Due to the growing use of nanotechnology in the modern era, the application of nanoma-terials in elastomers has also been increased. Although some limited experiments areavailable in the previous studies regarding the fracture behavior of rubber nanocomposiDue to the growing use of nanotechnology in the modern era, the application of nanoma-terials in elastomers has also been increased. Although some limited experiments areavailable in the previous studies regarding the fracture behavior of rubber nanocompositescontaining a crack, no criteria have been presented so far. To fill this gap, the currentresearch is devoted to develop a criterion for rupture assessment of rubber nanocompositesweakened by a crack. First, some fracture tests are performed on cracked rubber/claynanocomposites. The prepared nanocomposites are made of ethylene–propylene-dienemonomer/styrene-butadiene rubber/CLOISITE 15. Afterwards, the averaged strain energydensity (ASED) criterion, as one of the most used energy-based criteria, is extended andutilized in nano-reinforced hyperelastic materials. The nearly uniaxial state of stress fieldnext to the crack tip in rubber nanocomposites, which is the main prerequisite for thecriterion extension, is proved by means of non-linear finite element modelling. Finally, theestimations of the criterion is compared with the corresponding experimental data and goodagreement is achieved which reveals the high performance of the ASED criterion in the caseof cracked rubbers filled with nanoparticles.tescontaining a crack, no criteria have been presented so far. To fill this gap, the currentresearch is devoted to develop a criterion for rupture assessment of rubber nanocompositesweakened by a crack. First, some fracture tests are performed on cracked rubber/claynanocomposites. The prepared nanocomposites are made of ethylene–propylene-dienemonomer/styrene-butadiene rubber/CLOISITE 15. Afterwards, the averaged strain energydensity (ASED) criterion, as one of the most used energy-based criteria, is extended andutilized in nano-reinforced hyperelastic materials. The nearly uniaxial state of stress fieldnext to the crack tip in rubber nanocomposites, which is the main prerequisite for thecriterion extension, is proved by means of non-linear finite element modelling. Finally, theestimations of the criterion is compared with the corresponding experimental data and goodagreement is achieved which reveals the high performance of the ASED criterion in the caseof cracked rubbers filled with nanoparticles.
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W pracy przedstawiono algorytm numerycznej symulacji procesu darcia blach duralowych, na podstawie którego można wyznaczyć wytrzymałość resztkową. Jako kryterium pękania przyjęto kąt rozwarcia szczeliny (crack tip opening angle - CTOA). Implementację numeryczną algorytmu wykonano w postaci procedury dołączanej do komercyjnego programu MSC.Marc. Aplikacja kryterium CTOA w programie MSC.Marc łączy ze sobą zalety pracy z własnym kodem programu z olbrzymimi możliwościami, jakie oferuje pakiet komercyjnego oprogramowania. W artykule przedstawiono przykład zastosowania algorytmu wraz z oryginalną procedurą w języku FORTRAN.
In this paper an algorithm of numerical simulation of ductile tearing in aircraft fuselages subjected to widespread fatigue damage is presented. Using this algorithm the residual strength of a cracked airplane skin can be calculated. The crack tip opening angle was chosen as a crack criterion. The numerical implementation was performed as an additional procedure for commercial finite element software MSC.Marc. The application of the CTOA criterion inside the MSC.Marc code combines both the advantage of own code knowledge and huge possibilities of a commercial software. The algorithm makes use of UFORMS subroutine. Originally this subroutine was designated to modify the definition of a constraint condition. Marc's capability for applying arbitrary homogeneous constraints between nodal displacements was applied to fracture simulation. The accompanied procedure in the FORTRAN language is also enclosed. In the paper an example of using the algorithm is presented.
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