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Content available remote Sterowanie kotłownią parową w kopalni soli
Modernizacje polegające na bezkompromisowej i kompleksowej wymianie systemów sterowań automatyki w obiektach przemysłowych stanowiących infrastrukturę energetyczną zakładów w dzisiejszych czasach są częstym i powszechnym zjawiskiem. Spowodowane jest to oczywiście koniecznością redukcji i optymalizacji kosztów, a tych z całą pewnością poszukiwać należy w bezpośrednim sąsiedztwie wszelkich źródeł wytwarzania i przetwarzania energii.
tom nr 12
Geometria kawern ługowanych metodą otworową w kopalniach soli mierzona jest echosondą ultradźwiękową. Na podstawie tego pomiaru określa się objętość kawern i porównuje z objętością wyliczoną z pomiaru wydobytej solanki. W tej pracy wyprowadzono wzory na określenie błędów średnich pomiaru objętości kawerny na podstawie pomiarów echosondą. Analiza pokazuje, że względny błąd średni takiego określenia objętości mV/V maleje ze wzrostem objętości kawerny i rośnie z głębokością położenia jej stropu. Błędy te są bliskie wartości określanych w przepisach o dokumentacji mierniczo-geologicznej. Rozbieżności między objętością obliczoną z pomiarów echosondą i pomiarów wydobycia informują o rozługowaniach niewidocznych w pomiarach echosondą.
The geometry of cavities, in rock salt mines, leached with the application of a bore-hole method is measured by means of a ultrasonic echo sounder. On the basis of measurement made, volume of each cavity is, thus, determined and compared with the volume calculated from measurement of the brine extracted. Derived from the work performed have been formulas for determining the average errors of measurement of the cavity volume basing on the echo sounder measurement. It follows from an analysis made that the average error for such determination of the volume mv/V, gets decreased with the growing cavity volume and grows with increasing depth of the cavity roff location. The error values fall close to the values determined by the regulations pertaining to the geological surveying documentation. The discrepancies between the echo sounder measurements and those made on the mining output volume provide information on the leaching process effects that are not "visible" in the echo sounder measurements.
Zmiany wilgotności i temperatury powietrza wywołują procesy na powierzchni odsłoniętych ociosów solnych w kopalni soli. Dochodzi do wymiany ciepła i wilgoci pomiędzy higroskopijną solą a przepływającym wyrobiskami podziemnymi powietrzem. Procesy te wynikają z okresowości zmian parametrów powietrza atmosferycznego, a ich intensywność maleje wraz z długością drogi przepływu powietrza w kopalni. W przypadku czynnej kopalni soli procesy te są uciążliwe, jednak nie powodują wzrostu zagrożenia w miejscach pracy. Natomiast w przypadku zabytkowej kopalni soli wymiana ciepła i wilgotności wpływa niekorzystnie na stan eksponatów muzealnych. W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań prowadzonych w kopalniach soli "Kłodawa" i "Wieliczka".
Changes of humidity and temperature of air effect in processes on exposed surfaces of salt side walls in salt mines. Heat and humidity exchange occur between hygroscopic salt and air flowing through underground excavations. Such processes result from the periodic changes of parameters of atmospheric air and their intensity decreases with the length of air flow path in the mine. In the case of active salt mine such processes are noxious, although they do not result in the increase of hazard at work sites. However, in the case of ancient historical salt mine, exchange of heat and humidity affects disadvantageously on the state of museum exhibits. Results of investigations conducted in slat mines Kłodawa and Wieliczka are given in the paper.
tom Vol. 76, nr 42
W artykule przedstawiono wyniki pomiarów konwergencji w kopalni Siedlec przeprowadzonych w latach 1993-1998 w chodniku na głębokości 385 m. Konwergencje i przemieszczenia w otoczeniu chodnika modelowano metodą elementów skończonych. W zadaniu odwrotnym poszukiwano właściwości sprężystych i lepkich skał solnych. Omówiono poszczególne fazy dostosowywania parametrów modelu do wyników obserwacji i ich aproksymacje funkcjami czasu. Otrzymane wyniki prezentowane są na rys. 3 i 4. Podano zalecenia dotyczące prowadzenia obserwacji konwergencji i opracowywania operatów pomiarowych.
