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Land use and the landscape of the suburban area are strongly affected by the impact of a large city, which is an important factor determining their development. The paper presents the results of analyses of the functional and spatial transformations depending on the distance from city limits and main access roads. The analyses were based on CORINE data for the years: 1990, 2000 and 2006. The spatial transformations in the specified distance buffers were described with use of the indicator of the share of specific land use areas in the total surface area and the indicator of the average landscape patch surface area. The conducted analyses confirm that the spatial patterns characteristic for suburbanisation exist in the vicinity of large cities and along access roads. The phenomena noticed in the suburban zone of Wrocław include, among others, an increased share of surface area used for residential purposes, a decreased area of arable lands, and an increased concentration of commercial and industrial areas in the direct proximity of the city and access roads.
Agricultural land abandonment is an elusive phenomenon, as yet not fully defined. Even though it is common in Polish landscape, there are no measures to date that could quantify the phenomenon. Neither the data from the Central Statistical Office, nor the data from land registers include information on land abandonment. Therefore, there is a need for a systematic approach that could quantify and determine the extent of land abandonment. A fieldwork approach was designed for the purpose, and research was conducted on a test area of Okocim village in Małopolska region. Vegetation cover that could indicate the existence of land abandonment on the agricultural areas – such as trees, brushwood, and grass cover – was examined using a representative sample of 145 test fields. The fieldwork approach revealed that the extent of land abandonment in the test area is 37% of all areas officially classified as agricultural, which shows that the scale of the phenomenon is significant, and that there is a need to develop an approach to provide a more detailed picture of the distribution of land abandonment.
Użytkowanie ziemi oraz dynamikę użytkowania ziemi należy uznać za najbardziej syntetyczną informację oraz wskaźnik orientujący o wykorzystaniu przestrzeni geograficznej, a tym samym o zagospodarowaniu przestrzennym. Dostęp do bazy danych przestrzennych dotyczącej użytkowania ziemi (land use) umożliwia prowadzenie statystyki wyodrębnionych form pokrycia terenu. Materiałem źródłowym do opracowania baz danych o użytkowaniu ziemi mogą być wykazy gruntów sporządzane przez służbę geodezyjną (ewidencja gruntów). W ten sposób uzyskana baza danych umożliwia prowadzenie analiz statystycznych. Do prawidłowej oceny stanu przestrzennego zagospodarowania kraju niezbędna jest baza danych przestrzennych i jej wizualizacja w różnych skalach geografi cznych, szczególnie na poziomie regionalnym i lokalnym (gminnym).
Recent databases and land use maps of Poland are of relatively small level of specifity, which allow employing them mainly for general view purposes. In author’s opinion it is however possible to produce the land use spatial database of local level (corresponding to the NTS 5). To achieve this goal authors have proposed an reinterpretation of CORINE Land Cover database (in-deep enhancement of details by disaggregation of selected land cover and land use classes, its reclassification, as well as its aggregation, according to the needs of the physical planning analyses and taking into the considerations the recent social and economic determinants). This will allow to elaborate the new, more detailed land use database, employing proposed legend of rational and effective land use (prepared for physical planning monitoring), and/or to produce the entirely new database, employing the new more detailed legend (but in accordance with CORINE Land Cover nomenclature) and using IKONOS and Quick Bird data.
Which modern use of grassland is the most beneficial for the protection of water resources in the Polish Carpathians is scarcely known; thus, the deep outflows from organically, extensively, semi-intensively and intensively used and unused grasslands between 2019 and 2022 were measured. The studies showed that use impacted the process of deep infiltration, but the differences were clearest between the areas where management was reduced to a minimum (lowest outflow) and the areas which were mown most often (highest outflow). No effect of fertilisation was detected. To intensify groundwater recharge, it is evidently necessary to mow vegetation twice or three times per season; more frequent mowing changed the characteristics of the vegetation in an undesirable way. The fallowing of grasslands proved to be a practice unfavourable to groundwater resources.
