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The topic of the paper is a church architecture considered as the sacred sign in the context of its localization in an urban spece and/or in a landscape. Light as the principal component of the architectural language of creation of the atmosphere of sacred interior is also considered. The author attempts to summarize in the paper her personal experiences of projects realization when confronted with primary assumptions of designing. The social aspects (believers expectations) and some special features in investment process (expectations of priests) were regarded, as well.
Pismo Wojewódzkiego Konserwatora Zabytków o stanie zabytków sakralnych na terenie województwa bialskopodlaskiego zostało opracowane na potrzeby władz wyznaniowych. Politykę wyznaniową państwa realizowały nie tylko instytucje w tym celu powołane, ale również i inne jednostki administracyjne, pozornie niemające z tą problematyką nic wspólnego. Instytucje odpowiedzialne za ochronę dziedzictwa kulturowego politykę wyznaniową realizowały zarówno przez finansowanie remontów obiektów sakralnych ze środków budżetowych przeznaczonych na kulturę, jak i podejmowanie decyzji o wpisie lub skreśleniu z rejestru zabytków. Wydarzenia polityczne, które zaszły w Polsce na początku lat osiemdziesiątych XX wieku wpłynęły korzystnie na złagodzenie kursu politycznego wobec Kościoła rzymskokatolickiego. Pozwoliło to Wojewódzkim Konserwatorom Zabytków na rozszerzanie opieki nad kolejnymi zabytkami sakralnymi. Większość nieruchomych obiektów sakralnych na terenie województwa bialskopodlaskiego została wpisana do rejestru zabytków w tym czasie. Relacje zachodzące pomiędzy działalnością konserwatorską a polityką wyznaniową ukazane w tym artykule wskazują wyraźnie na potrzebę przeprowadzenia szerszych badań nad tą problematyką.
The document by the Regional Historic Preservation Officer on the condition of sacral monuments on the territory of the Biała Podlaska Province was prepared for the purposes of the religious authorities. The state's religious policy was implemented not only by institutions established for this purpose, but also by other administrative units, which seemed to have nothing in common with these issues. The institutions responsible for the protection of cultural heritage implemented religious policy through financing the renovation works of sacral objects from the budgetary funds designated for culture, and also through making decisions about entering or striking out particular items from the register of monuments. The political events which took place in Poland at the beginning of 1980s had influenced the weakening of the political relations between the state and the Roman Catholic Church. This enabled the Regional Historic Preservation Officers to take new sacral monuments into custody. The majority of the immovable sacral objects in the Biała Podlaska Province were entered into the register of monuments at that time. The relations between the preservation activities and the religious policy, depicted in this article, clearly indicate the need to conduct more in-depth research in this field.
Obiekt sakralny najczęściej kojarzy się z kościołem jako budowlą sakralną, czyli miejscem związanym z kultem religijnym. Jakie działania należy podjąć by ochronić przed zniszczeniem tak wiele ważnych dla Polaków obiektów?
tom 18
Publikacja dotyczy przeszłości parafii i liczby kościołów w dawnym Babimoście. Publikowany dokument pochodzi z 1646 r. i pozwala poznać chronologię powstania i uposażenie babimojskiego kościoła pw. Najświętszej Marii Panny. Świątynia ta miała zapewne najdawniejszą genezę wśród babimojskich kościołów. Nie zachowała się w swej pierwotnej średniowiecznej postaci, ze względu na nietrwały budulec, lecz w miejscu pierwotnej lokalizacji stawiano kolejny budynek kościoła.
