Społeczeństwo województwa wielkopolskiego od lat wyraża zdecydowany sprzeciw wobec uruchomienia kolejnych miejsc powierzchniowej eksploatacji węgla brunatnego. Stanowisko to podzielił Sejmik Województwa Wielkopolskiego.
Efektywne i bezpieczne wykorzystanie maszyn podstawowych ma kapitalne znaczenie dla efektywności megaprocesów wydobywania węgla brunatnego w kopalniach odkrywkowych. Ze względu na charakterystyczne cechy tych megaprocesów oraz wysokie nakłady i długie cykle inwestycyjne decyzje o doborze maszyn do układu technologicznego muszą być zawsze dobrze przygotowane we wszystkich istotnych aspektach.
The effective and safe use of basic machines is of significant importance for the effectiveness of large-scale processes of lignite mining in opencast mines. Due to the nature of these large-scale processes, as well as their large costs and long investment cycles, the decisions to select machines for the technological system must always be well prepared in all their key aspects. In order to ensure the operational safety of basic machines, coordinated actions are necessary, from the mining design phase, to the preparatory actions, to the operation of machines at mining fronts, as well as monitoring and analyzing the outcomes. The lack of such a systemic approach resulted in very serious failures, even in the mining disasters, in the past. A significant contribution to the effectiveness and safety improvement is the technological development of the mechanisms and systems protecting against the failures of basic machines.
Landslides in Polish opencast lignite mines are a serious problem for the efficiency of exploitation. They can also pose a threat to adjacent areas and the environment, and in some cases even jeopardize the continuity of lignite supplies to power plants. Such phenomena are associated with a number of factors, the most important of which are the geological engineering structure, groundwater conditions, unfavourable strength parameters of clayey soils and their usually relatively steep slopes. Counteracting such a phenomena, caused by mining activity, is usually difficult because of large size of landslides and the depth of exploitation reaching in some cases over 300 m. The paper presents the first application of on-line monitoring in a Polish opencast lignite mine. Performed in the Bełchatów Mine, in situ monitoring was complemented by satellite radar interferometry (PSI), LiDAR airborne laser scanning, and terrestrial laser scanning. Research within the RFCS EU SLOPES project “Smarter Lignite Open Pit Engineering Solutions” was performed by an international consortium from six European countries. In Poland, the research was located mainly on the western slope of the Bełchatów Field. In this area, in the Polish open pit lignite mine, on-line inclinometer, and a pore pressure monitoring system were the first located at the levels of+42 : -58 m a.s.l. Geological engineering investigations included 100 m depth core drilling, index laboratory tests, IL oedometer tests, CIU, CID triaxial tests, and numerical modelling. The total amount of in situ displacement, during the period December 2016-July 2019, reached 290 mm. The largest displacements up to 250 mm were recorded: to a depth of 45 m in the direction of slope inclination, and smaller ones up to 50 mm to a depth of 72.5 m. The displacements were accompanied by a decre ase in pore pressure values by more than 200 kPa. In other parts of the mine and adjacent areas, the satellite radar interferometry detected displacements up to 60 mm/year on the outer slopes of the Szczerców dump. It also allowed identification of the landslide hazard in other areas. Data obtained from in-situ monitoring and laboratory tests on the western slope of the Bełchatów Field were included in numerical modelling using the shear strength reduction method and the limit equilibrium method. This should allow helping for better recognition and warning of the existing hazards in the investigated area.
This article briefly focuses on comparing geological information shown in a cross-section with field data. An example from the Tomisławice opencast mine, where the first Mid-Polish lignite seam (MPLS-1) is currently exploited for electricity production, is used where two sites present large and even surprising differences. In the first case, they are due to technical reasons, i.e., wet drilling. The second case is most likely caused by the compaction of peat during its transformation into lignite. The obtained results clearly indicate that the actual geological structure observed in the field may differ significantly from that which is interpreted on the geological cross-sections based on borehole data.
In the Powidzki Landscape Park, there are 150 peatlands of a total area of 1,250.2 ha. On its edge, brown coal strip mines are in operation, causing deep land drainage that resulted in a drastic (up to 5 m) lowering of the water table in lakes and accelerated peatland disappearance. To determine the extent of the process, a comparison was made of the types of surface soil layers and their ash content in 20 peatlands determined in 1957–1965 and in 2017. They are located in the farmland lying the closest to the strip mine, Jóźwin IIB, and in woodland lying further away. The results were compared with those for a peatland in Skulsk, which was not affected by the negative impact of the strip mine. Fen peat, occurring there about 55 years ago has largely turned into grainy moorsh. In the 20–50 cm layer, an ash content has grown almost twofold, while in part of the peatlands organic soils have changed into mineral and organic-mineral ones. The greatest changes have occurred in the farmland. In all Park peatlands, grasslands have contracted threefold, while the area of forests and woodlands has grown fivefold. Today, about 10% of the peatland area is taken up by arable land of which there was none before.
W Powidzkim Parku Krajobrazowym znajduje się 150 torfowisk o obszarze 1250,2 ha. Na jego obrzeżu prowadzona jest odkrywkowa eksploatacja węgla brunatnego powiązana z głębokim odwodnieniem terenu. Spowodowała ona drastyczne obniżenie lustra wody (do 5,0 m) w istniejących tu jeziorach i przyśpieszyła proces zanikania torfowisk. W celu ustalenia jego zakresu porównano określone w latach 1957–1965 i w 2017 r. rodzaje i popielność powierzchniowych warstw gleby w 20 torfowiskach. Leżą one najbliżej odkrywki Jóźwin IIB położonym regionie rolniczym i w dalej położonym regionie leśnym. Wyniki porównano z torfowiskiem w Skulsku, na które kopalnia negatywnie nie oddziałuje. Występujące ok. 55 lat temu torfy niskie w większości przekształciły się w mursz ziarnisty. W warstwie 20–50 cm nastąpił blisko dwukrotny wzrost popielności, a w części torfowisk gleby organiczne przekształciły się w gleby mineralne i organiczno-mineralne. Największe zmiany wystąpiły w regionie rolniczym. We wszystkich torfowiskach na terenie Parku trzykrotnie zmalał obszar użytków zielonych i pięciokrotnie wzrosła powierzchnia lasów. Obecnie 10% ich powierzchni zajmują grunty orne, których uprzednio nie było wcale.
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