tom 25(1)
As stated in the National Greenhouse Gas Inventory Report, CO2 emissions and carbon balance vary significantly between Russia’s regions. In this regard, estimations of regional capabilities to absorb GHG and CO2 specifically are quite important. The analysis, undertaken in this study, made it possible to identify the territorial differentiation of the carbon capacity for the districts of the Republic of Tatarstan – one of the leaders of economic development in Russia. The author also considers the role of evaluating carbon intensity in the regulation of regional economy by optimizing land use structure.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the state of contamination with zinc, lead, and cadmium in selected soils of the Śląskie and Ciężkowickie Foothills and to determine the impact of the type of agricultural use and selected physico-chemical properties of soils on heavy metal content. The test soils were characterized by natural content of zinc, lead, and cadmium in most cases. Only one type of soil located on Śląskie Foothills developed increased levels of Cd (1.1 mg kg-1). The content of zinc, lead, and cadmium in the surface layer (0–30 cm) was higher in the soils of Śląskie Foothills than in soils of Ciężkowickie Foothills. The bedrocks from which the soils of these two mesoregions are formed differed significantly only in the content of zinc (it was higher in the soils of Śląskie Foothills). The content of Zn, Pb, and Cd in the surface layer of soil depends on its texture and organic carbon and total nitrogen content. There was also a positive correlation between the content of Pb and Cd and hydrolytic acidity and between the content of Zn and Ca and CEC. Different types of land uses did not influence the content of the metals.
the purpose of the undertaken survey is to assess the accuracy of the SSe2009, based on a reference dataset. the dataset contains 3,600 samples with the same spatial resolution as the final Soil Sealing layer product and covers a rectangle of 36 km2. the basis for assessing the accuracy was the photointerpretation of the orthophotomap. the overall accuracy with data division into 6 classes amounted to 65%; while divided into 2 classes: sealed and non-sealed reached 95%. the evaluation results accuracy may form the basis for future improvements in evaluation methods impervious surface.
Sea-river ports are in most cases the final element of the network of inland waterways - usually, in a situation, where they are located at the river's mouth, the possibility of further shipping of inland vessels ends. Ships, sometimes also ocean-going vessels, may however call for many sea-river ports lying in a large distance from the mouth of rivers (eg Szczecin, Hamburg, Bremen). Due to more central position in the transport network in the region or country, seaports, situated further in the hinterland, are generally preferential. However, they face a number of technical problems connected with maintaining the availability of navigation from the sea. In the case of sea-river ports problems related to: construction, operation, maintenance and management of both seaports, inland ports and waterways are cumulated. While seagoing ships and river barges use very often the same waters and quays, using the same equipment, the land on which they are operated is in the competence of many different institutions and bodies. The functioning of the sea-river ports is also strongly correlated with the existence and development of the other cities in the hinterland, being a part of a system of river routes. Finally, the complex spatial and functional dependencies occurring between modern ports and port cities or metropolitan areas, heavily conditioned the development of both of these structures. The scope of this article is analysis of the functional and spatial relationships between them.
Artykuł jest kolejnym z serii artykułów o systemie kształtowania przestrzeni w Polsce i drugim z trzech dotyczących zakresu stanowienia miejscowego planu zagospodarowania przestrzennego. Jest uzupełnieniem i rozszerzeniem artykułu pt. Kształtowanie przestrzeni – sprawny system czy chaos? Miejscowy plan zagospodarowania przestrzennego – zakres stanowienia. Odnosi się do kluczowego zagadnienia, jakim jest przeznaczenie terenu/ów. Wskazuje na wieloznaczność tego pojęcia, a tym samym mało precyzyjny zakres stanowienia planów miejscowych. Świadomie powtórzono niektóre fragmenty artykułu pt. Kształtowanie przestrzeni – sprawny system czy chaos? Miejscowy plan zagospodarowania przestrzennego – zakres stanowienia. Osobom, które go nie czytały, ułatwi to zrozumienie zagadnień omawianych w niniejszym artykule. W celu zachowania precyzji wypowiedzi posłużono się szeregiem cytatów. Artykuł oparto na przepisach prawa obowiązujących na koniec października 2021 r.