Content available remote Kościoły rzymskokatolickie kresów II Rzeczpospolitej
The goal of this article is to indicate the ideological contents of sacral architecture, in particular of Roman Catholic churches built on the Western and Eastern borderlands of the Second Republic of Poland. These were territories regained by Poland as a result of the military and diplomatic actions of 1918-1921, characterised by a large percentage of national minorities. The national identity of these territories was determined, to a large extent, by the religious factor. The Roman Catholic denomination of the Latin rites possessing, according to the Constitution of March 1921, primus inter pares status, was identified with Polish. Therefore, Roman Catholic churches were an element of the "strengthening Polish identity program in the borderland territories. They were one of the principal devices of pro-state propaganda. They legitimised Polish authorities on these territories, manifesting their Polish identity on par with representative state administration buildings. In the twenties, the continuation of tradition, accentuating the bond of the revived Poland before its decline and partition (by countries including Russia and Prussia) at the end of the 18th century, was emphasised mainly by the so-called "mansion house style" originating from the National Romanticism movement of the beginning of 20th century, and in representative buildings by serious, coarse forms of academic classicism. A similar situation took place in sacral architecture, with the so called "familiar style" (with roots similar to the "mansion house style"). Most frequently, inspiration came from "provincial" parish churches, mainly of baroque style, since this was the style associated with the period of the greatest magnificence of the old Republic of Poland. The Polish character of the Eastern Borderland territories in the twenties was attested by churches with stone underpinnings, buttresses, arcades, high roofs, and towers covered with spherical helmets with lanterns. In the Lvov voivodship, architects, inspired by the designs of Adolf Szyszko-Bohusz, additionally decorated these picturesque compositions with fancy volute gables. This "familiar" baroque was supported by the local authorities. Similar forms - picturesque, slightly modernised baroques forms - also prevailed in the Vilnius voivodship. In the Western voivodships of the Second Republic of Poland (see map) i.e. on the territory of the former Prussian sector, the baroque was identified as "Polish", in opposition to neo-gothic which was considered to be a "German" style. They wanted to oust the "Prussian" brick neo-gothic (Backsteingotic) dominating in the landscape, a reminder of German rule on these territories. In sacral architecture, eclectically combined baroque forms, closer to 19th century historism than early modernistic stylisations of the "familiar style" prevailed. These neo-baroque forms were popular, for example, in the second half of the twenties in the Silesian voivodship - the largest industrial region of the Second Republic of Poland. However, the most representative Roman Catholic churches erected in the twenties in the borderlands used classical forms, traditionally considered to be the best expression of the authority of power. Relatively fewer motives derived from the repertoire of classical forms may be found in the St. Peter's and St. Paul's Apostles church in Trembowla, Podole (A. Szyszko-Bohusz, 1923-1928); the general composition brings Roman architecture to mind. The architect achieved in this performance the impression of antiquity. He skilfully presented transformations to viewers - classicistic reconstruction of the Roman building which has a symbolic meaning (emphasising the durability of Polish culture on this territory). Construction of the cathedral in Katowice (from 1927, Zygmunt Gawlik and Franciszek Mączyński), capital of the Silesian voivodship, was also a political manifestation. Architects gave this construction an attire of slightly modernised classicism, enriched with baroque motives. The main, never constructed, accent of the building was intended to be the very high tambour of the dome covering the central part, thanks to which the entire structure would dominate the city panorama. The ideological content of this building is evident. The cathedral was supposed to evidence the durability, stability and power of the Polish authority in this territory. A similar message, relating to the Roman Pantheon, was carried by the monumental church of Missionaries in Bydgoszcz (Adam Ballenstedt, from 1924). At the end of the twenties and beginning of the thirties, modern forms, inspired by expressionism, functionalism, and Auguste Perret's structuralism, were more and more boldly introduced to sacral architecture. However, both clergy and state authority preferred moderately modem compromise solutions. Church constructing in the thirties, as well as architecture in general, was dominated by monumental forms, reflecting the New Tradition trend (K. Frampton). The "Polish identity" of the borderlands in this period were not supposed to be strengthened by churches, whose forms directly referred to historical styles, but were impressive reinforced concrete churches - monuments, places of worship strongly impressing audiences with their scale and mass and occasionally by the expression of accumulated blocks. These types of solutions were introduced en masse in the Silesian voivodship, where they enjoyed both the acceptance of the clergy and the support of civil authorities, who at the end of twenties started to create a modern image for this dynamically developing region. Neo-baroque forms proved inappropriate for this purpose. Churches of the Polish part of Upper Silesia, from approximately 1929-39, designed by architects including Jan Affa and Henryk Gambiec, combined modem stylisation with more traditional solutions. For example, in the church of St. Joseph in Świętochłowice-Zgoda (from 1931), Affa