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The main objective of this paper is to identify the system of knowledge management in contemporary process organizations in business process perspective, especially with regard to technological and social conditions. Methodology is based on literature analysis and case studies. The integration of knowledge management technologies, concepts and methods into organizational business processes is challenging research issue today. The concepts of knowledge management and business process management should be analyzed jointly in the contemporary enterprises. Despite of the growing interest among researchers and practitioners of the concept of the knowledge management referring to business process management there is a lack of articles in this area. Appropriate approach to the modelling of knowledge management processes, as well as the use of IT tools, and a motivation system are of key importance for the introduction of this solution in organizations.
The author distinguishes three fields of research concerning knowledge and the so-called knowledge-based economy: – definitions and general reflections based on theory; – international comparative analyses of general character; – international comparisons and analysis based on statistical and econometric methods. Then, the results of research within the three afore-mentioned disciplines are discussed. The conclusion states that knowledge is the main determinant of growth in the long run, but in the short and medium perspective, it is only one of a number of other determinants affecting the growth rates. In the final part, the author emphasizes the role of the quality of education and intellectual capital in the long-term economic growth of the country.
Knowledge management in last time is seen as a condition of fast social and economic development. Full markets, products' changes, life of products, which still becomes shorter, problems with traditional management systems - it all makes, that sources of success in realization of enterprises' goals are being searched in constant perfecting of modern management systems, especially knowledge management. Knowledge managements high standing is a result of technological race for new products and better equipment. Choosing and using suitable instruments that support these processes is the key to knowledge management. Knowledge in modern world is an important, strategic factor. It helps to improve competitiveness of organizations, that work in a still changing and difficult environment. Transfer of knowledge is a result of clients' demands and expectations. Activity in learning is a factor, which supports the transfer of knowledge. Success of learning organizations depends mostly of ability of sharing this knowledge.
W obecnych czasach wiele przedsiębiorstw zdaje sobie sprawę ze znaczenia wiedzy, widzi potrzebę zarządzania nią, a także traktuje jako strategiczny zasób. Organizacje powiększają swoje zasoby wiedzy w coraz bardziej świadomy sposób. Zdaniem Elżbiety Skrzypek zarządzanie wiedzą staje się podstawą twórczego myślenia, przenoszącego organizacje na wyższy stopień funkcjonowania [Skrzypek E., 2002, s. 34]. W oparciu o studia literatury wskazano, że wiedza stała się głównym czynnikiem wpływającym na konkurencyjność organizacji i wzrost osiąganych przez nią korzyści. Celem artykułu było przedstawienie wiedzy i zarządzania wiedzą oraz związanych z nimi wybranych problemów jako ważnych czynników w organizacji, a także określenie zainteresowania lubelskich organizacji obszarem zarządzania wiedzą i ukazanie stosowanych przez nie rozwiązań zarządzania wiedzą. Realizacji celu posłużyły wyniki badań przeprowadzonych w 2014 r. w organizacjach zlokalizowanych na terenie województwa lubelskiego. Z badań wynika, że niemal wszyscy respondenci zetknęli się z pojęciem „zarządzanie wiedzą”. Ankietowani wskazali jakie ich zdaniem korzyści może przynieść wprowadzenie zarządzania wiedzą w przedsiębiorstwie. Odnieśli się również między innymi do takich czynników jak: dzielenie się wiedzą, innowacyjność, wykorzystywanie narzędzi wspierających zarządzania wiedzą w swoich przedsiębiorstwach. Wyniki badań dowodzą, że większość lubelskich organizacji dostrzega potrzebę zarządzania wiedzą i zarządza nią. Jest to niezwykle ważne z punktu widzenia innowacyjności i konkurencyjności organizacji.
Nowadays, many organizations are aware of the importance of knowledge, they see the need for knowledge management and treat it as a strategic resource. Organizations are enhancing their knowledge resources in a conscious manner. According to E. Skrzypek knowledge management becomes the basis for creative thinking and transfers an organization to a higher level of functioning. Based on literature studies one can conclude that knowledge has become a major factor in the competitiveness of the organization and growth generated by the benefits thereof. The purpose of the article was to present knowledge, knowledge management and related issues as important factors in the organization. The next objective of the article was to determine whether organizations in the Lublin area are interested in knowledge management and inpresenting their experiences in this area. This was done using results of studies conducted in 2014 among or-ganizations located in the Lublin area. The research show that almost all the respondents encountered the concept of knowledge management. The respondents indicated that they believed the in-troduction of knowledge management could bring benefit for their organizations. They referred to some factors, such as: sharing of knowledge, innovation, using tools to support knowledge management in their organizations. The test results show that the majority of organizations in the Lublin area see the need for knowledge management. This is extremely important from the point of view of innovation and competitiveness of the organization.