This paper is another in a series of articles on the spatial planning system in Poland and the second of three on the scope of constituting local spatial development plans. It supplements and extends the article entitled Imposing spatial order – an efficient system or chaos? Local spatial development plan – the scope of regulation. It relates to the key issue which is the land use. It indicates the ambiguity of this concept, and thus the imprecise scope of drawing up the local plans. Some text excerpts of the article Imposing spatial order – an efficient system or chaos? Local spatial development plan – the scope of regulation. were deliberately repeated. For those who have not read it, this will help understand the issues discussed in this article. In order to maintain the precision of the statement, a number of quotations have been used. The article is based on the law in force at the end of October 2021.
nr 1
The paper focuses on issues related to the monitoring of changes in land use, which is a statutory obligation of voivodeship marshals in Poland. The analysis involved responses to author’s inquiries received from 16 marshal offices. The paper analysed whether and how marshals fulfil this obligation. At the second stage, the official replies were juxtaposed with relevant information from marshal offices’ websites. The results suggest that not all marshals fulfil the obligation to monitor land use change. In most cases, the actions taken currently involve comparison of the current land use structure to the one of the previous year. This approach does not lead to proper conclusions from analyses and hinders taking appropriate decisions.
W artykule podjęto zagadnienia dotyczące monitorowania zmian sposobu użytkowania gruntów, co jest ustawowym zadaniem marszałków województw w Polsce. Do analizy wykorzystano uzyskane z 16 urzędów marszałkowskich odpowiedzi na pytania przygotowane przez autora. W pracy przeanalizowano czy i w jaki sposób marszałkowie realizują swój obowiązek. W drugim etapie badań zweryfikowano oficjalne odpowiedzi z informacjami pozyskanymi w tym zakresie ze stron internetowych urzędów marszałkowskich. Wyniki pozwalają stwierdzić, iż nie wszyscy marszałkowie wykonują obowiązek monitorowania użytkowania gruntów. W większości przypadków obecnie podejmowane działania polegają na porównaniu aktualnej struktury użytkowania gruntów do roku poprzedniego. Podejście to nie prowadzi do prawidłowego wyciągania wniosków z przeprowadzanych analiz i utrudnia podejmowanie odpowiednich decyzji.
Perceiving the spatiotemporal relationship of land use changes and groundwater resources is crucial for the effective and sustainable management of the plains. This study aims to investigate the relationship between land use changes and groundwater depth fluctuations in the forbidden plains of northern Hamedan. In the present study, the land use maps for 1989, 1997, 2005, 2013 and 2018 were extracted and categorized from Landsat satellite images and then evaluated for accuracy. In addition, groundwater depth distribution maps were prepared by kriging method for five years from piezometric data. The correlation and relationship between land use changes and groundwater depth fluctuations were determined by REGRESS methods. The findings from kriging method indicated that the intensity of groundwater decline during the last three periods of study (2005, 2013 and 2018) becomes more severe in the study area. Land use change trends indicate a sharp decline in the orchards, pasture lands, barren lands and a relative decline in the irrigated agricultural land, and consequently, increasing in non-irrigation and residential farmland. In addition, the average annual depth of groundwater level during the past 29 years decreased to 1.57 m and 0.87 m in the Kabudrahang and Razan Plains, respectively. The r value of REGRESS method during five study periods was the minimum 0.015 and maximum 0.15 in the Kabudrahang Plain and minimum 0.06 and maximum 0.15 in the Razan Plain, respectively. The results of the study indicated that climate changes cannot be considered as the reason for declining the groundwater in the study area. However, along with the relative impacts of land use changes, the role of managerial factors, the prominent example of which is the non-expert location of the Shahid Mofatteh Hydroelectric Power Station, which supplies underground water to cool the generators, should be considered. The present study can be effective in the management, planning, and policy of groundwater resources, land use location, and spatial planning in the areas facing severe water shortages, especially in the northern plains of Hamedan because this study indicates the importance of underground water in arid and semi-arid regions.
