This paper reports on the creation of specialized word lists in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), which is a discipline using vocabulary across languages (i.e., Chinese and English) and involves learners with different L1 backgrounds. First, a TCM Word List of 2,778 specialized words was established from corpora of TCM textbooks and journal articles. Selection criteria included specialized meaning, keyness in a corpus of general written English compared to the TCM Corpora, and frequency. The resulting TCM list covered 36.65% of the TCM Corpora but had low coverage over corpora of general written English and medical English. The TCM Word List was then divided into three sub-lists based on frequency, and graded into three levels. Level 1 contains high-frequency lexical items in English (e.g., organ, coating); Level 2 contains items that are mid-, low-frequency, or beyond any frequency levels (e.g., pericarpium, metabolism); and Level 3 contains Chinese loan words (e.g., qi, yang). Last, there is an overlap of 309 word families between this list and an earlier TCM list by Hsu (2018), which excludes words from the 1st-3rd 1,000 word families in English. Suggestions for teachers and future research are provided.
The paper reports on the results of an examination of changes in Polish lexis over the past decade. Two different, multi-million corpora spanning the years 2011–2022 were contrasted with a subset of the balanced National Corpus of Polish, which covers the period until 2010. To this end, keyword analysis was employed, and words that are particularly characteristic of the more recent set of texts, compared to the older corpus, were automatically extracted. This allowed us to identify the most salient lexical trends which differentiate the language of the last decade from the one recorded in the National Corpus of Polish, and which point to significant extralinguistic socio-cultural, economic, and political shifts across time.
A huge amount of data is collected by search engines. According to estimates, the Google search engine, which is dominant on the market, receives billions of search requests daily. Of particular note is that a large part of the collected data is available through the Google Trends service. As a consequence, various types of data can be used by enterprises for their development but they often do not take advantage of this opportunity. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to prove the suitability of the big data concept for creating and implementing product innovations, using the example of Google Trends. Discovering human needs and searching for answers to them is not only the domain of entrepreneurs, therefore this study may have a fairly broad practical applications. By adopting general assumptions, i.e. ones that do not refer to specific products or industries, the author has shown that the presented path may be recreated by both entrepreneurs and creators of political programs, as well as leaders of non-governmental organizations who need to implement innovations. The results revealed the selection of specific ways of entering queries in Google Trends and certain periods of analysis which are the most useful for creating innovations. Descriptive statistics (such as median) clearly show that the results typed in Google Trends are better when taken from a user perspective and can be used to create innovations. Despite substantial differences, the results do not allow for the conclusion that these differences were statistically significant. Thus, preliminary data supports the hypothesis, but more research is needed.
A huge amount of data is collected by search engines. According to estimates, the Google search engine, which is dominant on the market, receives billions of search requests daily. Of particular note is that a large part of the collected data is available through the Google Trends service. As a consequence, various types of data can be used by enterprises for their development but they often do not take advantage of this opportunity. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to prove the suitability of the big data concept for creating and implementing product innovations, using the example of Google Trends. Discovering human needs and searching for answers to them is not only the domain of entrepreneurs, therefore this study may have a fairly broad practical applications. By adopting general assumptions, i.e. ones that do not refer to specific products or industries, the author has shown that the presented path may be recreated by both entrepreneurs and creators of political programs, as well as leaders of non-governmental organizations who need to implement innovations. The results revealed the selection of specific ways of entering queries in Google Trends and certain periods of analysis which are the most useful for creating innovations. Descriptive statistics (such as median) clearly show that the results typed in Google Trends are better when taken from a user perspective and can be used to create innovations. Despite substantial differences, the results do not allow for the conclusion that these differences were statistically significant. Thus, preliminary data supports the hypothesis, but more research is needed.
The paper focuses on the analysis of a sample of military language from the stylometric perspective. The corpus is the chronicle of the 8th Czech Armed Forces Guard Company, which operated at the Bagram Air Field base (BAF). We work on the assumptions that in the corpus, there will be (A) a prominent presence of military slang; (B) a high proportion of abbreviations; (C) frequent linguistic devices expressing mutuality and collectiveness of the soldiers’ enterprise. The texts were subjected to keyword and collocation analyses; these determined several stylistic features of theirs (such as use of English-based expressions, protocol-like language, or idiosyncratic collocations), which testify to the multifaceted character of the military chronicle genre.
Rosnąca liczba artykułów i badań dotyczących zarządzania wiedzą ukazuje coraz większą liczbę powiązanych zagadnień. Celem artykułu jest próba identyfikacji, integracji i klasyfikacji tych zagadnień, prezentując je jako schemat kategorii i grup. Jako narzędzie zastosowano analizę tekstową dla 1,431 artykułów, spośród których wyodrębnionych zostało 3,379 unikalnych słów kluczy. Źródłem próbki była wyszukiwarka jednego wydawcy SCOPUS. Otrzymany schemat klasyfikacji zawiera 101 unikalnych grup słów kluczy, zawartych w 7 głównych kategoriach. Opracowane kategorie stworzono z myślą o zarządzaniu wiedzą wewnątrz przedsiębiorstwa (z punktu widzenia procesów). Należy je traktować jako punkt startowy do dalszej analizy, która pokrywałaby obszar na zewnątrz przedsiębiorstwa, tj. współpraca z zewnętrznymi instytucjami, innowacyjność w korporacjach międzynarodowych. Schemat jest przydatny w zakresie rozpoznania, czy elementy w nim zawarte są częścią oceny zarządzania wiedzą wśród procesów zachodzących w organizacjach.
