The coagulation process is commonly used in water and wastewater treatment processes. During coagulation flocs are formed, and are characterized by different shapes, structures and dimensions. Because of this, removing of this particles may produce some problems for researchers, cause the sedimentation way of this particles is disturbed.
Optimization of Lacustrine Water Treatment by Including Dissolved Air Flotation into the Treatment Train The technological studies reported in this paper were carried out at the pilot station of the Northern Water Treatment Plant in Wieliszew near Warsaw in the time span of 1996-1997. Water for municipal supply is taken in from the nearby lake Zalew Zegrzynski. The primary objective of the study was to investigate how the inclusion of dissolved air flotation into the treatment train might upgrade the efficiency of coagulation and, consequently, of the treatment process. Thus, coagulation ww carried out in a two-stage (1[0] and 11[0]) system involving dissolved air flotation and a pulsator, respectively. Another objective was to choose the most effective flocculant type and dose from the three items tested: Alz(S04)3, Fe2(S04)3, and mixed coagulant. The best treatment effects were obtained when use was made of a two-stage coagulation process with DAFin J°, at tlie following proportion of the optimum flocculant dose: 70% at I[0] and 30% at II[0]. The process designed via the above route provided favourable conditions for the operation of rapid sand filters and yielded water of good quality before adsorption on GAC beds.
Koagulacja, to najprościej przedstawiając, proces zespalania drobnych trudno opadających cząsteczek zanieczyszczeń wody w większe aglomeraty, które łatwiej usunąć w procesach sedymentacji i/lub filtracji. Z wielu metod prowadzenia koagulacji, takich jak działanie promieniami ß i -γ, ogrzewanie, wymrażanie, działania mechaniczne czy dehydratacja, w kręgu naszych rozważań pozostają procesy koagulacji chemicznej związane z dodawaniem do wody koagulantów.
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