Nasilające się współcześnie procesy urbanizacyjne prowadzą do zmian w strukturze funkcjonalnej terenów wiejskich. Na terenach tych, na podstawie analizy opracowań planistycznych sporządzanych w podczas miejscowego planowania przestrzennego, można zobserwować regularny przyrost powierzchni przeznaczanych na cele nierolnicze i nieleśne (Sobotka, Młynarczyk 2010). Kosztem obszarów użytkowanych rolniczo wzrasta powierzchnia terenów zabudowanych oraz terenów leśnych. Zgodnie z zapisami ustawy o ochronie gruntów rolnych i leśnych na cele nierolnicze i nieleśne powinny być przeznaczane obszary nieproduktywne, a w przypadku ich braku - obszary o najmniejszej przydatności do celów rolniczych. Ze względu na ciągły wzrost powierzchni zabudowanych zmniejsza się powierzchnia terenów "najbardziej przydatnych do zabudowy". W efekcie można zaobserwować proces wypierania funkcji rolniczej przez zabudowę mieszkaniową, usługową czy przemysłową. Dodatkowo ustawa o zmianie ustawy o ochronie gruntów rolnych i leśnych z 2009 r. zniosła obowiązek uzyskiwania zgody na zmianę przeznaczenia terenów na cele nierolnicze i nieleśne na obszarach administracyjnych miast. W artykule przedstawiono analizę wyników badań ankietowych przeprowadzonych dla gmin w Polsce pod kątem zmiany przeznaczenia gruntów rolnych i leśnych na inne cele. Badania obejmowały zmiany przeznaczenia dokonane w miejscowych planach zagospodarowania przestrzennego w ustaleniach studiów uwarunkowań i kierunków zagospodarowania przestrzennego (wydane decyzje o warunkach zabudowych i zagospodarowania terenu). Badania, bazujące na wynikach ankiet "Planowanie przestrzenne w gminach" Głównego Urzędu Statystycznego, prezentują dynamiczny wzrost przypadków zmiany przeznaczenia terenów na cele nierolnicze i nieleśne w okresie 2004-2010.
Increasing urbanization leads today to changes in the functional structure of rural areas. In these areas, on the basis of planning studies prepared in the framework of the local land-use planning, we can see regular growth of areas earmarked for non-agricultural and non-forest. Areas used for agriculture at the expense of increasing the surface built-up areas and forest areas. According to the Law on protection of agricultural land and forests for non-agricultural and non--orest areas should be used for non-productive, in the absence of areas with the lowest suitability for agricultural purposes. Due to the continuous growth of built-up area of the surface area is reduced "the most useful to the building". As a result the process can be observed by the displacement of agricultural function housing development, service, industrial function. In addition, the Law amending the Law on the protection of agricultural land and forest land in 2009 abolished the obligation to obtain permission for change of land use for non-agricultural and non-forest administrative areas of cities. The paper presents an analysis of the results of surveys conducted for municipalities in Poland in terms of agricultural land-use change and forestry for other purposes. The study included the reassignment made in local development plans, the findings of studies of conditions and directions issued by the zoning decisions of the terms of built environment and land use. The study, based on the results of polls, "Spatial planning in the municipalities", the Central Statistical Office, presented the dynamic growth of reassignment of cases for non-agricultural land and forest in the period 2004-2010.
Climate, land use, and land cover change can propagate alteration to the watershed environment. The interaction between natural and human activities probably accelerates the change, a phenomenon that will generate serious environmental problems. This study aims to evaluate the change in the hydrological regime due to natural and human-induced processes. The study was conducted in Brantas watershed, Indonesia, which is the largest watershed in East Java. This area is populated by more than 8 million inhabitants and is the most urbanized area in the region. An analysis of rainfall time series use to shows the change in natural phenomena. Two land-use maps at different time intervals were used to compare the rapid development of urbanization, and the discharge from two outlets of the sub-watersheds was employed to assess hydrological changes. The indicator of hydrological alteration (IHA) method was used to perform the analysis. The daily discharge data are from 1996 to 2017. The research results show an increase in flow (monthly, 1-day, 3-day, 7-day, 30-day, and 90-day flows) in the two sub-watersheds (Ploso and Kertosono) from the pre-period (1996–2006) to the post-period (2007–2017).
