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tom 26
nr 2
W artykule poddano analizie zdjęcia krajobrazów naturalnych rożnych obszarów Polski. Analizowane zdjęcia prezentowały krajobraz: nizinny, wyżynny, pojezierny, górski, wybrzeża klifowego oraz wybrzeża mierzejowego. Wybrano także zdjęcia ze zróżnicowanym krajobrazem naturalnym, a więc łączące rożne krajobrazy. Celem autorki artykułu było uzyskanie odpowiedzi na pytania: czy turyści wyżej cenią krajobraz przyrodniczy, który jest bardziej zróżnicowany?, czy jest różnica między oceną krajobrazu dokonywaną przez kobiety i mężczyzn?, czy turyści krajowi różnią się w ocenie krajobrazu od turystów zagranicznych? Badanie było realizowane w grupie 174 studentów kierunków „geografia” i „gospodarka przestrzenna” oraz wśród studentów zagranicznych, którzy przyjechali do Polski w ramach programu Erasmus. Badanie było przeprowadzone od października 2015 r. do maja 2016 r.
Historical geography, treated as a separate auxiliary science of history, gives historians the opportunity to recreate the past of a specific region in the field of settlement and economic activity of people, as well as territorial changes of states and their administrative divisions. It should be emphasized that the development of Podlasie in terms of settlement and economics, especially politics, was inseparably connected with the conditions of the local geographical environment. Their reconstruction, especially in term of the natural landscape of the region, is the starting point for any consideration of the historical geography of the area (similar to other areas subjected to historical analyses) leading through the reconstruction of the cultural landscape to reconstruct its historical and political landscape. It is therefore the initial stage of any research on the settlement, economy and political history of the region, and is quite often omitted in the analyses carried out by historians. The subject of the article is a wide panorama of contemporary achievements of researchers focusing their interest on the reconstruction of the historical and geographical landscape of Podlasie until the end of the 16th century with a particular emphasis on the natural landscape and an outline of research postulates in relation to the region’s analysis of the landscape. This will make it possible to complement its unique past characteristic of the borderland, a crucible in which nations, cultures and religions were mixed together, creating a unique social, political and economic structure.
Na obszarach pojeziernych Polski Północno-Wschodniej, posiadających cenne walory przyrodniczo-krajobrazowe, konieczna jest szczególna dbałość o ich zachowanie. Kształtując obiekty należy postępować wyjątkowo ostrożnie, aby zachować cenne zasoby jak najdłużej. Wymaga to projektowania drobnoskalowego, 'formatu człowieka', o ekspresji nawiązującej do otoczenia. Obiekty na stokach pagórków i nad brzegami jezior powinny przybierać postać drobnowymiarową, rozczłonkowaną, ażurową, przenikającą się z krajobrazem przyrodniczym i kulturowym. Projektanci winni korzystać raczej z tkanki już istniejącej, dokonując adaptacji istniejących zasobów, przewidując różnorodne zabiegi : obniżenie gabarytów, wprowadzenien dachów połaciowych, przeobrażenia wystroju zewnętrznego itp.
The northern-east polish lakeland is characterised by specific natural landscape values preservation of these valuable features is indispensable and requires the special micro design work to be adapted to human being scale close by nature. It is necessary to use the existing architectural structures and resources and rexalorize and revitalize them.
Wieżowiec i krajobraz naturalny powszechnie uważane są za trudne do połączenia. Propozycja wybudowania wieżowca w otwartym krajobrazie, w otoczeniu przyrody budzi zdecydowany sprzeciw. Już sam zamysł mógłby być przez wielu nie do zaakceptowania. Czy jednak kwestia wieżowca w krajobrazie innym niż miejski jest definitywnie zamknięta? Zjawisko wieżowca w krajobrazie naturalnym niegdyś już zaistniało. Lata 60. cechowały się dużą popularnością wysokiej zabudowy i dość swobodnym podejściem do wieżowca oraz wkroczeniem wieżowca na tereny otwarte. Przykłady lokalizacji wysokich budynków z tego okresu przedstawiono w artykule. Dziś zaobserwować można intensywny rozwój wysokiej zabudowy na świecie i kolejną falę zabudowy wysokościowej w Europie. Widzimy wznoszenie wieżowców w miastach, na ich peryferiach, a także powracający pomysł wieżowca w krajobrazie naturalnym. Celem pracy jest pokazanie, jakie są współczesne próby wprowadzenia wieżowca w krajobraz naturalny. Przeprowadzono studia przypadku dwóch projektów europejskich wieżowców w krajobrazie naturalnym – jednego w krajobrazie górskim, drugiego w płaskim. Przeanalizowano cechy architektoniczne, które wpływają na wizualną percepcję wieżowca, takie jak proporcje, skalę i formę budynku. Analizie poddano także relację obiektu z otoczeniem. Charakterystyczną cechą omówionych wieżowców jest bardzo duża wysokość – obydwa projekty przedstawiają budynki należące do najwyższych w Europie. Nowe wizje wieżowców to wysokie budynki charakteryzujące się prostym kształtem i smukłymi proporcjami, co w przestrzeni może mieć znaczenie dla ich wizualnego odbioru.