Results of convergence survey of gallery on 385 m depth in Siedlec salt mine was shown in this paper. Convergences and displacements in the gallery surrounding were simulated by the FEM. The elastic and viscous properties of salt rock were searching in the back analyses. Modeling results and approximate functions in time were discussed. Finał results were presented on fig.4. Recommends for futurę project of convergence survey was described in summary.
tom R. 46, nr 2
W niniejszym artykule podjęto próbę oceny wpływu zmian parametrów fizykochemicznych wycieków solanki na stopień zagrożenia wodnego kopalni soli. W tym celu przeanalizowano przyczyny i okoliczności zatopienia kopalni Wapno założonej w wysadzie solnym w okręgu środkowopolskim, z uwzględnieniem budowy geologicznej i warunków hydrogeologicznych wysadu oraz prac górniczych prowadzonych w całym okresie eksploatacji złoża. Do szczegółowej analizy wybrano wyciek 18/III, który pojawił się na III (najwyższym) poziomie eksploatacyjnym i spowodował awaryjne zatopienie kopalni w 1977 roku. Omówiono zmiany składu chemicznego i parametrów fizycznych solanki w całym okresie istnienia wycieku a także badania zawartości izotopów naturalnych pod kątem przydatności do wczesnego rozpoznania genezy wód stanowiących wyciek.
The paper presents the evaluation of the influence of changes in physical and chemical parameters of the brine outflow on water hazard in domal salt mine. For that purpose, reasons and circumstances of catastrophic flooding of Wapno salt mine placed in central part of Poland have been analyzed. Geological and hydrogeological conditions of salt diapir and mining works during the exploitation period are presented. Detailed study is provided for the outflow number 18/III, which appeared on the third (the highest) exploitation level and led to uncontrolled flooding of the mine in 1977. Variations of chemical composition and physical parameters of the brine during the whole outflow activity period and environmental isotope method are discussed with regard to identification of the origin of outflow water.
Content available remote Przemysłowa przeszłość z turystyczną przyszłością
tom R. 42, nr 5
Kopalnia Soli w Wieliczce jest jedyną na świecie kopalnią działającą od średniowiecza do chwili obecnej. Wpisana jest na listę dziedzictwa światowego UNESCO. W artykule opisano przemiany i dostosowanie kopalni w Wieliczce do celów turystycznych i leczniczych.
The Salt Mine in Wieliczka is the one mine in the world which has still been operating since the Middle Ages. The Mine is inscribed in UNESCO's 1st World List of Cultural and Natural Heritage. The paper presents the transformations and adaptation of the Wieliczka Salt Mine for touristic and curative purposes.
Przedstawiono strukturę produkcji soli w kopalni soli Kłodawa, wraz z potencjalnymi odbiorcami. Zasygnalizowano zagrożenie dla produkcji i zbytu polskiej soli, płynące z Czech, Ukrainy i Białorusi.
The paper presents the structure of salt production in "Kłodawa" Salt Mine, as well as the salt receivers. The problem of threats for Polish salt production and selling from Czech Republic, Ukraine and Belarus in mentioned.
Content available remote Znaczenie kopalni soli dla przestrzeni publicznych Bochni
tom R. 105, z. 3-A
W niniejszym artykule zawarto zwięzłą charakterystykę funkcjonalnego i kompozycyjnego znaczenia zespołów szybowych historycznej kopalni soli dla przestrzeni publicznych Bochni w kontekście przebudowy kopalni jako obiektu poprzemysłowego oraz jej adaptacji do nowych funkcji, w szczególności związanych z lecznictwem uzdrowiskowym.
The article contains a concise characteristic of functional as well as compositive importance of mineshafts complexes of historical salt mine for Bochnia City public spaces. The importance has been described in context of salt mine postindustrial facility rebuilding and its adaptation to new functions, especially related to health services and resort treatment.
tom nr 2
Artykuł przedstawia zabezpieczenia przeciwpożarowe w Kopalni Soli "Wieliczka". Z uwagi na zagrożenie, jakim dla solnego górotworu stanowi słodka woda zrezygnowano z posiadania rurociągów przeciwpożarowych w udostępnionej dla turystów części kopalni. Rurociągi zastąpione zostały zarówno dodatkowym sprzętem gaśniczym jak i zintegrowanymi systemami nadzoru ruchu i parametrów bezpieczeństwa w kopalni. Zaprezentowano także działania o charakterze technicznym służące podniesieniu stopnia bezpieczeństwa pożarowego.
