Being a teacher is a responsibility for a young person, for one`s education and preparation for handling in adult life. In order to meet the tasks of the teacher, a person must have appropriate qualifications and professional competences. The situation of being a teacher of a student with a disability is of particular importance, when, next to the expectations of teachers in general, the specific ones resulting from being a special education teacher, a teacher supporting the student, come into play. The article gives a theoretical reflection on the teacher's competence and discusses the results from research on the opinions and experiences of students with disabilities about possibilities and limitations of continuous improvement of professional role of teachers, which appears to be a necessity in a modern school.
The aim of the article is to present the theoretical foundations underlying our didactic work, part of the European project DECLAME’FLE, and its objectives. The proposed reflection concerns the possibility of developing reading practices in FL among readers who are learners of French as a foreign language. The chosen approach exploits the concept of so-called literary reading, oriented towards a theoretical-aesthetic analysis of the text. In the school context, this analysis and interpretation is usually done in dialogue with other readers. However, in the case of personal reading, the reader-learner chooses their texts freely and is not supervised in the activity. We argue that media resources can be an effectively used by learners in their reading and in the analytical and reflective tasks that follow. Based on observation categories from discourse analysis and with reference to research on literary reading, we propose exercises for (future) teachers of French as a foreign language. Their aim is to model the reading of journalist and popular critical discourse in order to draw information from it about the book, the author and the presence of the book in the public space, observe the discourse strategies used and integrate them, in order to be able to talk about reading experiences and make presentations of appreciation of texts.
W rozwijającym się społeczeństwie dzieci i młodzież stanowią ważny element zorganizowanego systemu edukacji i wychowania. Struktura i funkcjonowanie systemu szkolnego ulega ciągłym zmianom. W związku z tym, procesem rozwoju dzieci i młodzieży powinni kierować ludzie specjalnie do tego celu przygotowani, czyli nauczyciele. Edukacja jest ważną inwestycją społeczną, gospodarczą i polityczną. Wykształcenie i kompetencje ludzi stają się najważniejszą wartością współczesnej cywilizacji informacyjnej oraz społeczeństw opartych na wiedzy. Społeczność nauczycielska ma realizować dwie strategiczne idee współczesnej edukacji: „Rozumieć świat – kierować sobą” oraz przygotowywać ludzi do uczestnictwa w procesie edukacji ustawicznej – „uczenia się przez całe życie”. Aby móc to uczynić w sposób kompetentny i efektywny, niezbędna jest świadomość swoich funkcji i zadań przez nauczyciela oraz nieustające podnoszenie kwalifikacji i umiejętności, a także motywacji do działań, ściśle związanych z wyzwaniami współczesnej cywilizacji informacyjnej i globalizacji świata.
In an evolving society, children and youth are an important part of the organized system of education and upbringing. The structure and functioning of the school system is constantly changing. Therefore, the process of development of children and young people should be guided by the properly prepared people, i.e. teachers. Education is an important social, economic and political investment. People’s education and qualifications are becoming the crucially important value of contemporary information civilization and societies based on knowledge. Teachers’ community is supposed to put into action two strategic notions of contemporary education: one is “to understand the world – to be guided by one’s feelings and instinct”, while the other, to prepare people for participation in continual education – “learning all life long”. In order to be able to do it, both competently and efficiently, it is necessary for the teacher to have the awareness of his or her own role and tasks and to continually improve their qualifications and skills as well as (strengthen) their motivation to take actions closely related to the challenges of contemporary information civilization and globalization of the world
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