W Satyrze albo Dzikim mężu Jan Kochanowski wspomina dwa starodawne zwyczaje: gdy w czasie mszy czytano Ewangelię, dawni Polacy mieli wyciągać do połowy miecze z pochew na znak gotowości obrony chrześcijańskiej wiary (w. 185–200), z kolei infamisów miano karać na honorze w ten sposób, że gdy zasiadali z kimś do wspólnego stołu, gospodarz rozcinał obrus na znak, że nie chce dzielić z nimi posiłku (w. 231–236). Artykuł analizuje liczne wzmianki o owych zwyczajach w dawnej polskiej literaturze (zgodnie poświadczające brak owych rytuałów w XVI–XVIII w.), by wykazać, że w obu wypadkach mamy do czynienia z literacką legendą. In his Satyr, or The Wild Man Jan Kochanowski refers to two old-time customs: first that, during the mass, at the reading of the Gospel, old Poles were to half draw their swords in token of their readiness to defend the Christian faith (vv. 185–200), and the second that infamists were punished upon their honour in such a way that when they sat at table with other people, the host cut the tablecloth to indicate that he did not want to share a meal with them (vv. 231–236). The article analyses numerous references to those customs in the old-Polish literature (unanimously attesting to the lack of these rituals in the sixteenth to the eighteenth centuries), to indicate that both were literary legends.
One of the effects of the incorporation of Silesia into the Czech political influences between 13th and 14th centuries was the adaptation of the Czech customs by the Silesian Dukes from the royal Piast Dynasty. The frequent visits of the House of Luxembourg to the castles of the knights from the Piast Dynasty and the upbringing in Bohemia might have resulted in the custom of the tournaments. The development of the medieval poetry in Silesia was the result of the visits of famous artists and the compositions created in Silesia were equally valued as the works of Western poets. That was also due to the contacts with Bohemia, where German literature was greatly admired and followed.
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