The article presents fire protection facilities in "Wieliczka" Salt Mine. Due to the threat posed to the rock mass by salt water there are no fire pipelines in the section of the mine available for tourists. The pipelines have been replaced by additional fire-fighting equipment and integrated supervising systems of traffic and safety parameters in the mine. Technical measures have also been presenting in order to improve fire protection.
Lecznictwo sanatoryjne zarówno w Polsce, jak i za granicą jest bardzo rozpowszechnione. Jak wynika z wielu badań szczególnie w schorzeniach dróg oddechowych takie leczenie przynosi bardzo dobre efekty. Na te efekty w znaczący sposób wpływa specyficzny mikroklimat panujący zarówno w podziemnych komorach subterraneoterapii, jak i w pomieszczeniach sanatoriów naziemnych. Zasadniczym celem wykonywanych badań było oznaczenie i rozdział cząstek aerozolu biologicznego na frakcje (w zależności od ich średnic aerodynamicznych: powyżej 7,0 um; 7,0-4,7 um; 4,7-3,3 um, 3,3-2,1 um; 2,1-1,1 um i 1,1-0,65 um występującego w komorach leczniczych w Kopalni Soli w Bochni. Badania mikrobiologiczne powietrza zostały przeprowadzone w dwóch komorach sanatoryjnych na 7 stanowiskach pomiarowych, czterokrotnie w okresie zimy i wiosny roku 2008. Pomiary zostały wykonane za pomocą sześciostopniowego aeroskopu Graseby-Andersena ze strefy oddechowej (tj. na wysokości jamy ustnej i nosowej) człowieka w stanie tzw. "pierwotnej jałowości" , tj. przed wprowadzeniem chorych i personelu do pomieszczeń sanatoryjnych oraz w czasie przebywania tam kuracjuszy. W wyniku przeprowadzonych analiz ilościowych stwierdzono znaczne zróżnicowanie aerozolu biologicznego w różnych miejscach komór sanatoryjnych. Stwierdzono, że w czasie turnusu sanatoryjnego liczebności drobnoustrojów były znacząco wyższe w stosunku do tych, które występowały podczas nieobecności kuracjuszy.
For many years sanatorium therapeutics has been very popular in Poland as well as abroad. Detailed pulmo-nological research showed the appropriateness of such treatment in respiratory diseases. According to this, specific environment conditions, which occur in the underground subterraneotherapy chambers and rooms of overground sanatoriums become more and more important. Main aim of the research was to define and divide the particles of biological aerosol into fractions (depending ontheir aerodynamical diameters): over 7.0pm, 7.0-4.7 urn, 4.7-3.3 pm, 3.3-2.1 pm, 2.1-1.1 pm and 1.1-0.65 um which occurs in the underground subterraneotherapy chambers in Salt Mine in Bochnia. The microbiological analyses of the air were carried out in 2 chambers on 7 permanent measuring points, ta-king samples of the atmospheric air 4 times during the winter and spring of 2008. The measures were carried out by means of the six-step Graseby-Anderson impactor from the human's respiratory zone (oral and nasal cavity position) in the state of so called "original sterility" which is before introducing sick people and the personnel into and during the period of visitors stay. As a result of the analyses considerable differences between the amount of biological aerosol in different places of chambers were showed. It has been ascertained that the biological aerosol occurred in subterraneotherapy chambers definitely higher concentrations during the treatment activity than during the period of the break between the turns.