used the traditional layout of a basilica church with a tall tower at the axis. The entire composition consists of strongly geometrised blocks, giving away the influence of functionalistic architecture (however, softened by streamlined forms). The political context of sacral architecture was also important in the Pomerania voivodship. In the twenties, baroque-derived forms were willingly applied, as in the Eastern Borderline and Upper Silesia. However, from the beginning of 1930, these slightly modernised historical forms started to be replaced with moderately modern and, at the same time, strongly monumental, solutions. The most important sacral construction of Pomerania was intended to be the Sea Basilica in Gdynia - modern, port city of the Second Republic of Poland, built from scratch. The design of Bohdan Pniewski, from 1923, assumed the erection of a huge reinforced concrete cathedral" with three high towers - "masts" visible from far away. In the thirties, architecture in the Pomerania voividship was suppose not only to legitimise the Polish authorities on this territory, but also - as in Upper Silesia - to be evidence of the region's development and to enhance its modern image. Compositions consisting of simple, harmoniously linked blocks of monumental expression prevailed in sacral and civil architecture at the time. Good examples include the churches of Stefan Cybichowski, for example in Hel (1931-1933) and in Tczew (1932-1936). One of the most impressive Catholic churches built in the Second Republic of Poland - St. Wojciech church in Starogard Gdański (Kazimierz Ulatowski, 1933-1939) was also intended to have propaganda functions. This church can be considered as one of the best examples of monumental sacred architecture of the thirties in Poland. It skilfully combined tradition with modernity. The impression of dignity and power was achieved by the operation of a mass of stereo metric blocks, smooth surfaces deprived of wall articulation. However, the church's dominant feature was the dome, relating to the Italian Renaissance. Propaganda functions were also fulfilled by monumental churches erected in the thirties in Lvov (the largest city of the Eastern and Southern borderlands), usually located on hills and uplands; the soaring belfries of monumental churches were supposed to dominate the domes of orthodox churches. In the thirties, these modem forms, although relating to the traditions of church construction, were applied especially willingly in the design of churches dedicated for territories situated East from Lvov, covered by the official policy program of strengthening Polish character of these land (Wołyń and Podole). The local sacral architecture was dominated by compact, strongly geometrised forms with high, detached belfries. The monumental effect was achieved in these constructions by exposing large surfaces of smooth walls, frequently opened up with narrow holes. A good example of a Catholic church which was intended to be a symbol of the Polish statehood in Wołyń (populated by less than 30% Poles) is the church in Sarny - one of the new borderline military and official colonies, designed by Władysław Stachoń and built in 1935-1939. The architect based the composition of this structure on the play of static blocks - two prisms: a massive trunk with a slender belfry tower sitting on it. This composition was also applied in the church in Potasznia (Otton Fedak, 1936-1939). These powerfully majestic churches, filled with pathos, were supposed to express the state's stability, integrity and strength. They were intended to be legible signs both for Polish settlers and the Ukrainian minority (however, it should be said, actually the majority).
Content available remote Komputerowa analiza akustyki wnętrz kościołów
tom nr (2)
Przedstawiono komputerową analizę projektowanego oraz istniejącego kościoła, przeprowadzoną w celu oceny poprawności rozwiązań architektonicznych pod kątem wymagań akustycznych. Zaprezentowano możliwości wprowadzenia korekty własności akustycznych wnętrza kościoła poprzez zastosowanie rozwiązań z zakresu architektury wnętrz.
tom 11
The article presents the suggestions for the functional zoning of the architectural improvement of the territories of churches, dividing into two main zones: public and service, which, in turn, are proposed to be divided into more compact subzones. A specific set of elements of architectural improvement is also proposed to fill the functional zones and subzones. The specifics of the organization of places of historical burial places near churches and the specifics of the architectural improvement of places of worship located on the territories of former noble estates are also described.
V statʹe predstavleny predloženiâ po funkcionalʹnomu zonirovaniû arhitekturnogo blagoustrojstva territorij hramov s razdeleniem na dve osnovnye zony: obŝestvennuû i služebnuû, kotorye, v svoû očeredʹ, predlagaetsâ razbivatʹ na bolee kompaktnye podzony. Takže predložen konkretnyj komplekt èlementov arhitekturnogo blagoustrojstva dlâ napolneniâ každoj funkcionalʹnoj zony i podzony, opisany osobennosti organizacji mest istoričeskih zahoronenij bliz hramov i blagoustrojstva kulʹtovyh mest, raspoložennyh na territoriâh byvših dvorânskih usadeb.
Content available remote Jak zapewnić warunki komfortu ludziom w kościele?
tom nr 2
Artykuł omawia działalność fundacyjną właścicieli miast prywatnych realizowaną na ich terenie w okresie od XVI do XVIII w. w zakresie architektury, fundacje budowli publicznych: świątyń, klasztorów, ratuszy, często okazałych rezydencji. Stopniowo upowszechniał się model układu przestrzeni obejmującego zamek lub pałac, kościoły i samo miasto oraz fortyfikacje. Wiązała się ona z celami propagandowymi i miała manifestować prestiż zajmowanej przez fundatorów pozycji. Podlegała zmieniającym się wymogom modnych stylów architektonicznych. Ostateczny efekt zależał od gustów estetycznych fundatorów i architektów. Uwarunkowany bywał także możliwościami finansowanymi zleceniodawców.
