Manorial and grange complexes are characteristic elements of the rural cultural landscape; they constitute significant evidence of the farming tradition of a region. Unfortunately, nowadays these complexes have often become dilapidated, their legibility has been obliterated and there have been radical changes in the spatial context. The aim of this study was to determine whether manorial and grange complexes were given proper attention in the development and strategic plans worked out by communes. The commune of Tarnowo Podgórne, stretching along the western boundary of Poznań city, was selected as a case study and research area. An attempt is also made to recognise what protective provisions the local law makes for those complexes. The authors think that the quality of plans concerning the facilities under study is unsatisfactory. The Land Use Plan includes recommendations to protect nonexistent facilities and lists a complex located beyond the commune boundaries. Although the Plan emphasises the significance of manorial and grange complexes, there are no local spatial development plans for most of them. Some plans referring to the spatial structures under analysis are imprecise and incomplete, which results in ineffective protection.
Najważniejszy dokument planistyczny jest sporządzany na szczeblu gminnym i jest nim miejscowy plan zagospodarowania przestrzennego. Dokument ten zawiera zapisy fundamentalne dla obywateli, jego treść wpływa bezpośrednio na zmiany zachodzące w gminie, prowadzoną politykę, gospodarkę oraz przeciwdziałanie zagrożeniom środowiska. Ze względu na wysoką rangę tego dokumentu w artykule zwrócono uwagę na działania planistyczne prowadzone w celu uchwalenia planu miejscowego, a także oceniono, jak samorządy gminne wywiązują się ze swoich zadań. Analizie poddano prace planistyczne prowadzone na terenie gminy Krzeszowice. Podkreślono czasochłonność działań planistycznych oraz zaakcentowano prawdopodobne przyczyny tego zjawiska. W artykule zwrócono uwagę na warunki wprowadzone ustawą o planowaniu i zagospodarowaniu przestrzennym, szczególnie podkreślając wpływ jej zapisów dotyczących określonej procedury oraz terminów przewidzianych na poszczególnych etapach prac planistycznych.
The document that has the greatest impact on the development of a municipality in terms of spatial planning is the local land use plan. The document determines the development of the municipality and has a direct impact on its policy, people, economy and the environment. In this article the attention was drawn to the planning works which are carried out in order to accept the local plan. It also has been estimated, how the local governments fulfill their obligation associated with the local land use plan. The procedures of creating such planning and the contents of them as well as subsequential phases of the spatial planning has been analysed on the example of Krzeszowice municipality. It was emphasized, that the procedure is very long and the probable reasons of this phenomenon was emphasized too. In the article was emphasized the considerations, which must be induced in a local plan, which was introduced by the Planning and Spatial Development Act. In accordance with the act, the order of the procedures and time limits for the various stages of planning are particularly important.
Problematika návrhu vysokorychlostních tratí je velmi aktuálním tématem, zejména z důvodu napojení ČR na evropský systém VRT. Problematika návrhu se však netýká jenom přípravy technologických částí stavby. Nejdůležitější je příprava území aby navržená stavba mohla být naplánována, tzn. je nutno uvést do souladu navrženou trasu s dotčenými územními plány, posoudit vliv na životní prostředí a další faktory. Součástí článku je uplatnění těchto hledisek při posouzení návrhu modelové trasy VRT v úseku Praha – Drážďany, což ve výsledku bude znamenat propojení letiště Václava Havla Praha a letiště v Drážďanech.
The issue of the design of high-speed rails becomes very current theme, especially because of the connection of the Czech Republic to the European system of HSR. The issue of the design is not only about the preparation of technological parts of the construction. The most important thing is the preparation of the site to enable planning of the design of the construction. It is necessary to bring the designed route into line with land use plans, to assess the impact on the environment and other factors. The article includes the application of these aspects when assessing the design of the HSR route model between Prague – Dresden. This will mean linking the Vaclav Havel Airport Prague and airport in Dresden.
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The aim of the paper is to examine the scale of the depletion of forest lands in the areas bordering on the capitals of Polish voivodeships. The analysis of the communes around studied urban centres allows for the assessment of the local governments’ spatial development policy with reference to forest lands. The paper shows how local authorities prevent these lands from disappearing and how closely this task is related to the usage of the spatial information instruments such as land use plans (spatial development plans). In the paper the index of the loss of forest land has been used. It estimates the percentage of the forest land that constitutes forest land intended for deforestation in land use plans with reference to the total area of forest land registered in a commune in 2013. Out of the 148 communes that border on capitals of voivodeships only 34 were qualified for the research, namely those with index of forest land depletion higher than its average value for Poland. One of the conclusions of the research is that areas particularly threatened by the loss of forest lands are those that border on Warsaw, Łódź and Lublin.
Metoda oceny wrażliwości krajobrazu na przekształcenia, opracowana została w IRM w 2006 r., w trakcie sporządzania Studium uwarunkowań i kierunków zagospodarowania przestrzennego gminy Poronin. Podstawą metody jest stwierdzenie, iż dla potrzeb planowania przestrzennego najistotniejsze znaczenie ma wrażliwość krajobrazu na przekształcenia. Tworząc macierz sposobu pokrycia terenu i rodzajów ekspozycji (z uwzględnieniem podziału na tereny zainwestowane i otwarte), opracowano wytyczne do planów miejscowych.
The method of assessing the landscape susceptibility to transformations was developed in the Institute of Urban Development in 2006, in the course of preparation of the land use plan for the commune of Poronin. The core of the method is the finding that it is the susceptibility of landscape to transformation, which is of critical significance for spatial planning needs. By creating a matrix of land cover and exposure types (taking into account the division into invested land and open land), guidelines for local area development plans were prepared.