real estate agents and real estate managers were presented.
In Italy, for assessing LPG depots, a simplified method has been used for twelve years. The method is based on the classification of the plant according the MOND index. Standardized accidental scenarios are applied to have damage areas. Land vulnerability and compatibility are evaluated according a method inspired by the IAEA method for land use compatibility. In this paper it has been demonstrated credible, as their results are confirmed by using a higher level method, such as the well known method defined in the TNO purple book.
Coraz częściej w niemal każdej przestrzeni podejmujemy trud ciekawego i kompleksowego zagospodarowania przestrzeni. Aby wyglądała ona efektownie, warto stosować różnego rodzaju architektoniczne triki.
Integrating the ecosystem services (ES) concept into land-use planning has been the focus of researchers in recent years. Forwarding this objective in order to foster human well-being, urban and regional planning became the focus of research efforts. Furthermore, governance research has been beneficial in studying the coupling of ecosystem services and planning processes. Thus, in this explorative case study we have analysed the governance of urban and regional planning in two case studies – Rostock and Munich – in order to gain insights about the role and value of ecosystem services among planning actors. We conducted semi-structured interviews to identify relevant parameters to facilitate integrational approaches of ecosystem services into decision-making in the context of cross-sectoral urban and regional planning. Based on our results, we argue for a change of the perspective of ES within planning practice. Instead of ecological or economic endeavours, the contribution of ES to human well-being should be in the centre of attention. Human well-being as an overarching aspiration may have the potential to shift ecosystem services from sectoral to cross-sectoral planning.
Planowanie zagospodarowania przestrzennego jest nierozerwalnie związane z rozwojem obszarów zurbanizowanych. Jednocześnie planowanie transportu - układu drogowo-ulicznego i infrastruktury transportu publicznego - jest ważnym elementem w planowaniu przestrzennym, bez którego sprawna i szybka obsługa komunikacyjna obszarów zurbanizowanych nie jest możliwa. Dlatego konieczne jest, aby planowanie zagospodarowania przestrzennego i zrównoważonego transportu przebiegło równolegle, dbając o jednakową rangę i synergię każdego z elementów planowania. W ramach 6. Programu Ramowego Unii Europejskiej "MAX", w którym partnerem jest Politechnika Krakowska, realizowane jest zadanie mające na celu poznanie przesłanek procesu decyzyjnego w planowaniu przestrzennym i transportu. Na podstawie planu zagospodarowania przestrzennego obszaru Czyżyny-Dąbie w Krakowie, koncepcji Krakowskiego Centrum Wystawienniczo-Kongresowego oraz projektu obsługi komunikacyjnej dla tego obszaru, dokonano analizy i propozycji dodatkowych rozwiązań komunikacyjnych obszaru Czyżyny-Dąbie, który w przyszłości będzie się bardzo silnie rozwijał.
Spatial and transport planning state the base during process of urban structure creation. This process should ensure sustainability in land use planning, improve transport efficiency and minimize transportation needs. All the transport and spatial planning procedures should be integrated, while role of responsible administrative units should be enhance and interactive. Reduce the needs for travel, especially by car and provide better conditions for sustainable transport modes (public transport, non motorized modes) is the main aim of European Union Project MAX. MAX is the latest framework research project on Mobility Management (MM) and Travel Awareness (TA) in transport. One of the main topics concerns the better integration of MM with land use planning (LUP). In Poland, that kind of integration doesn't exist in the strict sense of the word. LUP is almost completely separate from sustainable transport planning and mobility management. This problem is very significant especially in new or rebuild developments situated in the outskirts. In spatial planning of the investments, it should be taken into consideration the possibilities of sustainable transport service and ensuring alternative form of vehicle usage.