A skyscraper and a natural landscape are generally considered difficult to connect with each other. The proposal to build a skyscraper in an open landscape generally invites strong opposition. The idea alone would be unacceptable to many. However, has the issue of high-rise buildings in a landscape other than urban been finally resolved? The phenomenon of a high-rise building in the natural landscape has already appeared in the past. The 1960s were characterized by the high popularity of tall building developments and a fairly free approach to the high-rise building and its implementation into open areas. Examples of the location of high-rise buildings from that period are presented in the article. Today, we can observe the intensive development of tall buildings in the world and another wave of tall buildings in Europe. We see high-rises being constructed in cities, on their periphery, as well as the returning idea of a high-rise building in the natural landscape. The aim of the paper is to show what are contemporary attempts to introduce a skyscraper into a natural landscape. Case studies of two projects of European tall buildings in the natural landscape were carried out - one in the mountain landscape, the other in the flat area. Architectural features that affect the visual perception of a high-rise building, such as the proportions, scale and form of the building, were analyzed. The building’s relation to its surroundings was also analyzed. A characteristic feature of the above-mentioned skyscrapers is a great height - both projects represent the tallest buildings in Europe. New visions of skyscrapers are tall buildings characterized by a simple shape and slender proportions, which in space may be important for their visual perception.
Observing the protection of the landscape in the world, Europe and Poland one might declare that the variety of the landscape is “matched” by the diversity and great number of the forms of its protection. The landscape is physiognomy – an expression of the natural environment, a reflection of all the phenomena transpiring on the surface of the Earth. The environment – both natural and cultural – is decisive for the identity of a given place, while its external expression is the landscape. It is impossible to conceal or ignore the landscape, although one can be more or less sensitive to its beauty or at least order. The landscape always affects man, even if only his subconsciousness. In our surrounding we are dealing with a natural landscape, the product of Nature, and a cultural landscape, created by human intellect and hands; as a rule, however, we encounter their assorted, adverse or positive, mutual permeation. Gutersohn was right when he wrote that the landscape is the expression of man’s economy, Favourable economy comprises the foundation of a harmonious landscape, while bad economy – a devastated landscape, and vice versa: the devastation of the landscape reflects bad economy. The protection of Nature as if precedes the protection of historical monuments; the latest version of the statute on the protection of Nature of 16 April 2004 defined landscape merits as the ecological, aesthetic or cultural qualities of a given area together with the associated lay of the land, and the products and components of the natural environment moulded by the forces of Nature or man’s activity. For the sake of their protection article 16 confirmed the regional protection of the landscape, established at the beginning of the 1980s, which consists in the landscape park; according to its statutory definition, it encompasses an area protected owing to its natural and landscape values for the sake of the preservation and popularisation of those merits in the conditions of balanced development. At present, there are more than 120 such parks in Poland, which constitute over 7% of the total area of the country. In turn, the statute on the protection and care of historical monuments of 23 July 2003 described the cultural landscape as space historically shaped due to man’s activity, and containing products of civilisation or natural elements. Numerous milieus have shown great interest in preparing instruments serving both the revival of the merits of cultural heritage and their exploitation for the sake of economic activisation, specially the progress of tourism. The initiation of such undertakings will benefit from a presentation of the synthesis: Zasady tworzenia i zarządzania dla parków kulturowych oraz sporządzania planów ich ochrony (The Principles of the Establishment and Administration for Cultural Parks and the Conception of Plans for their Improvement), which constitutes auxiliary material both for units of communal territorial self-governments and conservation services as well as town planners, landscape architects, rural studies experts, architects and historians of art. These principles were commissioned by the National Centre for the Study and Documentation of Historical Monuments in Warsaw, and accepted in October 2005 by the State Council for the Protection of Historical Monuments, working alongside the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage. On the one hand, the statute provides communal self-governments and their organisational units as well as conservation services relatively considerable flexibility in these ventures; on the other hand, it leaves certain things unsaid as regards the crux of the matter and its implementation. Deciding to face the increasingly distinctly accentuated social needs, the Institute of Landscape Architecture at the Cracow Polytechnic, cooperating with the National Centre for the Study and Documentation of Historical Monuments in Warsaw, undertook the completion of the above-mentioned Zasady. The indicated proposal does not comprise a regulation defining the necessity of devising a collection of strictly determined documents or inaugurating the indispensable activity demanded by law. At the present stage of the first steps made by the self-governments and the conservators of monuments together with specialists and social groups cooperating in the establishment of cultural parks, it is difficult or outright impossible to foresee what sort of conservation, social, economic and organisational problems will have to be tackled. Zasady indicates a certain scenario of issues and activity, conceived according to the ”step by step” principle, which in the nearest future will be probably improved in the course of winning experiences provided by the creation of cultural parks in Poland.