W artykule zwrócono uwagę na podstawowe czynniki wpływające na przyjęty do realizacji system ogrzewania oraz warunki przyszłej eksploatacji ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem charakterystyki termicznej konstrukcji oraz dynamicznych zmian warunków cieplno-wilgotnościowych powietrza wewnętrznego.
Content available remote Diagnostyka murów Kościoła Franciszkanów w Opolu
This article presents a building diagnostic of monuments of Franciscan Church of Opole. It was concentrated on the estimation of moisture and salt content, because they are the largest risk to the maintenance of historic buildings. The opinions of the condition of the behaviour of the walls of the church were also made.
Content available remote Ewolucja portali trzynastowiecznych w kościołach śląskich
The article constitutes a summary of the author's research into 13th century portals. Silesian city, monastery and village churches were decorated with portals with different composition, architectural and sculpture detail and methods of jamb fragmentation. Five types of portals were separated: two (jamb and offset portals without stanchions) are more moderate whilst the remaining ones are: offset portals with stanchions, with or without profiled jambs, profiled portals without offsets called perspective portals. Changes in shaping jambs, bases and capitals and archivolts, initiated in approximately 1230, created many possibilities for composition. Four directions in shaping portals may be differentiated. The first direction used traditional offset systems with stanchions, from 1230 (Świerzawa, Głuchołazy) introducing half-almond profiles and hollows on the jambs' corners, then also more diversified ones. The capitals were rich with sculptural decorations. The last example of this direction originated from the sixties of the 13th century. The second direction, initiated from approximately 1235 in the St. Maciej church in Wrocław, is characterised by a greater plasticity of jambs thanks to almond profiles and deep hollows. Detached or embedded stanchions had chalice capitals without ornaments. Profiled jambs smoothly transformed into the archivolt. The first portal of the third direction was the portal to the chapel of the Bishop's Manor in Wrocław, which was erected in approximately 1235. It was characteristic for its limitation in architectural fragmentation to elements, without area of capitals. This direction was continued until the end of the century and later. The portals of the fourth direction, without offsets with stanchions, composed from protrusion profiles and hollows not creating offsets, were applied from approximately 1250. Their jambs has bases and capitals of various forms and decorations. Fragmented portals were also applied in the 14th century.
Referat przedstawia zagadnienie związków między klimatem wnętrza kościoła a stanem zachowania znajdujących się w nim zabytkowych elementów wyposażenia, także samej budowli. Wyjaśnia istotę różnicy między parametrami klimatu przyjetego jako optymalny w muzeach, a klimatem panującym w kościołach. Relacjonuje krótko wyniki badań, które pozwoliły wyodrębnić trzy typy kościołów, o różnej charakterystyce klimatu, ściśle zależnego od architektury budowli. Ostatni rozdział analizuje możliwości korygowania klimatu wewnątrz kościoła, z uwzględnieniem ograniczeń wynikających z warunków konserwatorskich.
The paper refers to the issue of relations between the climate of church interiors and the condition of antique elements of the furnishing inside, as well as the building itself. The essential differences between climate parameters accepted as optimum for museums and the climate of church interiors are explained. The paper briefly reports the results of several year's research, which allowed to determine three types of churches, each characterised by different climate conditions, closely related with the architecture of the edifice. The last chapter comprises the analysis of possibilities of correcting climate inside churches, taking into account the limitations resulting from conservation conditions.
Artykuł dotyczy zmian sposobu użytkowania kościołów, określanych dalej jako adaptacje. Zawiera analizę procesu rozwoju naukowych podstaw adaptacji kościołów w Niemczech. Określa metody, które doprowadziły do przełomowych osiągnięć naukowych w tej dyscyplinie. Na przykładzie rozwoju teorii adaptacji kościołów w Niemczech wykazuje także istnienie wielu powiązań pomiędzy rozwojem nauki a praktyką architektoniczną. Powiązania te zachodzą wielokierunkowo i dzięki różnym procesom umożliwiają przepływ i przetwarzanie informacji. Powstaje w ten sposób złożona sieć wymiany wiedzy. W niniejszym artykule szczególny nacisk położono na wpływ praktyki architektonicznej na rozwój teorii naukowych w dziedzinie adaptacji funkcjonalnej.
The article refers to modifications of way of use of churches, what is further called as an adaptation. It contains the analysis of the development process of scientific basis of church adaptation. It focuses on methods which led to crucial achievements in this discipline. The example of church adaptation in Germany proves also an existence of a number of connections between science and architectural practice. These connections are multidirectional and thanks to various processes enable flowing and processing of knowledge. As a result arises a complex net of knowledge exchange. The article is focused especially on influence of architectural practice on development of scientific theories in the field of buildings re-use.