W artykule zaprezentowano zagadnienia związane z pozyskiwaniem i upowszechnianiem wiedzy w przedsiębiorstwie. Przedstawiono różne definicje wiedzy i spotykane kryteria jej klasyfikacji. Dokonując podziału źródeł wiedzy na wewnętrzne i zewnętrzne, zaprezentowano wyniki badań wskazujących najczęściej wykorzystywane źródła wiedzy oraz stosowane metody jej upowszechniania w przedsiębiorstwie.
The paper presents issues related to the acquisition and dissemination of knowledge in the enterprise. The different definitions of knowledge were presented as well as encountered criteria for its classification. Distinguishing between sources of knowledge into internal and external ones, research results were presented indicating the most frequently used sources of knowledge and methods of its dissemination used in the enterprise.
The paper proposes concepts for measuring knowledge and artificial intelligence based on the notion of natural intelligence as defined and developed throughout ages. It discusses also prerequisites for the origin of artificial intelligence and virtual knowledge and points out difficulties encountered when attempts to introduce scales and measures in this area are undertaken. In view of a tremendous variety of ways in which the artificial intelligence and virtual knowledge manifest themselves and a multiplicity of methods in which they can be represented, their measures and scales can only be of fuzzy character and thus must be burdened with imprecision. The scales and measures presented in the paper relate to suitably classified sets of programs or algorithms, with appropriate specializations taken into account in accordance with the classification approved of by the State Committee of Scientific Researches.
An effective solution to security problems those small and global ones demands certain knowledge and skills from managers and executives of different ranks. In this regard, we have allocated a special class of the risks associated with decision-making at various levels ranging from everyday to global. These risks are referred to as “the risks of incompetence.” At the heart of these risks are, in particular, lack of knowledge, specialization, poor mental preparation. “Risks of deviance” were regarded as “risks of incompetence”, but now they are ring-fenced in a separate group. Risks of deviance - risks which are based on anti-social mentality, aggression, intolerance, racism, and so on. In the article the above mentioned types of risk are discussed. Definitions of risks of deviance and incompetence are formulated. Their characteristics and examples of them are provided. A special group of risks associated with a level of social development is highlighted.
Both in literature, and for the economic practice, importance of immaterial resources and human capital is being emphasized in the activity of companies. They are these are considered too strategic factors, because they are influencing the value of subjects on the market. Contemporary companies more often and more often base their activity on immaterial resources, but particularly on knowledge. However the person has the special place and importance in the company since only he is able to get, to process information, to perfect and to transfer knowledge. Plurality existing in literature of the object and the variety of the interpretation of the subject taken up is pointing at big importance of these issues and her huge influence for shaping the value of companies. Chosen approaches to essence and the role in the organization of knowledge were discussed in the present report and they pointed at procedures and strategies of knowledge management.
Introduction. Infectious outbreaks have negative effects not only on the physical health of the society but also on the mental health. Aim. To evaluate the anxiety states and knowledge of COVID-19 during the pandemic in pregnant women. Material and methods. Cross-sectional study conducted in a university hospital in Turkey. A total of 199 pregnant women were included in the study. The State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI), two questionnaires to evaluate the knowledge about COVID-19, and COVID-19-related anxiety were applied to all the women. Results. The highest level of COVID-19-related anxieties were about their spouses or newborns contracting COVID-19, effects of drugs on fetus and contracting COVID-19 during delivery. There was a negative correlation between gestational week and the questionnaire of COVID-19-related anxieties (r=-0.152, p=0.037). STAI total score was 76.48±14.11, and STAI-T scores (42.39±7.66) were higher than STAI-S scores (34.09±8.77). Although their general knowledge about the disease was relatively good, their level of knowledge on issues that pertained specifically to pregnancy was low. Conclusion. These findings indicated more than four months had passed since the pandemic came to the country but, pregnant women were very worried and did not have enough information about the disease
INTRODUCTION: : Coronary artery disease (CAD) leads to mortality and morbidity globally. Approximately, 18 million deaths occurred due to cardiovascular diseases. Objective: To determine the association between knowledge about coronary angiography and anxiety level among patients undergoing coronary angiography. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Analytical cross-sectional study was conducted in two major public-sector hospitals between September 2017 to March 2018. A total of 264 patients were recruited in the study Rusing a non-probability convenience sampling technique. A modified questionnaire about coronary angiography was distributed among participants and the HADS scale was used to assess the anxiety level of the participants. SPSS version 22 was used for data analysis. RESULTS: The mean knowledge score of the participants about angiography was 17.88 ± 4.047. The total knowledge score of both hospitals was good knowledge (6%), fair knowledge (42%) and had poor knowledge (52%). Regarding anxiety level, the participants of both hospitals experienced a high level of anxiety i.e. mild (20%), moderate (34%) & sever (10%). A significant association was found between knowledge and anxiety levels among the participants of both hospitals with a p-value of <0.001. CONCLUSIONS:This study found a significant association between patient’s knowledge about coronary angiography and anxiety level among patients undergoing coronary angiography. The study puts forwards that nurses shall assess the patient’s knowledge before coronary angiography procedure. The provision of accurate knowledge renders categorical purpose to this procedure for salubrious patients’ outcomes.
