The paper presents results of the research study into fringe communities with participation of the species of the genus Reynoutria at the Słowińskie Coast (Central Pomerania). Reynoutria japonica and R. sachalinensis were introduced from East Asia at the turn of the 19th and the 20th century. Sakhalin knotweed was described at the Słowińskie Coast in 1921 in Darłowo, while Reynoutria japonica in 1937 in Ustka. Their hybrid – Reynoutria xbohemica was described for the first time in 1980s at the territory of the Czech Republic. The Polish stands Reynoutria xbohemica were mentioned at the end of the 20th century. In this paper, the stands of Reynoutria xbohemica are the new ones in the Northern Poland, not mentioned so far. Nowadays, Reynoutria taxa cause much economic and natural loss. They are especially hazardous in manor parks, gutters and ditches, meadows and pastures. During the research tests conducted in the period 2008-2012, 105 phytosociological relevés were taken with the application of the Braun-Blanquet’s method generally used in Poland. Phytocenoses with participation of the taxa of Reynoutria genus were found in fringe communities from the of Artemisietea vulgaris class and from Petasition officinalis alliance: Aegopodio-Petasitetum hybridi, Heracleeteum mantegazziani, Aegopodio-Reynoutrietum sachalinensis and from Senecionion fluviatile alliance: Polygonetum cuspidati, Impatienti glanduliferae-Convolvuletum sepium, Rudbeckio-Solidaginetum.
W pracy przedstawiono rezultaty badań nad zbiorowiskami okrajkowymi z udziałem gatunków z rodzaju Reynoutria na Wybrzeżu Słowińskim (Pomorze Środkowe). Reynoutria japonica i R. sachalinensis zostały introdukowane z Azji Wschodniej na przełomie XIX i XX wieku. Rdestowiec sachaliński był notowany na Wybrzeżu Słowińskim w 1921 roku w Darłowie, natomiast rdestowiec ostrokończysty w 1937 w Ustce. Występowanie ich utrwalonego mieszańca Reynoutria xbohemica zostało opisane po raz pierwszy w latach 80. XX wieku na terenie Czech, zaś na obszarze Polski rdestowiec pośredni odnotowano w końcu XX wieku. Stanowiska Reynoutria xbohemica w Polsce północnej podane w niniejszej pracy są nowe i dotąd nieopisywane. We współczesnej dobie rdestowce są przyczyną wielu strat gospodarczych i przyrodniczych. Zagrożenia dotyczą szczególnie parków dworskich, rowów i kanałów odwadniających, łąk i pastwisk. Podczas badań w latach 2008-2012 wykonano 105 zdjęć powszechnie stosowaną w Polsce metodą Brauna–Blanqueta. Fitocenozy z udziałem taksonów z rodzaju Reynoutria notowano w zbiorowiskach okrajkowych z klasy Artemisietea vulgaris i związku Petasition officinalis: Aegopodio-Petasitetum hybridii, Heracleeteum mantegazziani, Aegopodio-Reynoutrietum sachalinensis oraz związku Senecionion fluviatile: Polygonetum cuspidati, Impatienti glanduliferae-Convolvuletum sepium, Rudbeckio-Solidaginetum.
Typhetum laxmannii (Ubrizsy 1961) Nedelcu 1968 is a plant association new to Poland, built by an expansive kenophyte - Typha laxmannii Lepech. This paper presents the general distribution of both, the species and the association, paying particular attention to the area of Europe and Poland where, in recent years, many new locations as well as an increasing participation in vegetation cover have been observed. The habitat preferences of Typhetum laxmannii, the floristic composition of the association and its geographical differentiation within the occupied area are described. The current distribution of the association in Poland is presented on the cartogram map 10x10 km and possible expansion routes are suggested.