Content available remote Influence of land development on the ecological status of small water bodies
Small water bodies play a specific role in the landscape, as they increase the mosaic pattern of a given area, retain water and affect hydrological regime in adjacent soils. These water bodies are the most important in landscapes that have been largely transformed by man, such as agricultural and urban landscapes. The author of this study assessed the ecological status of small water bodies using the Q index and determined the impact of the development of adjacent areas on their ecological status. The analysis of the Q index referring to water bodies showed that its values changed considerably not only during the whole study period but also during one year (from 1.74 to 4.28). The land use analysis in the designated buffer zones stretching within 500 m and 1000 m from the water bodies showed that arable land occupied the largest area. This fact determines the ecological status of these water bodies. Ecotones that develop around ponds can function as biogeochemical barriers reducing pollution in the area. A total of 116 species of vascular plants were identified in the water bodies under study. Herbaceous plants constituted the largest group – 87 species. Trees and shrubs were represented by 16 species and macrophytes by 16 taxa.
Spatial policy-making and implementation at the national and regional levels require, among others, long-term monitoring of socio-economic processes in the spatial and statistical dimension. The paper focuses on the issue of land-use changes for non-agricultural and non-forest purposes in individual provinces (called voivodeships). A special emphasis was put on the intensity and direction of the transformation processes. In order to compile the results in the form of a comparative analysis, a multi-indicator method was developed with the use of the data provided by Local Data Bank for the years 2003-2017. The results illustrate both variations and similarities in the spatial development between the analyzed voivodeships.
The development of housing, services and industry as well as the accompanying infrastructure leads to the intensification of urbanisation processes and changes in land use structure. The area of land characterised by urban use is increasing. The above trend is also observed in Eastern Poland despite its predominantly rural character and the absence of metropolitan areas exerting great pressure on the local landscape, contributing to regional development and enhancing the region’s competitiveness. The paper discusses changes in land use structure in developed and urban areas in Eastern Poland. The analysis includes five Polish voivodeships (Lubelskie, Podkarpackie, Podlaskie, Świętokrzyskie and Warmińsko-Mazurskie) characterised by the lowest GDP per capita in the EU-25. For this reason, Eastern Poland will receive aid as part of the ‘Development of Eastern Poland’ Operational Program 2007-2013. This is the only supra-regional program in the European Union which promotes social and economic growth in underdeveloped regions by co-financing projects in urban development, road construction and tourism promotion. The analysis of changes in the share of developed and urban areas in total land area as well as changes in local land use structure (subgroups) covers the period of 2007-2013. The data relating to land use structure was supplied by the Head Office of Geodesy and Cartography. It was used to determine the scale and rate of urbanisation in the analysed voivodeships (regions) and their constituent poviats (counties) with special emphasis on suburban areas. The results were presented in the form of cartograms and thematic maps with the use of GIS tools. The GIS tools support the visualisation of the spatial distribution of the analysed phenomena.
Sea-river ports are in most cases the final element of the network of inland waterways - usually, in a situation, where they are located at the river's mouth, the possibility of further shipping of inland vessels ends. Ships, sometimes also ocean-going vessels, may however call for many sea-river ports lying in a large distance from the mouth of rivers (eg Szczecin, Hamburg, Bremen). Due to more central position in the transport network in the region or country, seaports, situated further in the hinterland, are generally preferential. However, they face a number of technical problems connected with maintaining the availability of navigation from the sea. In the case of sea-river ports problems related to: construction, operation, maintenance and management of both seaports, inland ports and waterways are cumulated. While seagoing ships and river barges use very often the same waters and quays, using the same equipment, the land on which they are operated is in the competence of many different institutions and bodies. The functioning of the sea-river ports is also strongly correlated with the existence and development of the other cities in the hinterland, being a part of a system of river routes. Finally, the complex spatial and functional dependencies occurring between modern ports and port cities or metropolitan areas, heavily conditioned the development of both of these structures. The scope of this article is analysis of the functional and spatial relationships between them.
