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tom 35
nr 3
Na łące, w której składzie botanicznym wyczyniec łąkowy stanowił ponad 50%, porównywano wpływ dwu-, trzy-, i czterokrotnego koszenia na skład runi oraz na wielkość plonu i jego wartość żywieniową. Przedstawiono też względny koszt zbioru siana przy różnej częstotliwości koszenia.
On a meadow with predominance of foxtail grass (over 50%) in its botanical composition the effect of two-, three- fourfeld mowing on the sward composition as well as on the yield level and its fodder value was compared. Also a relative haymaking cost for different mowing frequency is presented.
На лугу с ботаническим составом преобла дания лисохвостя лугового (свыше 50%) сравнивали влияние двух-, трех- и четырехкратной косыбы на ботанический состав, величину урожи и его кормовое достоинство. Представлена таш относительная остоимостъ уборки сена да разной частоты косьбы.
The moistening of habitats in which there are existing the foxtail meadows, were estimated with using the Ellenberg phytoindication method. The 118 phytosociological records, realized with using the Braun-Blanquet method in the Zamość Basin - were an investigational material. The mean values of moistening - F computed on the base species composition and percentage part of particular taxons in the ground cover - indicated that the foxtail meadows (in relation to moistening factor) were characterized by the widely ecological amplitude (F = 5,2-7,3). However, generally they occurred the borderland of fresh and damp habitats (F = 5,6-6,5). The foxtail meadows from the much more dry habitats (F = 5,2-5,5) connected by floral composition to the Arrhenatheretum elatioris association and from the much more moisture (F > 6,5) to the Phalaridetum arundinaceae and Caricetum acutae associations. Particular moistening variants are differentiationing by number of species - indicators of dry, fresh, humid and wet habitats and by their participation in ground cover.
Na łąkach położonych w dolinie Wieprza wyróżniono 35 piatów wyczyńcowych. Oceniono ich wartość rolniczą na podstawie analizy runi pobranej w 1988 roku. Przeciętny plon siana tych zbiorowisk wynosił 6,8 t/ha a plon białka ogólnego 0,81 t/ha. Wartość użytkowa paszy była dobra, natomiast zarówno zawartość makroelementów jak ich wzajemny stosunek układały się w sposób zróżnicowany.
In the Wieprz river valley 35 phytosociological recordswere taken on grasslands. Their agricultural value was evaluated on the basis of the samples of the green mass taken in 1988. The general crop of hay was 6,8 t/ha and of the total protein was 0,81 t/ha. The utility value of the greenness growth was good and the content of both the macroelements and their mutual relations were diversified.
tom 02
The aim of performed experiments was to estimate variability of morphological, biological and chemical properties of Alopecurus pratensis and determine of possibilities of breeding for fodder and seed production purposes. In years 1994-1996, investigations were carried out on ecotypes and breeding materials of Brudzyński variety from own collection. The population of Alopecurus pratensis exhibits considerable variability within a wide range of traits which creates substantial selection possibilities of valuable material for breeding. The most interesting are two groups of plants isolated in ecotypes as well as in the Brudzyński variety. The first of them, tentatively called „green form", is characterised by a higher share of vegetative shoots in the tussock structure, bigger area of leaf blades, LAI index and yield and, consequently, better chemical composition and digestibility in comparison with plants of the "blue-green form". The green form creates considerable breeding possibilities of Alopecurus pratensis for forage purposcs. On the other hand, the blue-green form is characterised by a longer inflorescences, higher sced yield per tussock and unit area, smaller seed shedding and share of no shedding inflorescences per tussock at the moment of harvest. For that reason, the blue-green form is more suitable for breeding of this form for seed production purposes.
Badania geobotaniczne dolin rzecznych prowadzono w latach 1982 - 1992. Łąki opanowane przez Alopecurus pratensis zaliczono do dwóch zespołów związku Arrhenatherion: Arrhenatheretum medioeuropaeum i Alopecuretum pratensis, (w obu przypadkach wyróżniono wariant typowy i z Alopecurus pratensis). Stwierdzono, że Arrhenatheretum alopecuretosum obfitujący w rośliny związku Arrhenatherion zajmował najsuchsze siedliska (poziom wody gruntowej 0,7 - 0,8 m). Alopecuretum z Phalaris arundinacea i z dużym udziałem gatunków z Phragmitetea zajmował najwilgotniejsze siedliska (o poziomie wody gruntowej ok. 0,5 m).
Geobotanical studies of the river valleys were carried out in the years 1982 - 1992. Meadows with dominance of Alopecurus pratensis were classified as belonging to two associations of the Arrenatherion alliance, namely Arrhenatheretum medioeuropaeum and Alopecuretum pratensis (the latter both in its typical variant and with Phalaris anmdinacea). It was established that Arrenatheretum alopecuretosum with an abundance of Arrehenatherion alliance plants occur in the driest habitats (with the level of ground water in summer at 0,7 - 0,8 m). Alopecuretum together with Phalaris anmdinacea and a share of Phragmitetea varieties occur in the wettest habitats (with the underground water level at 0,5 m).
W latach 1972 i 1992 przeprowadzono badania porównawcze składu florystycznego zespołu Alopecuretum pratensis w dolinie Bystrzycy, przed i po melioracji. Obserwowano istotne uproszczenie składu gatunkowego runi w roku 1992.
In 1972 and 1992 comparative studies were conducted on the floristic composition of meadow grass areas (Alopecuretum pratensis community) before and after melioration. A significant simplication in botanical composition of the complex was observed in 1992.
