In this paper we present the outcomes of a public archaeology project entitled: Applied archaeology: Societypast-remote sensing. The project aimed to study the social dimension of archaeology and ways of popularizing knowledge of the past within society. In the article we present the results of the interviews and polls that were carried out with the inhabitants of the region in which archaeological work was carried out. On the basis of these results we present and analyze the social expectations towards archaeology as well as the kind of challenges presented to archaeologists by local communities. We also describe how an archaeologist and his work are perceived and ask whether society needs this kind of scientist and this kind of knowledge. Additional issues concern the boundaries of archaeological research and public perception of archaeological research methods.
Problem. Let us try to answer two questions: 1) What should be the paradigm of martial arts research today?; 2) How does this translate into the content published in Ido Movement for Culture? Method. The first question requires reflection from the areas of epistemology/philosophy of science and sociology of science. The analysis emphasizes the contextual and humanistic dimensions. In the second question, the discussion pertains to the content of volume 23. Results. The reflection mainly concerns schematism and barriers present in scientific institutions or those working for science. Reference is made to the history and cultural heritage of Poland. This is a context, especially axiological, that involves noble patterns. The further content focuses on interdisciplinarity and multidisciplinarity, as well as the contents of volume 23 in the context of the 23 years of functioning of this scientific periodical Conclusions. Through logical deduction, it has been shown that it is justified to conduct interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary research on fighting arts, and this is also the case with the study popularizing the research results published in Ido Movement for Culture
Problem. Spróbujmy odpowiedzieć na dwa pytania: 1) jaki ma być dzisiaj paradygmat badań sztuk walki?; 2) jak się to przekłada na treści publikowane w „Ido Movement for Culture”? Metoda. Na pytanie pierwsze odpowiedź wymaga refleksji z obszarów epistemologii / filozofii nauki oraz socjologii nauki. Tu w analizie akcent bada na wymiary kontekstualny i humanistyczny. W drugim pytaniu omówienie dotyczy treści tomu 23. Wyniki. Refleksja dotyczy głównie schematyzmu i blokad występujących w instytucjach naukowych lub działających na rzecz nauki. Nawiązano do historii i dziedzictwa kulturowej Polski. Jest to kontekst, zwłaszcza aksjologiczny – szlachetne wzorce. W dalszej części treść dotyczy inter- i multidyscyplinarności, oraz zawartości tomu 23 w kontekście 23 lat funkcjonowania tego periodyku naukowego. Wnioski. W drodze logicznej dedukcji wykazano, że słuszne jest inter- i multidyscyplinarne badanie fighting arts, i tak właśnie jest też realizowane popularyzowanie wyników badań na łamach „Ido Movement for Culture”.
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