Apparently, we never know what effects past formal and informal meetings or official and casual conversations have, and the flowers that blossom from them. This essay deals with the issues connected to the broad realm of human cognition, its logical or inborn premises and conceptual backgrounds, in the context of the essence of a thirst for knowledge. Selected parts of the philosophical domain of epistemology (e.g. materialistic, idealistic, realistic, Cartesian, Kantian, phenomenological) are presented, as well as cognitive perspectives (especially regarding Heidegger's three scopes of the world opening for our recognition, i.e. the thing as a physical presence, the thing as a problem to solve, and the thing as a fact remaining beyond any human empirical experience) based on some scientific branches such as the history of travelling, anthropology, sociology, cultural studies and physics. Finally, the syncretic portrait of a certain scientist is shown as a structural conclusion of the text. All the reflections in the article should be read as though it were a report of a feast, which reminds one either of a common reception or an intellectual meeting for various gourmets. That would be bitter, filled-with-joy, abstemious, romantic-andrational (like that well-known collocation 'sense-and-sensibility'), postulating and, in the end, eclectic (embodying many cognitive features / scientific attitudes, namely: positivistic, exploring, connoisseur, contemplative, creative). Moreover, this paper outlines several dimensions of human cognition which are sketched as substantial conclusions crowning each chapter. To put it in a nutshell, human cognition appears to be (i) a journey, (ii) an urgent need, (iii) a sort of dialogue, (iv) a search for a context and a selection of reality, (v) an attitude and a point of view, (vi) a philosophy of life and (vii) an epistemological pretext and an ontological supporting column.
W pracy przedstawiono zarys funkcjonowania niektórych mechanizmów regulujących pobieranie pokarmu. Omówiony został system komunikacji między układem pokarmowym, tkanką tłuszczową a odpowiednimi strukturami mózgowymi, które uczestniczą w regulowaniu bilansu energetycznego organizmu. Odczuwanie łaknienia i sytości, to postawowe reakcje organizmu, świadczące o potrzebie zwiększenia lub zmniejszenia dostarczania energii pochodzącej z pożywienia. Zaburzenia w systemie komunikacji na drodze przewód pokarmowy/tkanka tłuszczowa-mózg, mogą prowadzić do wielu poważnych zaburzeń metabolicznych, będących przyczyną rozwoju otyłości i zagrożeniem dla zdrowia. Metaboliczna regulacja łaknienia dotyczy głównie fizjologii żywienia, stanowi jednak wiedzę niezwykle istotną w praktyce lekarskiej i dietetycznej.
Food intake and energy expenditure are controlled by complex mechanisms, in which very important seems to be the regulation of appetite. The links between gastrointestinal tract, adipose tissue and brain which takes the part in the energy balance has been included in this study. Abnormalities such as incorrect signals in the gastrointestinal tract, adipose tissue and brain ways, may leads to many serious metabolic disorders which provides to the weight control disorders, obesity and many others morbidities. The hypothalamus is a crucial region for integrating signals from central and peripheral pathways and plays a main role in food intake and appetite control. Metabolic regulation of appetite is focused on the physiology of nutrition, but first of all it is very important in medical and dietary everyday practice.