Article presents the results of measurements of weight and dimensional changes of details made from polyamides filled with short glass fibres during wetting in air with different humidity, soaking in water at different temperatures and drying in hot air at different temperatures. Temporal and temperature dependences of the changes are described with kinetic eqations of diffusion and with Arrhenius eqation for their rate constants. Obtained knowledge allows simple determination of optimum technological parameters (temperature, time and medium) for any technological step in which given change of water amount is asked.
W artykule przedstawiono wpływ warunków suszenia i nawilżania (w powietrzu o różnej wilgotności i w wodzie) na zmianę masy i wymiarów liniowych próbek wykonanych z poliamidu wzmocnionego włóknem szklanym. Zależności zmian od czasu i temperatury opisano za pomocą kinetycznych równań dyfuzji oraz równania Arrheniusa. Uzyskane wyniki umożliwiają proste określenie optymalnych parametrów technologicznych (temperatura, czas, warunki otoczenia) dla dowolnej operacji technologicznej podczas której zachodzą pożądane zmiany zawartości wody w elemencie.
Calculation methods for predicting the service life of metal-polymer gears with height correction are proposed. Two methods for gear service life estimation are presented: a simplified method that assumes constant tooth interaction conditions and an improved method that takes into account wear-induced changes in tooth interaction conditions. Spur cylindrical gears with a steel gear and a pinion made of polyamide composite reinforced with carbon and glass fibres are studied. The effect of height correction on the service life of the gears is examined, considering the type of tooth engagement. It is established that with the improved method the service life of the gear is by up to 1.3 times longer than that calculated by the simplified method at optimal height correction coefficients. Optimal service life of the gear is achieved when the correction coefficients are x1 = – x2 = 0.1. The effect of the coefficient of friction on gear service life is investigated. It is found that the service life of the gear with a carbon fibre-reinforced pinion is by 8.1...9.3 times longer than that of the gear with a glass fibre-reinforced pinion.
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