WSTĘP: Choroba wieńcowa (CAD) prowadzi do śmiertelności i zachorowalności na całym świecie. Około 18 milionów zgonów miało miejsce z powodu chorób układu krążenia. Cel: Określenie związku między wiedzą na temat koronarografii a poziomem lęku wśród pacjentów poddawanych koronarografii. MATERIAŁ I METODY: Przekrojowe badanie analityczne przeprowadzono w dwóch głównych szpitalach sektora publicznego w okresie od września 2017 r. do marca 2018 r. Do badania zrekrutowano łącznie 264 pacjentów, stosując dogodną technikę próbkowania bez prawdopodobieństwa. Uczestnikom rozprowadzono zmodyfikowany kwestionariusz dotyczący koronarografii, a do oceny poziomu lęku wykorzystano skalę HADS. Do analizy danych wykorzystano SPSS w wersji 22. WYNIKI: Średni wynik wiedzy uczestników na temat angiografii wyniósł 17,88 ± 4,047. Całkowity wynik wiedzy obu szpitali to bardzo dobra wiedza (6%), dobra wiedza (42%) i słaba wiedza (52%). Jeśli chodzi o poziom lęku, uczestnicy obu szpitali doświadczyli wysokiego poziomu lęku, tj. łagodnego (20%), umiarkowanego (34%) i silnego (10%). Stwierdzono istotny związek między wiedzą a poziomem lęku wśród uczestników obu szpitali z wartością p <0,001. WNIOSKI: Badanie wykazało istotny związek między wiedzą pacjentów na temat koronarografii, a poziomem lęku wśród pacjentów poddawanych koronarografii. W badaniu postuluje się, aby pielęgniarki oceniały wiedzę pacjenta przed wykonaniem koronarografii. Dostarczenie dokładnej wiedzy nadaje kategoryczny cel tej procedurze dla zdrowych wyników pacjentów.
We wstępie artykułu przedstawiono wybrane właściwości zespołów pracowniczych, które sprawiają, że stają się one narzędziem generowania wiedzy w organizacjach. Następnie dokonano opisu nowych form organizacji pracy zespołowej, których głównym celem funkcjonowania jest realizacja zadań związanych z systemem zarządzania wiedzą w organizacji. W ostatniej części artykułu opisano wspólnoty pracownicze ukierunkowane na szerzenie wiedzy w organizacjach, które traktowane są jako pewna odmiana zespołów wiedzy.
Introduction of the article is devoted to the selected characteristics of teams that make them instrument of knowledge creation in organizations. Then new forms of teamwork organizing, that the main purpose is to do tasks connected with organizational knowledge management's system, are described. The last part of the article deals with workers communities as the special form of knowledge teams, wich challenge is to spread knowledge in organizations.
The hereby article discusses the issues related to the existing or required support given by the State to enterprises in order to provide them conditions to innovate. Neoclassical economy puts an emphasis to the price mechanism as a decision making effective tool, but enterprises meet many barriers in creating and introducing innovation, like high cost, high risk or lack of demand for innovation. These phenomena tend to inhibit innovation of enterprises. This means that market is not an efficient mechanism for innovation activity of enterprises, and its imperfections provoke the State’s intervention. The goal of the article is to shape the objectives of State’s impact on decisions of innovative enterprises. Research method is the critical literature review and public data on State’s support on business R&D analysis. The research results show State’s support for both – incremental and radical innovation, which proves that innovative activity of enterprises is far from being a spontaneous, market-based process.