Possibilities of exploitation of a large part of mineral deposits appear limited by actual and planned land use and the related land ownership rights (especially in the case of opencast mining) and by various real and imaginary restraints resulting from landscape and environment protection. Such limitations make further development of existing basis of mineral raw materials rather doubtful. Therefore, they represent a threat for appropriate supply of mineral commodities and may be a barrier to future sustainable development. The major factor acting against the mining is a low social consciousness of importance of mineral commodities for covering everyday needs of a community, together with traditional vision of the mining as exclusively damaging natural environment. The protection of deposits for future development should be secured by a special Legal Act. The knowledge and reliable information on importance of mineral raw materials for everyday life and local and regional and country economy as well as of real impact of the mining on the environment and the modes of its remediation is indispensable for proper management of mineral deposits. Such knowledge should be disseminated properly in schools and by media in PR campaigns.
Content available remote Geoenvironmental mapping for the local landuse planning
Geoenvironmental factors constrain free landuse planning. Mineral deposits, surface and underground waters, fertile soils, unstable ground and landscape features are the main components of environment that needs to be considered as a basic for sustainable developement of local communities. Their presentation on 1 : 25 000 and 1 : 10 000 maps was found the most suitable for the local landuse planing. Systematic such mapping of parish territories within the Krakow district (voivodship) is realized since 1994. Map presentation, in computerized GIS based mode, allow to check environmental constraints for mining, quarrying, settlement building, road construction, as well as natural hazards possibilities (as landslides in montainous regions). They allow to focus attention on mineral and industrial rock resources available for local and general use, not limited by protection of other components of environment and protect them if necessary for their future utilization.
Wymagania ochrony środowiska ograniczają swobodne planowanie zagospodarowania terenu. Należy uwzględnić występowanie: złóż kopalin i wód podziemnych, żyznych (chronionych) gleb, wartości krajobrazowych oraz gruntów nieprzydatnych dla budownictwa, a zatem tych czynników, które są ważne dla planowania zrównoważonego rozwoju społeczności lokalnych. Prezentacja tych czynników na mapach jest najlepszym przekazem informacji na ich temat. Na przykładzie województwa małopolskiego stwierdzono, że najdogodniejsze na potrzeby zagospodarowania przestrzennego są mapy w skalach 1 : 25 000 i 1 : 10 000 sporządzane dla poszczególnych gmin. Systematyczne opracowywanie map geologiczno-gospodarczo-sozologicznych dla poszczególnych gmin województwa krakowskiego (i obecnego małopolskiego) zapoczątkowane zostało w 1994 r. Prezentacja map w systemie GIS umożliwia łatwą ocenę możliwości eksploatacji kopalin, zabudowy terenu, budowy dróg, na tle ograniczeń wynikających z wymagań ochrony środowiska, a także ocenę możliwości występowania zagrożeń naturalnych (np. osuwisk w terenie górskim). Mapy takie pozwalają na zobrazowanie możliwości wykorzystania złóż kopalin na potrzeby lokalne i ponadlokalne oraz określenie warunków ich ochrony dla przyszłego wykorzystania.
Content available remote Wpływ parametrów struktury przestrzennej miasta na podział zadań przewozowych
Planowanie struktury przestrzennej miasta powinno wpływać na przeciwdziałanie zatłoczeniu motoryzacyjnemu. Proces ten powinien brać także pod uwagę zrównoważoną formę zagospodarowania przestrzennego, ale także konieczność dostosowania układu transportu zbiorowego w obszarze. Zarówno forma urbanistyczna jak i transportowa muszą być ze sobą powiązane i być planowane równocześnie. Zapewnienie obsługi obszaru atrakcyjną formą transportu, może wpływać na zmianę zachowań komunikacyjnych mieszkańców, w postaci zwiększenia udziału transportu zbiorowego w codziennych podróżach. Zatem umiejętne kształtowanie czynników struktury przestrzennej w mieście może skutecznie wpłynąć na redukowanie negatywnych skutków zatłoczenia motoryzacyjnego.
Spatial planning has a huge impact on reduction of the motorized congestion. This process should provide sustainability in land use planning, but also an improve of transport efficiency and minimize transport needs in areas. All transport and spatial development procedures should be integrated. An attractive public transport in areas, could has an impact on transport behaviors among citizens and increase of modal split for individual transport in cities. The sustainable spatial planning process including could increase the motorized congestion.