Badania geobotaniczne łąk łęgowych, wykonane w latach 1985 - 1991 w dolinie rzeki Samy Szamotulskiej, objęły obszar 119 ha. W ramach badań roślinności wykonano zdjęcia fitosocjologiczne metodą Braun-Blanguet’a, dokonano wyceny składu botanicznego metodą botaniczno-wagową i metodą punktową oraz określono plon zielonej i suchej masy. Ponadto wykonano badania składu chemicznego roślin. W badaniach siedliska uwzględniono: poziom wody gruntowej, wiercenia i profile glebowe, żyzność siedliska na podstawie analiz chemicznych gleby. W dolinie Samy Szamotulskiej stwierdzono występowanie zespołów roślinnych z dwóch klas fitosocjologicznych: Phragmitetea reprezentowanym głównie przez Phalaridetum anmdinaceae i z Molinio-Arrhenatheretea, Alopecuretum pratensis. Te dwa zespoły zajmują największą powierzchnię na badanym terenie. Wyniki badań potwierdzają wcześniej uzyskane dane z innych dolin Wielkopolski, mówiące o tym, że łąki łęgowe występujące w mniejszych dolinach rzecznych, na glebach organicznych przy dobrym uwilgotnieniu, wykazują wysoką produktywność na poziomie 80 q/ha i podlegają stosunkowo mniejszym zmianom siedliskowym oraz florystycznym na przestrzeni lat.
Geobotanical investigations were carried out in years 1985 - 1991 on riverside meadows along the Sama Szamotulska river on the area of 119 ha. The studies comparised the following: taking phytosociological photographs according to Braun-Blanquet method, evaluation of the botanical composition using botanical-gravimetric and scoring methods, determination of fresh and dry matter yields. Additionally, chemical composition of the plants was also determined. Site investigations included: the level of ground water, drilling and soil profiles, determination of site fertility on the basis of chemical and analysis of the soil. It was established that the flora found in the valley of the Sama Szamotulska river is dominated by plant complexes from two phytosociological classes: Phragmitetea represented mainly by Phalaridetum anindinaceae and Molinio-Arrhenatheretea represented by Alopecuretum pratensis. The two complexes occupy the biggest space on the examined area. Results of these studies confirm data obtained earlier from other river valleys in Great Poland indicating that riparian meadows situated in small river valleys on well irrigated organic soils are characterized by high productivity (on the level of 80 q/ha) and undergo relatively small site and floristic changes in the course of years.
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Results of our investigations indicate that the sward of permanent meadows deserves positive qualitative evaluation from the point of view of both, its utilization and fodder value. One of the essential elements of this assessment is the floristic composition of the sward. Therefore, no justification for their ploughing and destruction. At the present stage of permanent meadow management, it is not always possible to obtain sward which, if used as the only feed, would fully cover the nutritional requirements of animals. This is why permanent meadows must be properly managed and fertilized and utilized correctly. Systematic control of the sward floristic composition and periodical assessment of its chemical composition are the main condition to obtain the required nutritional effects.
Pogórze Wielickie, leżące między Rabą i Wieprzówką, od południa gra- niczy z Beskidem Małym, Beskidem Makowskim i Pogórzem Wiśnickim, a od północy z Pogórzem Wilamowskim, Rowem Skawińskim i Nizi- ną Nadwiślańską. Wzniesienia Pogórza Wielickiego usytuowane są równoleżnikowo. Ich wysokość dochodzi od 350 do 500 m n.p.m. Są o szerokich grzbietach i łagodnych, na ogół nachyleniach stoków oraz głębokich żyznych glebach. Przyjazny dla rolnictwa klimat, ze średnią roczną temperaturą 8°C i sumą rocznych opadów około 750 mm, sprzyjał rolnictwu uprawowemu, które pod koniec XX wieku upadło z powodów ekonomicznych. Odłogowane grunty orne w procesie samozadarnienia przekształciły się w użytki zielone, które są przedmiotem niniejszej charakterystyki.
Highland Wielickie there is between the rivers Raba and Wieprzówka from the south borders with Beskid Mały, Beskid Makowski and Pogó- rze Wiśnickie on the North with Pogórze Wilamowskie, Rów Skawiński, and Nizina Nadwislańska. Geomorphology of this terrain create parallel elevations from 350 to 500 m a.s.l., which are situated on the direction E-W. Their back are wide and slopes gentle. The soils are deep and fer- tile. The annual temerature of aire amount 8°C and precypitation about 750 mm. From this to show that ecological conditons for agriculture are well. Howerer from the end of XX century by reasons economic the agriculture fell. Many arable lands are changed in idles, which in selfsoding proces became grasslands. The authore talk over in the paper all communities of grasslands, which there are on the area of Highland Wielicki.
Presented in the paper are characteristics of the meadow communities and assessment of the degree of their synanthropization. The studies were conducted on meadows utilized in Walim District at the base of the Sowie Mountains in 2009 and 2010. Floristic releves were collected using the Braun-Blanquet method. The material obtained served to define the phytosociological affiliation and to estimate the degree of synanthropization on the basis of the following indexes: synanthropization, apophytization and anthropophytization. The meadow communities studied were representative of the class Molinio-Arrhenatheretea. Within this class, four phytosociological units were allocated: Arrhenatheretum elatioris, the community Poa pratensis-Festuca rubra as well as two communities with either Agrostis capillaris or Alopecurus pratensis. The meadows examined were characterized by a high average level of synanthropization. The highest values for the synanthropization and apophytization indices were found in meadows of Arrhenatheretalia, in Poa pratensis-Festuca rubra and of Agrostis capillaris. The lowest values were found in the meadow the class Molinietalia. The high values for the apophytization index show that most of the species found in the meadows are of native origin. The low values for the anthropophytization index confirm that only an small number of geographically foreign species are found in extensively utilized meadow communities.
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