This is the first academic study of this type pertaining to the history of tourist traffic in the area of the Bochnia Salt Mine. In contrast to the Wieliczka Salt Mine, no general academic or popular science studies have been prepared with respect to this issue to date. Prior works devoted to the Bochnia Salt Mine did not deal with this issue. The objective of this article is an attempt at describing, throughout the history of the Bochnia Salt Mine, the gradual process of emergence and development of tourist traffic. The author of the work makes use of the existing manuscripts and printed sources, along with academic studies devoted directly or indirectly to the subject matter pertaining to the content of the article. Interviews conducted with the present and retired employees of the Bochnia Salt Mine also turned out to be helpful, both directors and traffic supervision employees, as well as persons directly involved in the tourist traffic servicing. Thanks to this, the gaps existing in the source materials and academic or popular science studies pertaining to the subject matter of the study were supplemented or filled. The history of tourist traffic described in the article was closely related to the history of the Bochnia Salt Mine. The reader is going to find out that this process was not easy, whereas its history is replete with obstacles and threats during various stages of development, including a complete disappearance of tourist activity, which was finally reinstated and which has been pursued to date. Therefore, the issue deserves a detailed study. In medieval sources, it is possible to find traces of princes’ and kings’ (and their officials’) stays in the mine. Such visits were purely official. Their objective was direct or indirect control over all aspects of operation of the subordinate enterprise. Visits of representatives of commerce and handicraft in the Bochnia Salt Mine, whose enterprises were closely and durably related to the current operation of the mine, had a more “economic” character The situation was similar with holders of permits and privileges from the group of contemporary wealthy people, both clerics and secular. The ongoing necessity of taking care of their economic interest was the most important for this group. Sources between the 16th and the 18th century offer new data. New categories of guests supplemented the above list of visitors in the Bochnia Salt Mine. The first one includes various travellers who, in their accounts or descriptions, offer the first experiences accompanying visits in the underground section of the mine. Another category are poets. Their works, preserved in the modern times, have a similar character, yet by their nature they are more filled with emotions. Therefore, all these authors were, in a certain way, “pioneers” – the first tourists in the modern sense of the word. The third category includes representatives of science, testifying to the growing interest in the Bochnia Salt Mine from a scientific perspective. They also form a part of the previously described group of travellers, who were testing their talents in the new area. These were predominantly people connected to the Bochnia Salt Mine who implemented their ideas, plans and intentions for its benefit. There was also yet another special category – the so-called “unwanted guests.” This group includes both “locals” and “foreigners”, whose activities had an adverse impact on the situation of the Bochnia Salt Mine. At the end of the 18th century, a certain fundamental change occurred in the above-described group of “guests” at the Bochnia Salt Mine. The owner of the mine changed – the Polish king was replaced by the Austrian emperor and royal officials were substituted by the imperial bureaucratic apparatus. Simultaneous abolishment of former permits and privileges resulted in absence of visits of clerics and lay people. What is more, the former system of connections of the mine with trade and municipal handicraft also ceased to exist. Representatives of such professions disappeared almost completely from the area of the Bochnia Salt Mine. The 19th century, especially its second half, brought development of initially disorganised tourist traffic in the form of individual and collective groups. Visits in the mine, hitherto a privilege reserved for the chosen few, suddenly became a very fashionable pastime for a broader group of people. This situation was intensified by development of communication and dissemination of press information, as well as popularity of local sightseeing associations. Such groups included local people, as well as guests from other countries, officials, teachers, clerics, military men, young people and children. The number of descriptions and travellers’ accounts, resulting from visits in the underground pits of the Bochnia Salt Mine, also soared. The Bochnia Salt Mine has become a more attractive place for the conduct of scientific studies by outstanding researchers and specialists from various areas of knowledge. The Bochnia Salt Mine was also a venue for didactic activities for the future practitioners of science, who pursued classes, internships and professional practice here. However, the described century and the beginning of the 20th century were not free from negative activities and decisions of the group known from earlier centuries as the “unwanted guests.” The inter-war period was a time of constant struggle with the governmental plans of liquidation of the Bochnia Salt Mine. In spite of the difficult situation, the unorganised tourist traffic of numerous groups and individuals (from the country and abroad) continued to flourish in the mine. The mine was also visited by scientists and young graduates who were acquiring the necessary knowledge and professional skills. What is more, middle school pupils and college students followed the example of their senior friends and attended special classes in the mine and visited it as part of activities of school sightseeing groups. It is also worth remembering that the outbreak of WWII halted the plans of establishing a sanatorium at the Bochnia Salt Mine. The period of Nazi occupation brought an end to popular visits in the Bochnia Salt Mine. At this time, the mine was only open for German people – ordinary citizens and military men. However, traces of stay of Polish people in the mine from this period have also been preserved – obviously, such visits were only possible upon the approval of the occupation authorities. Throughout the communist period, the idea of making the Bochnia Salt Mine available for tourists was not popular and it resurfaced only in the form of sporadic initiatives. In the 1950s, a visit in the mine formed a part of subsequent historical anniversaries celebrated in the city and the local saltworks. Similar initiatives, even though planned, were not implemented in the 1960s - they were going to form a part of the celebrations of the 1,000th anniversary of the Polish state. Nevertheless, plans pertaining to the visits in the Bochnia Salt Mine in the 1970s were successful – they were included in the extensive programme of the “Days of Bochnia” inaugurated at that time. The last activity in the described period took place in the 1980s, when sightseeing in the mine was included in the celebrations of another historical anniversary of the city. The 1980s were also a time of clear increased interest in the Bochnia Salt Mine as a historical facility. Inclusion of the most valuable pits and surface development of the mine in the list of national monuments definitely contributed to it. Simultaneously, next to the gradual process of limiting the industrial operation of the mine, former plans of establishing a sanatorium were brought back. This very difficult process of building a tourist and spa centre commenced at that time was halted by the political transformations of 1989. After 1990, it was continued for a long time until the middle of the 1990s. The author of the work adopted the year 1995 as the end for the study; it constitutes the opening of a completely new chapter in the history of the Bochnia Salt Mine. The unorganised tourist traffic was provided with durable legal and organisational framework in the form of a newly-established entity: Uzdrowisko Kopalnia Soli Bochnia Sp. z o.o. Between 1995 and 2014, the company has been servicing numerous groups of tourists and patients who come to the Bochnia Salt Mine every year. Traditional sightseeing in the historical mining pits has been gradually supplemented by educational, health and entertainment activities. In 2014, “Kopalnia Soli Bochnia Sp. z o.o.” took over the organisation and servicing of the tourist traffic, continuing the long-term tradition of the Bochnia Salt Mine in this respect.