Artykuł zwraca uwagę na potrzebę integrowania krajobrazu kulturowego z planowaniem przestrzennym. Artykuł ma celu przedstawienie zmian, jakie zaszły w ostatnich latach w przedmiotowym obszarze.
Article draws attention to the need to integrate the cultural landscape of spatial planning. The article is to present the changes that have occurred in recent years in this area.
The paper presents the curriculum of the laboratories in the drawing for planning which take place at the Faculty of Economics and Sociology of the University of Lodz for students of third year of physical planning. The formation prepares staff for planning authorities of different levels: local, district and national. Physical planning was first opened in 1997 and since then there has been about one hundred students every year. Current planning theory constitutes source for the basic assessment for the presented subject. The planning process has become a communicative exercise (Healey P. 1997). The actors engaged are: planners, authorities, stakeholders and inhabitants. The physical plan project and the illustrations accompanying other planning regulations are the documents which serve as means of communication. Thus drawings which remain the integral part of the document must fulfill few basie conditions. It must be legible, clear and easy to understand for laymen. The form should follow the message. The great attention is paid to taught students drawing which constitutes a .communication language.. The second aim of the course is to teach the GIS tool, which is basic in managing, presenting and analyzing great databases used in physical planning preparation process. The paper continues the farmer one which had been published in the Annals of Geomatics 2003, Volume I Number l. The software upgrade has become a pretext for modification of the curriculum, where the physical plan preparation has got on importance. The formation includes issues which are common for planners work. Students learn graphical conventions used in physical plans drawings according to exigencies of the Polish physical planning law. They are taught reading of cadastral and topographical maps and creating theirs own maps and schemas. The analyses concerns counting basic urban values which describe buildings, for example intensity or percent of built area on the parcel, and analyzing changes of ground worth. The classes includes also graphical presentation of numeric data using schemas and charts. Every exercise is completed by the preparation of final report composition, which is ready to plot. The course presents an occasion to get expert skills in GIS software operating. This capacity raises the worth of absolvents at the labour market. The subjects of exercises are constantly developed according to accessible data and issues met in the everyday work of the author. Besides of the characteristics of issues taught during the classes, paper presents the comparison of two versions of ESRI software: Arc,View 3.2 and ArcView 8.3. The conclusion is that version 8.3 develops new tools for drawing which were absent in previous one, and which are very helpful when preparing the planning document. The analyses tools have remained unchanged, but they become more difficult to use. ArcView GIS 8.3 is less intuitive to operate than the previous one.
Współczesne porty morskie, aby sprostać wyzwaniom rozwijającego się handlu morskiego, zmuszone są do poszukiwania nowych terenów rozwojowych. Pozyskanie nowej przestrzeni rozwojowej wiąże się z koniecznością pogodzenia często sprzecznych interesów różnych grup podmiotów, które znajdują wyraz między innymi w treści planów zagospodarowania przestrzennego. Przedmiotem rozważań podjętych w artykule jest identyfikacja i ocena wpływu uwarunkowań prawnych wynikających z postanowień zawartych w planach zagospodarowania przestrzennego oraz treści najważniejszych dokumentów programowych szczebla centralnego i lokalnego na rozwój przestrzenny portu morskiego. W tym celu wykorzystano studium przypadku portu morskiego w Szczecinie.
The seaports are forced to gain new development areas to meet the challenges of developing maritime trade. Acquiring a new development space involves the need to reconcile the often conflicting interests of different groups of entities. The main problems discussed in this article are the identification, analysis and assessment of Polish seaports area development policy in the context of the formal and legal regulations resulting from the provisions of the land use planning and the content of the central and local program documents. For this purpose a case study of the seaport in Szczecin was used.