This chapter is an attempt to answer the question about the existence of premises supporting the obligatory equalization of the legal position of churches and other religious organizations and nonreligious ideological organizations. For this purpose has analyzed the legal status of entities, the attitude of the European Union to the discrepancies occurring in this field and the functions that the entities fulfill towards their members. Context for considerations are bills created in the years 2013–2019, concerning the replacement of the Church Fund tax write-off for churches and other religious organizations, and granting to nonreligious ideological organizations the right to a permanent, institutional dialogue with the state.
Niniejszy artykuł stanowi próbę odpowiedzi na pytanie o istnienie przesłanek przemawiających za obligatoryjnym zrównaniem pozycji prawnej kościołów i innych związków wyznaniowych oraz niereligijnych organizacji światopoglądowych. W tym celu przeanalizowany zostanie status prawny badanych podmiotów w prawie polskim, stosunek Unii Europejskiej do rozbieżności występujących w tym zakresie oraz funkcje, jakie badane podmioty wypełniają wobec swych członków. Kontekst dla rozważań stanowią projekty ustaw powstałe w latach 2013–2019 dotyczące zastąpienia Funduszu Kościelnego obywatelskim odpisem podatkowym na rzecz kościołów i innych związków wyznaniowych oraz przyznania niereligijnym organizacjom światopoglądowym prawa do stałego, instytucjonalnego dialogu z państwem.
Content available remote Ocena stanu zawilgocenia i zasolenia polichromii brzeskich
In the paper the preliminary measurements of moisture and temperature in historic paintings in churches in Pogorzela and Strzelniki are presented.
Content available remote Architektura sakralna Opola w okresie dwudziestolecia międzywojennego
Z powodu dynamicznego wzrostu ludności miasta niezbędne okazało się wybudowanie nowych osiedli mieszkaniowych i towarzyszących im obiektów użyteczności publicznej. Do XX wieku na terenie Opola znajdowało się jedynie pięć świątyń katolickich, które nie były w stanie pomieścić powiększającej się ilości wiernych. W związku z tym w okresie dwudzie - stolecia międzywojennego na terenie Opola wybudowano cztery kościoły. W poniższym artykule przedstawiono rozwiązania przestrzenne kościołów pw. św. Piotra i Pawła, pw. Najświętszego Serca Pana Jezusa, św. Józefa oraz św. Michała Archanioła.
Due to the dynamic growth of the population of the city, it was necessary to build new housing estates and as - sociated public facilities. Up to the 20th century there were only five Catholic churches in Opole, which were unable to host the growing number of people. Accordingly there were built four churches in Opole during the interwar period. The following article presents spatial solutions of St. Peter and Paul, Sacred Heart of Jesus, St. Joseph and St. Archangel Michael churches
Content available remote Kościoły Nowej Huty - konstrukcja a forma
Powstawanie nowych kościołów w Nowej Hucie przypadło na okres od październikowej odwilży do schyłku PRL-u. Architekci niespodziewanie zyskali możność realizacji swoich koncepcji bez ideologicznej - socrealistycznej cenzury. Choć miało to być miasto bez Boga to jednak w latach 1967-2009 powstało w nim 10 nowych budynków sakralnych. W kościołach tych dominują konstrukcje przekryć na bazie żelbetu (ustroje płytowo-belkowe i ramowe), konstrukcje kratownicowe ze stali i drewna i ściany murowane (jedno- lub wielowarstwowe) oraz nowinki techniczno-materiałowe są tu wdrażane ostrożnie. Najbardziej śmiałym i innowacyjnym rozwiązaniem jest do dziś konstrukcja ścian i przekrycia kościoła w Bieńczycach. Konstrukcja ta, realizując śmiałą, plastyczną koncepcję formalną, łączy w sobie i rzeźbiarskość i logikę przyjętej koncepcji konstrukcyjnej.
New churches in Nowa Huta were built during socialism in Poland. After Stalin's death, there was more freedom in designing and less ideological censorship for architects. Nowa Huta was founded as a town for workers, but without God. It was a socialistic idea for a perfect society. Despite this fact, between 1967 and 2009 ten new churches was built there. In these buildings roof constructions are usually made of reinforced concrete (beam-and-slab floor, framework) or truss structure (also space frame truss) made of steel or timber. Walls are often made of brick or other precast material (single or multi-layered). In these projects, there was rather no place for new technologies and experimental materials. The most interesting church in this group (in respect of construction) is church in Bieńczyce. Architects carried out a project of quite innovative construction of walls and roof. The idea combines artistic values with logic of construction.
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