Content available remote Wpływ podsadzania żużlami pohutniczymi wyrobisk górniczych OKS "Łężkowice"
Złoże soli kamiennej w Łężkowicach eksploatowane było w latach 1968 -1988. Obecnie kopalnia znajduje się w stanie likwidacji. W czasie trwania eksploatacji otworowej, naruszono naturalne warunki hydrogeologiczne na obszarze pola otworowego i w jego otoczeniu. Zasoleniu uległy wody powierzchniowe i gruntowe oraz rzeka Raba, wytworzyła się niecka osiadań oraz powstawały zapadliska powierzchniowe. Od roku 1988 (koniec eksploatacji) prowadzono tylko prace zabezpieczające do końca roku 1997. W roku 1998 po kilkuletniej przerwie rozpoczęto intensywne podsadzanie komór poeksploatacyjnych. W drugiej połowie 1999 roku wprowadzono do podsadzania zespołu komór 127-134, znajdujących się w obrębie Otworowej Kopalni Soli "Łężkowice", żużle z hałdy Huty im. T. Sendzimira. Wiosną 2001 roku zaprzestano stosowania tego materiału. Nadal stosuje się do podsadzania materiały pochodzenia naturalnego. Skutki podsadzania żużlami z hałdy Huty im. T. Sendzimira obserwowane w wodach gruntowych są przedstawione poniżej. W referacie zebrano i przedstawiono wyniki badań prowadzonych w obrębie wód złożowych, czwartorzędowych i powierzchniowych, prowadzonych w okresie od zastosowania materiału do dziś.
The rock salt deposit at Łężkowice was exploited in the years 1968-1988. Currently the mine is in liquidation. During the exploitation of the solution salt mine natural hydrological conditions in the well field and within its vicinity were violated. Salinity of surface, ground waters and the Raba River significantly increased a subsiding trough and surface collapse holes were formed. Since 1988 (the end of exploitation) till the end of 1997 only conservation works were carried on. In 1998, after several years break, intensive backfilling of the post-exploitation excavations was started. In the second half of 1999 metallurgical slag from the waste ground of the T. Sendzimir Steel Plant was introduced as a backfilling material in the group of excavations 127-134, which were located in the area of the Solution Salt Mine. In spring 2001 the application of that material was ceased. Since then only natural materials have been used for backfilling. The effects of the backfilling with slags from the waste grounds of the T. Sendzimir Steel Plant on ground waters are presented below. The paper presents the results of investigations of the Quaternary and surface waters in the range of the deposit, which have been carried out since the time when the material was introduced until today.
Content available Infrastruktura Wieliczka w latach 1772-1918
This study is devoted to the broadly-understood technical infrastructure and analysis of development of its individual areas which exerted significant impact on the proper functioning and development of Wieliczka during the times of the Austrian partition. The following issues are discussed in the study: transport infrastructure, both road and train, provision of the city and the mine with water (water supply system from the Lednice ponds of 1803, water supply systems from ponds: na Grabówkach, Syberia, from the Park of Empress Elizabeth, supplying water to the mining shafts and providing potable water from Bieżanów), discharge of sewage, lighting (starting with oil lamps, through kerosene and gas laps and ending with electric lights) and communication, i.e. the beginnings of the telegraph and telephone. Some of these discoveries are still used in Wieliczka, e.g. the potable water pipeline from Bieżanów and the main collector discharging sewage from the city. The saltworks power plant did not stand the test of time. The developing town was forced to get connected to the electric main of the city of Cracow. Transport infrastructure was significantly modernized and improved. Railway was electrified and roads were rebuilt.