Content available remote Wpływ instrumentów planistycznych na wielkość prognozowanego ruchu
Modelowanie ruchu i prognozowanie ruchu jest bardzo ściśle związane z planowaniem zagospodarowania przestrzennego. Na każdym etapie modelu możemy dostrzec związki z koniecznością integracji przestrzeni urbanistycznej z układem transportowym, co wpływa na kształt modelu i prognozowane wielkości ruchu w sieci ulicznej. Wpływ potencjałów ruchotwórczych, zależny jest od kształtowania przestrzeni urbanistycznej, co także wpływa na kształt więźby ruchu. Na tym etapie modelu, możemy wykorzystać dwa instrumenty planistyczne, dzięki którym możliwe jest obniżenie wielkości relacji pomiędzy rejonami komunikacyjnymi poprzez zmniejszenie mobilności wśród mieszkańców. Plan miejscowy z planowaniem charakteru zagospodarowania terenu i dobór wskaźników parkingowych, to te element polityki planistycznej, które wpływa na prognozowanie ruchu w sieci drogowej i obniżanie stanów kongestii.
Travel modelling and forecast should be integrated with the spatial planning. We can notice that transport and land use planning have strong connection with travel modelling on each level of it. That integration should have an influence on the shape of the model and on the size of the traffic volume. So, the travel demands and the origin - destination matrix depend from the urban spatial and transport network shape. In those levels we can use two planning instruments for minimizing the traffic flows among city areas. It can be done by the mobility reduction among citizens. The local spatial development plans and parking indicators are these elements of spatial planning policy, which can have a great impact on travel forecast in street network and congestion reduction.
Małe elektrownie wodne są obecne w systemie planowania przestrzennego w Polsce. Na szczeblu krajowym podkreślono dużą rolę planowania przestrzennego w rozwoju energetyki odnawialnej, w tym MEW. Wydaje się jednak, że na szczeblu regionalnym (wojewódzkim) postulat ten nie został zrealizowany. Podkreślano konieczność rozwoju małej energetyki wodnej jako OZE, ale nie wskazano negatywnych oddziaływania MEW na środowisko. Na szczeblu lokalnym wskazano instrumenty prawne lokalizacji MEW.
Small hydropower plants are present in the land use system planning in Poland. At the national level the important role of spatial planning in the development of renewable energy was highlighted, included small hydroplants. However, it seems that at the regional level this demand has not been realized. The necessity of developing small hydroplants as a renewable energy was highlighted, but negative environmental impact was not indicated. At local level legal instrument of small hydropower plants is specified.
New information technology have many areas of application in urban planning and they are particularly important in data management and collaboration within working groups. Net participation, i.e. taking part in the process via Internet, grows on popularity. The communication may be one-way - then we deal with informing - or two-way - then we may define it as real. It is also possible to communicate in working groups over a specific subject with the use, for example, of Internet forum or chat room. Proper course of the participation process requires access to information in a manner meeting standards. There are two main streams of presentation of urban models at WWW sites: 3D models and Participatory Planning GIS. Other methods, combining both, are also available. A non-professional user should be attracted, if he/she is supposed to visit a participatory planning site. To achieve this goal requires both clarity of presentation and possibility of interaction. Game technology may be also used as a communication tool in urban planning, it may serve as a communication channel and as a method of visual simulation. Web 2.0 offers new tools enabling collective work over planning issues. In the paper, classification of different participation methods is proposed. The paper also contains some examples of the use of new information technology in urban planning with the participation of inhabitants.
tom R. 108, z. 1-B
W artykule przedstawiono potrzebę przeprowadzenia scaleń i wymiany gruntów na terenach objętych procesem inwestycji liniowych, jakim jest budowa autostrady. Przedstawiono negatywny wpływ oddziaływania dróg na poziom życia ludności zamieszkującej wieś i rozwój rolniczej działalności gospodarczej oraz korzyści wynikające z przeprowadzenia scaleń, jako instrumentu porządkującego przestrzeń i zapobiegającego degradacji tych terenów. Na podstawie doświadczeń województwa małopolskiego przedstawiono obecnie prowadzone prace w zakresie scaleń związanych z budową autostrady A-4.
The paper presents the need for the merger and exchange of land in areas affected by the investment line, namely the construction of the highway. Presents the negative impact of road impacts on the living standard of the population living in rural and agricultural development of economic activities and the benefits of carrying out the consolidation, as a means of ordering the space and preventing the degradation of these areas. Based on experience voivodship Malopolska, now presents work undertaken on the merging of the construction of the highway A-4.
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