The university has been transformed by competition and consumer values, seen most vividly in the UK. Knowledge and learning are reduced to what can be easily measured, calculated and compared. The impoverished and reductive language that has taken hold affects the way in which we think about education and how we behave and live out our academic lives: it does not allow enquiry of the questions that matter – and which are central to an education that is higher – and that do not go away however much the view is of solving problems and reducing things to a question of economic value.
The article presents results of a study that aimed to identify the impact of the development of theoretical knowledge of family enterprise owners/managers on the level of employment in their enterprises. The main hypothesis assumed that in family enterprises where owners/managers systematically develop their knowledge through education and/or attendance in training courses and conferences, significantly more workplaces are created in comparison to the rest of family enterprises. This hypothesis was verified through the analysis of primary data.
The article focuses on the issue of knowledge and skills of students of pre-school and early school pedagogy specializations, which are to enable them to effectively provide psychological and pedagogical assistance. Particular attention was paid to diagnostic competence, understood not only as the ability to recognize the state – how it is, but also as the ability to determine why it is so and to take action to change this state. For the purposes of the research, the method of informal, written tests of school achievements was used, which was conducted among 216 third-year students, first-cycle studies, faculty of pedagogy, specialty: pre-school and early-school pedagogy. The analyzed material confirms the current knowledge in this area and indicates that achieving the desired state of knowledge and skills of students preparing themselves for the profession of early childhood education teacher in the field of psychological and pedagogical assistance at the university is not effective. The conditions of this state of affairs are various, so these issues should be considered in a broader context than before.
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Nowadays, knowledge about customers is the most valuable asset for any enterprise. Using it, organizations can more effectively increase customer loyalty and their value to the company. The purpose of this paper is to identify the main sources of knowledge about the client and to present the importance and possibilities of using customer knowledge to build the intellectual capital of organizations.
Systemic management of a local government unit lacks viewing the LGU as an economic entity which should actively use modern financial knowledge in its activity in order to stimulate active construction of an economic and social potential. It need’s to stimulate processes of building in local government structures a financial knowledge based on a modern understanding of LGU finance while considering the new challenges in finance which have been revealed after the subprime crisis, complemented with practical concepts based on New Public Management. Considering the progressing reforms of the national public finance system and the resulting consequences for shaping the financial management of the LGUs, and also globalisation processes and the dynamic development of the financial services’ market, it is natural to require managers of the local government subsector of public finance to have thorough financial knowledge – current and interdisciplinary knowledge that would most importantly be reliable and practice-based.
Contemporary sport is becoming more and more commercialized, hence the players strive to win at all costs, and to achieve this goal, they consider all means to be allowed. In order to be constantly on top, competitors change their training methods, use various aids, and finally direct their interests towards doping. Doping is considered to be the use of substances and all means intended to artificially increase physical fitness during sports competitions, which may be harmful to the ethics of sport or cause mental and physical harm to athletes. The aim of the research is to assess the knowledge of the problem and attitudes of young people practicing sports games towards the dangers of doping. Assessment of knowledge on the effects of the use of illicit means, and analysis of opinion on the use of doping and strengthening mechanisms for the adoption of pharmacological agents. Research on the knowledge about the use of support measures and doping in sport was carried out among talented youth practicing team sports games in randomly selected clubs of Małopolska, Silesia, Podkarpacie and Opole. Continuation studies were conducted in 2018-2020, they covered 60 girls and 60 boys, aged 16 years. The research was carried out using a questionnaire, the questions of which concerned the following problems: knowledge of the essence of sports doping, the relationship between doping and the principle of fair play in sport, support used in physical recreation, reasons for the use of doping, moral and criminal liability in the use of doping. When analyzing the results of the research, it should be noted that the use of doping in sport is negatively perceived by the examined youth. However, it can be assumed that the knowledge about the support and the problem of doping in sport is insufficient. Setting the main goal - sports success and the related financial rewards, as well as the willingness to be the best in the opinion of the respondents may narrow the boundaries, which may facilitate the decision to use support and doping. These observations seem to be very disturbing, as the analysis of research data concerns young people practicing sports at the stage of education and the utilitarian nature of physical activity.
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