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This article presents an outline of the concept of development of a knowledge base applied to inference systems based on an ontological model and SWRL rule language. The problem field is an expert system for decision support for optimising the die forging process in terms of an extension of the forging die working time in relation to forging temperature. Application of ontologies is motivated by a distributed information environment, as well as an input structure of the databases, which prevents reproduction of the data model in the very structure of relations. Ontology also enables the use of an SWRL language in rule base construction, which greatly facilitates further work on the stored data sets.
Artykuł przedstawia zagadnienia związane z metodyką budowy bazy wiedzy z użyciem modelu ontologicznego na potrzeby systemów wnioskowania. Przedstawiono przykład zastosowania języka wnioskowania SWRL. Omawiana baza została zaprojektowana dla systemu ekspertowego na potrzeby wspomagania decyzji w procesach przemysłowych związanych z przetwórstwem metali. Zastosowanie ontologii zostało podyktowane rozproszonym środowiskiem informacyjnym, a także słownikową strukturą baz danych, co uniemożliwia odwzorowanie modelu danych w samej strukturze relacji. Ontologia ponadto umożliwi zastosowanie języka SWRL do konstrukcji bazy reguł, co w dużym stopniu ułatwi dalszą pracę na przechowywanych zbiorach danych.
tom Vol. 33, no 3
This paper underlines the need for unification of knowledge that illuminates the phenomena and processes in different worlds as is also exemplified by one of the missions of Systems Science. Many of the important problems faced by humanity today are very complex and do not have solutions in the isolated islands of knowledge. As the complexity of these problems is accentuated by their stretching across several diverse disciplines, even teams with deep expertise in the respective fields find the problems quite challenging. The imminent need is to focus on Transdisciplinarity- discovering hidden connections between and establishing a common platform for people from diverse disciplines for a holistic understanding of the problem at hand. Despite the challenges in the task of linking diverse fields there are examples in human history which raise hope as they have clearly benefited our understanding and enriched our civilization. The author discusses two such examples from human history: (1) Philosophy-Mathematics (-Genetics) (2) Various Branches of Physical Sciences. The author then points to the need for further Unity of Knowledge especially between Natural and Social Sciences to enable us to handle complex current problems. The author pins his hope for success in efforts in this direction despite the challenges because of his belief that all branches of knowledge are siblings since they all evolved from a common source- the human intellect. Therefore, there must be some kind of "Genetic Connections" between all of them. It is the responsibility of the human mind itself to unify all its diverse children, each grown to great depths of specialization in isolation, into an "integrated family of knowledge members".
tom nr 5
W publikacji przedstawiono trzy kolejne fazy przemian struktur wewnętrznych dyscypliny naukowej: dyferencjację wiedzy, rekombinację wiedzy i integrację wiedzy. Omówienie to uzupełniono komentarzem interpretującym przemiany struktury wiedzy tribologicznej.
The paper presents three consecutive phases of science discipline internal structures transformation namely: knowledge differentiation, knowledge recombination and knowledge integration. The issue discussion is complemented by comments concerning the transformation of tribological knowledge structure.
tom 5
nr 2
The article discusses the possibilities and prospects of using the experience of training future technology teachers in European countries. Its structure and content in accordance with national traditions and European standards led to the success of the educational components of the European Higher Pedagogical School. This fact encourages local scientists and teachers to identify ways of educational achievements use in European education system of technology teachers training. According to the above, we have defined the following tasks: summarize the progressive trends and approaches to quality training of European teachers of technology in national high school; formulate guidelines that will help improve training efficiency of Ukrainian technology teachers and, consequently, ensure the successful integration of the national educational system to the European Higher Education Area.
The aim of the paper is to present a new approach for integrating expert knowledge with knowledge derived from a data set, called INTEGR. INTEGR approach is based on the method of training an expert fuzzy model with a set of data points but eliminates main drawbacks of this method. The paper presents both - the theoretical description of INTEGR algorithm and its practical application.