Some centuries ago, the city of Guanajuato was divided into neighborhoods in which a beneficiation hacienda was generally located. Various activities related to mining and metallurgical work were carried out, a predominant characteristic in the region such as quicksilver and the casting of metals. With the passage of time, these beneficiation haciendas were subdivided, the families of the workers remained on the farms adjacent to the big house (where the owner of the quicksilver or head of the smelter lived), and gave up their place to heritage public spaces which are visited and admired today by the tourism sector. In some cases, the land use changed, and in others it continues to be the predominant use in the area. Another no less important factor is the observable state of conservation, because, although there are few buildings whose infrastructure does not receive the attention they should, it does not affect the popularity enjoyed by the space in question.
Information about the types of land cover and its use is obtained by the visual interpretation of the color composite of satellite images or by the use of automatic classification algorithms. For obvious reasons, the automatic classification methods make it possible to obtain information quicker and much faster than the traditional interpretation method. The commonly used automatic methods of satellite image classification, based on supervised or unsupervised classification algorithms, are the most accurate when used with low resolution images. In the case of images with 1-meter-sized pixels, showing a diversity of land cover forms, it is not possible to obtain satisfactory results. New classification techniques, based on object-oriented classification algorithms, have been developing for a couple of years now. In contrast to the traditional methods, the new operating procedure does not involve the classification of single pixels, but of entire objects, into which the content of the satellite image is divided. Aside from the spectral values of the pixels, the shape of the objects created by the pixels and the relationships between the objects, are also considered during the analysis. Similar to visual interpretation, variation in the texture of the image can also be taken into account in this case. The aim of this article is to present the possibility of using high density satellite images in object-oriented classification. The classification presented is that of a high-rise built area in Wrocław and of bridges on the Vistula River in Warsaw.
Artykuł dotyczy wyników analizy przestrzennej stanu (2010 r.) oraz zmian (lata 2002–2010) ogólnej powierzchni gospodarstw rolnych, z wydzieleniem użytków rolnych (w tym: grunty orne, uprawy trwałe, trwałe użytki zielone) i gruntów nie użytkowanych rolniczo (w tym: lasy i grunty leśne oraz grunty pozostałe). Wykazano, że tylko w województwie kujawsko-pomorskim na tle kraju zwiększyła się ogólna powierzchnia gospodarstw rolnych; nieznacznie zmalała powierzchnia gruntów ornych (ubyło 21 tys. ha); równocześnie odnotowano wzrost areału gruntów nie użytkowanych rolniczo, w tym głównie lasów (przybyło 65,4 tys. ha lasów). Przemiany te były silnie zróżnicowane przestrzennie, uwarunkowane przyrodniczo, historycznie, a także są efektem oddziaływania instrumentów Wspólnej Polityki Rolnej.
The study presents the results of the spatial analysis of the total area of agricultural holdings as of 2010 and the changes in these figures as recorded in 2002 and 2010, whereby the agricultural acreage (including: arable lands, permanent crops and permanent grassland) and lands excluded from agricultural activities (including: forests, forestlands and other lands) are treated separately. It has been demonstrated that only in Kujavia-Pomerania region increased the total area of agricultural holdings, the agricultural acreage became slightly smaller (by 21 thousand ha) and the area of unutilised agricultural lands – in particular forests – enlarged (by 65.4 thousand ha in the case of forests and other land). The changes varied substantially across the regions as a result of both natural and historical conditions, on the one part, and the Common Agricultural Policy mechanisms, on the other part.
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