Content available Problemy ochrony zabytków techniki w Polsce
Malgré d'anciennes traditions ainsi que certaines acquisitions dans ce secteur, l’état de la protection des monuments techniques en Pologne est encore insuffisant. En raison de l'enregistrement inachevé nous ne possédons pas d’informations complètes quant aux monuments techniques qui se sont conservés dans notre pays. Plusieurs monuments de grande valeur attendent un traitement de protection et de conservation. Nous manquons également d’une quantité suffisante de publications popularisant les monuments de la technique ancienne. Il est toutefois à espérer que l ’on pourvoira aux besoins susdits durant les plus proches années car l’intérêt porté aux monuments techniques va toujours croissant de même que la compréhension de leur signification pour la science, la technique et la culture contemporaines. Telles conceptions se développent! tout particulièrement dans les milieux techniques et économiques et l ’on peut s ’attendre de leur part à una( collaboration en ce qui concerne les travaux de con servation. La protection des monuments de la technique s heurtera bien entendu à plus d’une difficulté xésul tant de la spécifique de ces monuments (vu leu grande diversité et la grande exposition à l ’usure issue de ce qu’ils soient affectés à des fonctions productives ou au secteur des services) que des convictions enracinées et persistant encore dans certains milieux que la machine usée, l ’outil ou le bâtiment ancien des ateliers d’usines dans lesquels la production ne peut plus être continuée ne présentent plus aucune valeur. La surmontation de ces difficultés et l’accomplissement des tâches découlant du besoin d’une sauvegarde et d’une protection dans des mesures appropriées des monuments de la technique révolue nécessitent une intensification des traitements de conservation et de l’enregistrement. Il s ’agit là, en premier lieu d’attirer une plus grande attention des services· d ’État de conservation sur les monuments de la technique, et même d’augmenter les effectifs consacrés spécialement à ces travaux. Il importe également d’entourer les monuments techniques d’une protection sociale tout en élargissant cette dernière par la convocation de protecteurs individuels et collectifs (institutions et établissements industriels) pour les monuments particuliers. Les musées techniques qui s ’occupent des souvenirs mobiliers de la technique ancienne, tels que les instruments de travail, les machines et les installations mécaniques exigent également une extension de leur réseau. La proclamation en 1965 de l ’Année des Musées et des Monuments de la Technique est d’un bon augure pour l’action engagée car cela permettra de concentrer l ’attention sur l ’état actuel de ces musées et monuments ainsi que sur les perspectives de leur protection.
The Wieliczka Saltworks Castle had been developing since 13th century in direct vicinity of a shaft excavated in search for salt. It is an example of medieval defensive architecture directly connected with the history of the state mining enterprise constituted by Cracow Saltworks in pre-partition Poland. Salt mines, with the salt works and mines in Wieliczka and Bochnia under one management, were the biggest Polish enterprise and one of the biggest in Europe. The Castle remained the office of the management until 1945, when its central part was destroyed by bombs. After renovation, the Castle houses the Cracow Saltworks Museum Wieliczka, which conducts studies on salt heritage on the basis of historical book collection, salt works archives, and a valuable salt works cartographic resource. The castle complex comprises three main buildings: the central one, the so-called House Among Salt Mine (13th-17th, 20th century), housing a magnificent Gothic room with reconstructed vault leaned on the middle pillar; north one, Salt Mine House (erected in 14th-15th century, using the rampart from the end of 13th century, rebuilt in 16th-20th century), and south one (1834-36, 20th century). The layout includes also a reserve of mining shaft from the mid-13th century, secured ruins of salt mine kitchen, fragments of ramparts with a tower. Remained facilities of the Saltworks Castle constitute a unique unit, whose historical values are important as global heritage, since they are an interesting example of medieval architecture, changed in the Renaissance, baroque, and more recent times. Atypical character of the castle whose functions were mainly economic and administrative, and also representative, and to a lesser extent residential, makes it an extraordinary piece of architecture. There are no such layouts in Poland, and the long, a few-hundred-year period of direct relationship with an industrial enterprise distinguishes the Wieliczka facility also when compared to the parse, similar and remained European centres. The article conducts a comparative analysis of in particular buildings in Slovakia, Austria, and France.
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