The Semantic Knowledge Engineering approach aims at providing new design and analysis methods for rule-based intelligent systems. It uses the XTT2 knowledge representation for building modularized rule bases that form decision networks. The representation is formalized, thus allowing for the anayslys of the designed system with respect to its qualitative properties. The visual design is supported by practical tools.
Celem podejścia semantycznej inżynierii wiedzy jest dostarczenie nowych metod projektowania i analizy systemów inteligentnych wykorzystujących reprezentację regułową. Podejście to bazuje na metodzie XTT2 służącej do budowania na poziomie logicznym zmodularyzowanej bazy reguł stanowiącej sieć wnioskującą. Metoda ta jest sformalizowana, co pozwala na przeprowadzenie analizy systemu pod kątem jego jakości.
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This paper introduces an approach to outlier mining in the context of rule-based knowledge bases. Rules in knowledge bases are a very specific type of data representation and it is necessary to analyze them carefully, especially when they differ from each other. The goal of the paper is to analyze the influence of using different similarity measures and clustering methods on the number of outliers discovered during the mining process. The results of the experiments are presented in Section 6 in order to discuss the significance of the analyzed parameters.
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