A growing number of articles and research on knowledge management reveal an increasing number of related topics. The article attempts to identify, integrate and classify knowledge attributes, presenting them as a diagram of categories and groups. As a tool, text analysis was used for 1,431 articles, out of which 3,379 unique keywords were extracted. The source of the sample was the search engine of one publisher SCOPUS. The resulting classification scheme contains 101 unique groups of keywords, contained in 7 main categories. The developed categories were created for knowledge management within the company (from the point of view of processes). They should be treated as a starting point for further analysis, which would cover the area outside the enterprise, i.e. cooperation with external institutions, innovation in international corporations. The schema is useful for recognizing whether the elements it contains are part of the knowledge management assessment of processes in organizations.
The paper presents challenges faced by psychiatrists who venture into the justice system. Based on the analysis of sixty-five forensic psychiatric reports, strategies assumed by expert witnesses in order to reconcile the language of medicine with the language of law were reconstructed. Methods and tools of corpus linguistics were used, such as: frequency lists, keyword analysis, and concordance analysis. The results indicate that forensic psychiatrists have difficulty in translating the language of medicine into the language of law. They use lexis and linguistic structures characteristic of medical genres, while appropriating legal vocabulary in the form of phrases drawn from the criminal code. The tensions resulting from the collision of the legal and the psychiatric discourse have been described in terms of the clash of two types of logic: “either/or”, typical of the justice system, and “both/and”, prevalent in contemporary clinical psychiatry. This analysis has also captured ethical challenges which stem from the double role of forensic psychiatrists as doctors and as representatives of the criminal justice system. It has shown that psychiatrists focused on playing the latter role, situating themselves on the side of the law.
W artykule przedstawione zostały wyzwania, z jakimi mierzą się psychiatrzy, wkraczając w obszar wymiaru sprawiedliwości. Na podstawie analizy 65 opinii sądowo-psychiatrycznych zrekonstruowano strategie uzgadniania języka prawa i języka medycyny przyjmowane przez biegłych. Zastosowano metody i narzędzia lingwistyki korpusowej: listy frekwencyjne, analizę słów kluczowych oraz analizę konkordancji. Uzyskane wyniki wskazują, że psychiatrzy sądowi mają trudności z dokonaniem przekładu z języka medycyny na język prawa. Posługują się leksyką i strukturami językowymi właściwymi dla gatunków medycznych, a słownictwo prawne przejmują w postaci związków wyrazowych zaczerpniętych z kodeksu karnego. Wprowadzając terminy prawne, próbują wypełnić je aktualną wiedzą medyczną. Napięcia wynikające ze zderzenia dyskursu prawnego i psychiatrycznego opisane zostały w kategoriach zderzenia dwóch logik: „albo, albo”, właściwej dla systemu sprawiedliwości, oraz „zarówno, jak też”, przyjmowanej we współczesnej psychiatrii klinicznej. W analizie uchwycone zostały także wyzwania etyczne związane z występowaniem przez psychiatrów sądowych w podwójnej roli – lekarzy i reprezentantów wymiaru sprawiedliwości. Wykazała ona, że biegli skupiali się na realizacji drugiej z tych ról, sytuując się po stronie prawa.
Dostęp do pełnego tekstu na zewnętrznej witrynie WWW
Autor rozpatruje graf Internetu jako globalną gospodarkę, w której jedynym wytwarzanym produktem jest informacja. Założono, że w przestrzeni sieci występuje hierarchia ważności informacji i poszczególnych słów kluczowych. Ważne słowa kluczowe tworzą duże grafy informacji, które przyciągają słabsze grafy, składające się z mniej znaczących danych. Grafy informacji są wzajemnie powiązane jak gałęzie produkcji w klasycznej gospodarce. W związku z tym, że w sieci informacji jest nieskończenie dużo, trudno ją mierzyć jakościowo lub badać, czy jest fałszywa, czy prawdziwa. Zaproponowano nietypowy, ilościowy pomiar informacji oraz analizę wag, jakie zachodzą między poszczególnymi słowami kluczowymi. Wykorzystano wyniki z wyszukiwarek internetowych. Do analizy ilości informacji oraz zależności, jakie zachodzą między poszczególnymi słowami kluczowymi użyto macierzy przepływów międzygałęziowych.
The author examines the Internet network as a global economy in which the only output is information. It is assumed that there is a certain hierarchy of keywords in the net space. Important keywords create large information graphs, which attract smaller graphs consisting of less important data. Information graphs are linked to each other like branches of production in classical economics. Thus, due to the huge amount of information on the net, it is difficult to measure its quality, or whether it is true or false. A non-standard method of measuring information is proposed, as well as analysis of the weights between each of the keywords. Search results from Internet search engines were used. The input–output matrix was used to analyze the amount of information, as well as dependencies which occur between individual keywords.
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