The paper presents the taxonomical position and the description of the characteristic features of Macrosciadium alatum (=Ligusticum alatum). The species was recorded in the Western Bieszczady Mts (the northern part of the Carpathians) in July 2007 and is new to the flora of Europe. Its natural range comprises mainly the Caucasus region and the origin of M. alatum in south-east Poland is quite puzzling. The species has most likely been deliberatelly brought into the area. M. alatum spreads quite intensively. It penetrates semi-natural vegetation systems and seems to be expansive.
The paper provides data on a new antropophyte species - Typha laxmannii Lepech. which spreads throughout Poland as a hemiagriophyte. Its present distribution in Poland is given on a cartogramme map in a 10×10 km square grid and its geographic element, population numbers and notes on habitats are provided. An identification key to 5 species of the Typha genus, two native, one new which is the topic of this paper, and two which can be expected to be discovered in Poland.
The aim of the study was to characterize and analyze the segetal flora of the Łuków Plain. The study was carried out from 2003 to 2006 in 182 towns and villages. Vascular flora of the arable fields in the area under study consists of 305 species belonging to 39 families and 168 genera. The analysed flora is characterised by the prevalence of native species (64.6%) over alien species (35.4%). Archaeophytes dominate among anthropophytes, whereas meadow species are the most frequent in the group of apophytes. Annuals and biennials show a slight prevalence over perennials. The analysis of the life-form categories shows the dominance of therophytes (52.8%) as well as a relatively high share of hemicryptophytes (34.4%) and geophytes (12.5%). In the analysed flora, rare and very rare species constitute a vast majority (61.7%), whereas the common and very common species reach 13.1%.
Celem pracy była charakterystyka i analiza flory segetalnej Równiny Łukowskiej. Badania prowadzono w latach 2003-2006 na terenie 182 miejscowości. Flora naczyniowa pól uprawnych badanego terenu liczy 305 gatunków należących do 39 rodzin i 168 rodzajów. Na bogactwo gatunkowe ma wpływ zróżnicowanie siedlisk, rozdrobnienie gospodarstw i tradycyjny system gospodarowania. Analizowana flora cechuje się przewagą gatunków rodzimych (64,6%) nad taksonami obcego pochodzenia (35,4%). Wśród antropofitów dominują archeofity (27,2% flory) a z apofitów najczęściej notowano gatunki łąkowe (23,6% flory). Gatunki krótkotrwałe mają niewielką przewagę nad wieloletnimi. W obrębie form życiowych dominują terofity (52,8%), zwłaszcza wśród antropofitów (85,2% gatunków tej grupy), ale stosunkowo dużo jest hemikryptofitów (34,4%) i geofitów (12,5%). W analizowanej florze największy udział mają gatunki bardzo rzadkie i rzadkie (61,6% flory), natomiast pospolitych i bardzo pospolitych jest 13,1%. Cechą charakterystyczną jest liczne występowanie gatunków speirochorycznych związanych z ekstensywnym rolnictwem: Agrostemma githago, Bromus secalinus i Avena strigosa. Z gatunków subatlantyckich częstym taksonem jest Arnoseris minima, rzadkim Anthoxanthum aristatum, a Teesdalea nudicaulis występuje bardzo rzadko na badanym terenie.
Various types of artificial habitats are associated with the modified landscapes. Among them are abandoned sand and gravel pits. These sites have a varied terrain. The presence of slopes, elevations, depressions and ponds creates favorable conditions for the colonization and development of species from very different habitats. Exploitation of raw materials and the accompanying infrastructure lead to total or partial degradation of the natural vegetation cover and to the development of new short-lived unstable systems. Abandoned sites at various stages of secondary succession are characterized by remarkable species diversity and richness. The habitats these species come from also have a significant effect on species composition and richness in the abandoned sites. At 31 abandoned sand and gravel pits near wiecie, 503 species of vascular plants have been found. As many as 161 species are alien anthropophytes (archeophytes, kenophytes and ephemerophytes). The sites with the greatest number of alien species are sites near meadows growing on the slopes of the Wda valley and suburban ruderal sites. The sites with the least number of alien species are sites near re-established forest communities and sites covered with hygrophilous tall herbaceous species and shrubs.