According to can. 1096 § 1 Code of Canon Law of the 1983 if the marriage harmony is going to come into existence, both sides should be able to dispose of at least minimal knowledge about state of marriage. In accordance with can. 1096 § 2 after reaching maturity, such knowledge is acquired. So what is really the minimal knowledge concerning marriage and what does it refer to in a subjective scope? Legislator defines it as a general concept of marriage with two enumerated aspects: relationship of a man and a woman, which is based on constancy and is oriented towards bearing descendants by a sexual cooperation.
Complementarity in Nature and … beyond? or: coincidentia oppositorum in the Bibleas Cusanus wishes it In the micro-world, science states both indeterminacy of cognitive re-sults and dubious character of elementary particles, e.g. of light: corpus¬cular and wave. Hence former ideal of science which was supposed to give certainty of cognitive results lost its raison d'être, not mentioning the principle of indeterminacy. In humanities and in everyday life we aim at formulating conclusions which are supposed to give certainty. If we are not able to give evidence, cognition must be lacking precision to some extent. Since the whole Bible has inspired character, the contradictions appearing in it cannot be accidental, and so they become a task for a man. Therefore criterion of coherence in the Bible does not have raison d'être, and hence we encounter some immanent contradictions in it, e.g. recommendations, and on that account a man has to choose between them, the choices resulting in for and against arguments. In consequence, the act of faith will have to be accompanied by uncertainty and risk. The author illustrates these theses by the examples from the Old and the New Testaments, exemplarily analyzing so called „Abraham’s conflict”. Existentialized faith understood in this way does not comprise single acts, there should be repetitive choices forcing a man into steady activity in religious sphere. In contrast to empirical sciences, contradictions included in the Bible do not onlydisqualify the Gospel, but they have faith-creating character because of it.
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The fear of tutors and teachers, conformism of students, at last - indifference and apathy of their parents - these are side effects of contemporary changes in education. In his essay Piotr Nowak searches for the sources of these negative phenomena. One of them is enormous hypertrophy of bureaucracy at universities and a new language it addresses to the people of knowledge; another - mass culture, egalitarianism, and industrialization of the University.
W artykule przedstawiono metodę zmiennej granulacji, która umożliwia obliczenie przeciętnych rozkładów jakie mogą wystąpić w problemie. Zależnie od wiedzy jaką posiadamy o problemie możemy uzyskiwać coraz bardziej wiarygodne rozkłady i rozwiązania problemów. Choć bezpieczne, przeciętne rozkłady wypełniające lukę informacyjną nie dają w ogólnym przypadku 100% pewnego i dokładnego rozwiązania problemu, gdyż w przypadku luki informacyjnej jest to niemożliwe, to rozwiązanie uzyskane z ich pomocą cechuje się minimalnym błędem względem wszystkich możliwych rozwiązań i dlatego umożliwia podejmowanie racjonalnych decyzji
Human intelligence allows for solution of problems with partial ignorance. If artificial intelligence has to exceed the human one it should also be able to surmount ignorance. The paper presents an effective method of overcoming information gaps in the sense of lack of knowledge about values of variables that are necessary to solve a problem. Information gaps may seem insurmountable. However, they can be partly surmounted owing to the method of plausible assumptions (hypothesis). If some values of variables in a problem, are unknown we can use the general, qualitative knowledge about them and calculate average, safe distributions of probability of their values and in this way get a plausible solution of the problem.
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