nr 10
Sound is inherently connected with the geographic environment. It is present in both natural and anthropogenic landscapes. Man perceives sound not only by hearing, but by his whole self. The perception of sound is an important element of our emotional experience because it makes the space dynamic. Space without noise seems dead. The world of sound has been considerably transformed in the course of the last century. At present, the noise is omnipresent. A range of natural sounds and sounds of traditional human activity, especially work with traditional tools, have disappeared. Remaining harmonious sounds are threatened by extinction. The author cites examples from the Bug River valley and Lublin area. The so-called sound ecology deals with the noise protection and focuses on researching into sound landscapes. The author’s conclusion is that sound landscapes should be protected.
Dźwięk jest integralnie związany z przestrzenią geograficzną. Jest obecny w krajobrazie zarówno naturalnym, jak i kulturowym. Człowiek odbiera go nie tylko słuchem, ale całym sobą. Odbiór dźwięku jest ważnym składnikiem naszych przeżyć emocjonalnych, gdyż dynamizuje on przestrzeń, która bez niego wydaje się martwa. Świat dźwięków w ciągu minionego stulecia uległ zasadniczym przeobrażeniom. Współcześnie otacza nas zewsząd wszechobecny hałas. Zanikło wiele dźwięków natury i harmonijne dźwięki kulturowe, zwłaszcza towarzyszące pracy ludzkiej, związane z określonymi czynnościami i użytkowanymi narzędziami. Pozostałe harmonijne dźwięki są zagrożone wyginięciem. Autor ilustruje to przykładami z doliny Bugu i z Lublina. Obrona ciszy przed hałasem jest celem ekologii dźwiękowej. Przedmiotem jej badań są krajobrazy dźwiękowe. Konkluzja wywodów autora: krajobrazy dźwiękowe powinny podlegać ochronie.
Doslіdzhennja pokazali, shho prirodnі resursi, a takozh strategіja prirodokoristuvannja jj rozselennja stvorjujut peredumovi dlja funkcіonuvannja poljanskoї gospodarki ta poljanskoї kulturi v cіlomu. Vodnochas same poljanska gospodarka, a takozh rіznі budіvlі, stvorjujut specifіchnijj kulturno-prirodnijj landshaft. Tradicіjjne gospodarstvo – єdina umova gomeostazu poljanskogo landshaftu. Suttєvі zmіni poljanskoї gospodarki prizvodjat do transformacії cіlogo kulturno-prirodnogo kompleksu: porushennja gіdrologіchnogo rezhimu ґruntіv, erozіjjnikh procesіv, vitіsnennja maloproduktivnim travostoєm, kushhami jj derevami luk іz bagatovidovim skladom. Na pochatku XXI st. vіdbuvajutsja rіznovektornі procesi: a) poljanskі landshafti znikajut, zarostajuchi lіsom; b) poljani іz cіlorіchnim, vodnochas sezonnim perebuvannjam domashnikh tvarin ta ljudejj, peretvorjujutsja na: 1) lіtnarkovі fіlіali chi sіnokosi; 2) vіkendovі oselі; 3) postіjjnі oselі (ojjkumenu) chi drugu rezidencіju.
The studies have shown that natural resources, as well as the strategy of environmental management and settlement, create preconditions for the functioning of glade farming and glade culture in general. At the same time, it is glade farming, as well as various buildings, that create a specific cultural and natural landscape. Traditional farming is the only condition of homeostasis for a glade landscape. One significant transformation of glade farming leads to a transformation of the whole cultural and natural complex: disturbance of the hydrological regime of the soil, erosion processes, and displacement of multispecies meadows with low-yield grass, bushes and trees. At the beginning of the 21st century, multi-vector processes took place: a) glade landscapes themselves disappeared, becoming overgrown with forest; b) glades with year-round and, at the same time, seasonal stays of domestic animals and people, were transformed into: 1) places for summer stays or hayfields; 2) weekend residences; 3) permanent residences (ecumens) or other types of residences.
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