Zarówno modele rozmyte budowane na podstawie zbioru danych pomiarowych jak i modele rozmyte budowane przy wykorzystaniu wiedzy eksperckiej mają specyficzne dla siebie wady i zalety. Model ekspercki jest modelem przybliżonym, ale obowiązującym w całej dziedzinie analizowanej zależności, natomiast model zbudowany na podstawie zbioru danych pomiarowych jest modelem dokładnym, ale wiarygodnym tylko w pewnym, ściśle określonym fragmencie dziedziny. Wynika z tego, że aby zwiększyć precyzję rozmytych modeli eksperckich należy do nich dołączyć wiedzę zawartą w danych pomiarowych i analogicznie, żeby poszerzyć zakres stosowalności modeli rozmytych opracowanych na podstawie zbioru danych pomiarowych należy dołączyć do nich wiedzę ekspercką. Celem niniejszego artykułu jest przedstawienie nowej metody integracji wiedzy eksperckiej z wiedzą wydobytą z danych pomiarowych (metody INTEGR). Opisywana metoda jest oparta na uczeniu eksperckiego modelu rozmytego przy pomocy zbioru danych pomiarowych, ale eliminuje podstawowe wady tego podejścia. W artykule zaprezentowano zarówno teoretyczny opis metody, jak i jej praktyczne wykorzystanie na przykładzie modelu rozmytego przeznaczonego do wyceny samochodów używanych.
Content available On the Need of Innovation in Teacher Training
tom 5
Slovak education is still undergoing transformation changes. The changes are influenced by objective and subjective factors, provoking several questions, e.g. the ones concerning new objectives resulting from the need to improve the training of future teachers. Training of teachers for the first level of elementary schools of extraordinary importance has become. It is expected to reflect several current tasks connected with, for example, the migration of people in Europe as well as with the preparation for language competence.
Content available remote Analysis of the applicability of domain ontology in copper alloys processing
Efficient use of corporate resources in the form of intellectual capital is due in large measure to effectiveness of knowledge codification and distribution systems. Making intellectual resources available to employees in time short enough to enable efficient use is possible due to search tools. The goal is to provide relevant and significant knowledge in right time. Full-text search in the databases, whether the use of directories, no longer fulfills its tasks in a situation where knowledge comes from diverse, often semantically and formally inconsistent sources. The creation of an ontology-based system would eliminate these difficulties. This paper proposes algorithms of development domain ontology of the knowledge of copper alloys, and also analyzes the feasibility of such a system. The estimate benefits of implementation, according to the authors, as well as the main difficulties associated with implementation was presented. Conclusions reached are the basis for a broader study on the feasibility of this class of systems in the foundry industry. Anticipated solution of this problem oriented on the processing of copper alloys, information-share tools discussed in the article must include specific to foundry processes issues, and thus will have an innovative character.
The paper deals with various aspects of knowledge engineering in the area of metal processing technologies. The discussion concerns: needs of the knowledge, role of the knowledge engineering, methodologies for the knowledge structuralisation, integration and distribution. The aim of this paper was highlighting the needs and prospects related with informatisation of foundry industry.
Content available remote Creating and Application of Maps of Concepts for DL Ontologies
n previous work a novel knowledge representation, called Knowledge Cartography, was introduced. The method allows for description, in the form of a map of concepts, of interrelationships among concepts distinguished in a terminology and for gradual (with growth of our knowledge) assignment of individual objects to those concepts. Effectiveness of the process of building map of concepts is a key factor influencing usability of the method. This paper presents a new map creating algorithm called TreeFusion that uses binary decision diagrams originally developed for supporting VLSI circuits design. The paper presents also some current applications of Knowledge Cartography.
This study is related with one of the components of a hybrid decision support system called CAPCAST, implemented under a research project conducted by WIMIIP AGH. It is a model of knowledge representation about materials in the form of a relational database, designed to allow the transformation of its records into components of a rule-based knowledge base.
Content available Filozofia jako przedmiot scalający wiedzę szkolną
nr 25
The authoress of the article formulates and defends the thesis that contemporary modeling of teaching philosophy can be analyzed in a paradigm of integrating knowledge of pupils. In the first part of this article she describes the complexity of a problem of modeling the philosophical knowledge of a pupil. It is caused by a solid tradition which divides science and philosophy. In Kamińska’s opinion this tradition forms opinions among academics and practitioners, which determine the place of philosophy in relation to other school subjects. Authoress argues, that the ‘integrative knowledge’ model is able to execute the expectations of the employers according to social and intellectual abilities of their potential employees. To achieve this, she mentions the research on the expectations of the employers towards the professional competences of the graduates. Skills and abilities relating to the cul- tural and social roles need philosophical competences like analytical and effective thinking, model operating, logical and moral skills of graduates. The main theoretical basis of the presented modelare Bertalanffy’s metho- dology, Paul Hirst’s and Joseph Schwab’s pedagogical conceptions which relate to contents of didactic structure used in school practice and substantial structures of relevant scientific knowledge. Furthermore, it is also based on Henryk Struve’s conceptions of stages of development of philosophical skills. The second part of this article is dedicated to practical aspects. Authoress shows in examples the possibility of implementation of this model to school practice.
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