Słowo „koronawirus” odmieniane jest w przekazach medialnych przez wszystkie przypadki od kilku miesięcy. Dla tysięcy przedsiębiorców pandemia to nie lada problem, powodujący nade wszystko poważne kłopoty finansowe. Jakie są jej gospodarcze konsekwencje i jakie są możliwości uporania się z kryzysem? Z dnia na dzień rzeczywistość zmieniła się diametralnie, a zawarte dopiero co umowy jeszcze wczoraj były szansą na zysk i rozwój, a dziś mogą być wielką „kulą u nogi”, ściągającą przedsiębiorstwo na dno. Czy polskie prawo przewiduje w takich okolicznościach jakieś koła ratunkowe?
The word „coronavirus” was all over the media for several months. For thousands entrepreneurs a pandemic is a real problem, causing over all serious financial trouble. What are its economic consequences and what are the options for dealing with the crisis? The reality has changed dramatically from day to day - does Polish law provide in such any lifebelts?
Capturing the direction of changes in the scope of the rebus sic stantibus clause under Polish law The aim of this article is to present the issue of the influence of the substantial change of circumstances on the parties’ obligation to the contractual agreements. In Poland, this so-called “rebus sic stantibus clause” (governed by the article 357(1) of the Polish Civil Code) which is believed to be not flexible enough to follow the needs of the dynamics of the global economic turnover and also importantly, the certainty of trade. Therefore it has become a source of many controversies and issues in interpretation, which has led to various de lege ferenda postulates. The article’s aim is to thoroughly analyze the essence of the particular amendments, including those based on the Principles of European Contract Law (art. 6:111) as well as proposals articulated by the doctrine. In summary, the article makes an attempt to capture the direction of changes in the design of the Polish institution of rebus sic stantibus clause.
The article concerns the application of the Austrian Civil Code (ABGB) in the period of the Second Republic of Poland. The paper has three sections: preliminary issues; ABGB and case law; and final conclusions. The first section refers to the application of the Austrian Civil Code during the First World War, when a dramatic drop in purchasing power of the circulating Austrian currency took place in the region of Galicia. The second section discusses the then jurisprudence, based on the Civil Code of Austria (ABGB), which displayed a valorisation trend, despite the prevailing principle of monetary nominalism. In particular, the prevalent theory of private law and, in particular, the theories of F. Zoll, had a great impact on the subsequent fate of Polish valorisation regulations after the First World War. This primarily regards the regulation of the President of the Republic dated 14 May 1924 on the recalculation of private legal obligations named after its principal designer – lex Zoll, including a subsequent regulation contained in the regulation of the President of the Republic of Poland of 27 October 1933 called the Code of Obligations, including in art. 269 the rebus sic stantibus clause. In the last section, the author draws attention to the impact of ABGB, and specifically eminent jurists from Galicia, such as E. Till, F. Zoll, and K. Przybyłowski, on subsequent regulations, including directions in theory of law – the school of “free law” (Freirecht) or the school of “free scientific exploration”. It is worth noting that modern private law arrangements introduced in the 1990s to the Polish Civil Code of 1964, in the form of a rebus sic stantibus clause, have their source in the inflationary experiences after the First World War and Polish jurisprudence based precisely on the Civil Code of Austria (ABGB).
This article deals with the problem of application of rebus sic stantibus clause, set forth in Art. 357(1) of the Civil Code, in conjunction with announcing by the Minister of Health a state of epidemiological emergency in the territory of the Republic of Poland, and, subsequently, the state of SARS-CoV-2 epidemic. This article aims to determine whether it is permissible to apply the foregoing clause in order to mitigate the effects of the pandemic that may affect a party to contractual relationships and also in relation to which contracts the foregoing clause shall be applicable. The authors analyse, under what circumstances it shall be possible to apply to a court the amount of performance or with a motion to terminate a contract. Attention was drawn to the necessity to have a narrow interpretation of the norm set forth in Art. 357(1) of the Civil Code. An opinion has been presented in this article that the effectiveness of rebus sic stantibus clause may be affected by an admissibility to formulate a claim in pursuance of Art. 357(1) of the Civil Code. of law with a motion to determine a manner of performing anobligation, with a motion to change the amount of performance or with a motion to terminate a contract. Attention was drawn to the necessity to have a narrow interpretation of the norm set forth in Art. 357(1) of the Civil Code. An opinion has been presented in this article that the effectiveness of rebus sic stantibus clause may be affected by an admissibility to formulate a claim in pursuance of Art. 357(1) of the Civil Code.
Artykuł podejmuje problem stosowania klauzuli rebus sic stantibus, wyrażonej w art. 357(1) k.c., w związku z wprowadzeniem przez Ministra Zdrowia na terytorium Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej stanu zagrożenia epidemicznego, a następnie stanu epidemii wirusa SARS-CoV-2. Celem niniejszego artykułu jest ustalenie, czy dopuszczalne jest zastosowanie klauzuli w celu łagodzenia skutków pandemii, które dotykają strony stosunków zobowiązaniowych oraz w stosunku do jakich umów klauzula znajdzie zastosowanie. Autorzy analizują, w jakich okolicznościach możliwe jest zwrócenie się do sądu z żądaniem oznaczenia sposobu wykonania zobowiązania, zmiany wysokości świadczenia czy orzeczenia o rozwiązaniu umowy. Zwrócono także uwagę na konieczność ścisłej wykładni normy z art. 357(1) k.c. W artykule zaprezentowano pogląd, że na efektywność klauzuli rebus sic stantibus może wpłynąć dopuszczenie możliwości formułowania zarzutu na podstawie art. 357(1) k.c.
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