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nr 13
The responsibilities of diocesan bishops have always included the care of elderly and ill priests who did not have sufficient means of maintenance after retiring from active ministry. In the diocese of Poznań the caring institutions for priests have been evidenced since the 15th century. The bull De salute animarum of 1821 asserts that the Prussian state takes upon itself the maintenance of homes for retired priests. After the dissolution of the Cistercian monastery in Obra at the turn of 1835 and 1836, Archbishop Marcin Dunin planned to use the existing buildings for the needs of care of the elderly priests. However, the then prepared Statues and budget were not put into practice and the institution planned in 1836 began to function only seventy years later. The article describes the discussions around Archbishop Dunin’s plans and the financial aspects of this ecclesiastical caring institution for priests.
Do obowiązków biskupów diecezjalnych należała zawsze opieka nad kapłanami starszymi i chorymi, którzy nie posiadali wystarczających środków do utrzymania się po zakończeniu czynnego duszpasterstwa. W diecezji poznańskiej instytucje opiekuńcze dla księży potwierdzone są od XV w. W bulli De salute animarum z 1821 r. ustalono, że to państwo pruskie przyjmuje na siebie utrzymanie domów księży emerytów. Po kasacie klasztoru cystersów w Obrze na przełomie 1835 i 1836 r. abp Marcin Dunin zaplanował wykorzystanie istniejących zabudowań dla potrzeb opieki nad starszymi kapłanami. Opracowane wówczas Ustawy oraz budżet (etat) nie zostały jednak wcielone w życie, a instytucja planowana w 1836 r. zaczęła funkcjonować dopiero siedemdziesiąt lat później. W artykule opisane są dyskusje wokół planów abpa Dunina oraz aspekty finansowe kościelnej instytucji opiekuńczej dla księży.
nr 53
The St. Nicholas Church in Zamość has a history of belonging to various religions and rituals. It was built at the beginning of the 17th century as an Orthodox church serving the Orthodox community living in the city. At the beginning of the 18th century, the Orthodox Church was handed over to the Basilians, who built a monastery by the church, which operated until 1865. In 1720, a synod of the Unitarian Church in the Republic of Poland was held in St. Nicholas’ Orthodox Church. After the dissolution of Unitarian monasteries in the Kingdom of Poland, the monastery was taken over by the Treasury of the Kingdom of Poland, and the Orthodox Church and its equipment was left as a parish. In 1875 the temple was returned to the Orthodox, which was connected with changes in its appearance. After the Orthodox clergy left Zamość in 1915, the church was taken over by the Roman Catholic Church.
Kościół pw. św. Mikołaja w Zamościu ma przeszłość związaną z przynależnością do różnych wyznań i obrządków religijnych. Wybudowany został na początku XVII w. jako cerkiew służąca wspólnocie prawosławnej zamieszkującej miasto. Na początku XVIII w. cerkiew została oddana bazylianom, którzy przy świątyni wznieśli klasztor funkcjonujący do 1865 r. W cerkwi św. Mikołaja w 1720 r. odbył się synod Kościoła unickiego w Rzeczypospolitej. Po kasacie placówek bazyliańskich w Królestwie Polskim gmach klasztorny przejęty został przez Skarb Królestwa Polskiego, zaś cerkiew wraz z wyposażeniem pozostawiono jako parafialną. W 1875 r. świątynię oddano Cerkwi prawosławnej, co wiązało się ze zmianami w jej wyglądzie. Po opuszczeniu Zamościa przez duchowieństwo prawosławne w 1915 r. świątynia została przejęta przez Kościół rzymskokatolicki.
tom 8
Monastery bazyliańskie położone w południowo-wschodniej Rzeczypospolitej w połowie XVIII w. zostały objęte redukcją zarządzoną na mocy brewe Inter plures wydanego 2 V 1744 r. przez papieża Benedykta XIV. Według tego rozporządzenia należało połączyć klasztory, w których było mniej niż ośmiu zakonników. Władze zakonne w 1745 r. opracowały plan łączenia mniejszych placówek z większymi. Postanowiły również zlikwidować ośrodki o zbyt skromnym uposażeniu. Prowadzone przez niektóre monastery parochie miały być przejęte przez duchowieństwo diecezjalne. Zakonnicy z likwidowanych monasterów zabierali z sobą ruchomości cerkiewne i klasztorne do tych placówek, do których się przenosili, lub oddawali je do najbliżej położonych większych monasterów. Władze prowincji starały się pozyskać środki finansowe na funkcjonowanie zagrożonych klasztorów i opóźnić akcję ich likwidacji lub przekazywania w ręce duchowieństwa diecezjalnego. Wykonanie postanowień dekretu papieskiego trwało do 1780 r. W okresie tym zlikwidowano 52 monastery, a 20 domy podporządkowano większym monasterom. W ten sposób w prowincji pw. Opieki NMP do 1780 r. zlikwidowane lub pozbawione samodzielności zostało prawie 54% monasterów funkcjonujących w 1745 r.
The Basilian monasteries in the south-eastern part of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth were covered by the reduction ordered in the Inter plures brief issued on 2 May 1744 by Pope Benedict XIV. Under the brief, the monasteries with fewer than eight monastics were to be merged. In 1745 the authorities of the order formulated a plan to merge smaller houses with larger ones. They also decided to close down houses with too modest endowments. The parishes run by some of the monasteries were to be taken over by the diocesan clergy. Monastics from the closed monasteries took with them the movables to the houses they were transferred or gave them to the nearest larger monasteries. The authorities of the province sought to obtain funds to support the endangered monasteries and delay their closure or to give them over to the diocesan clergy. The enforcement of the provisions of the papal decree lasted until 1780. In that period 52 monasteries were dissolved and 20 houses were subordinated to larger monasteries. Thus by 1780 nearly 54% of the monasteries existing in 1745 in the Care of the Blessed Virgin Mary province were either dissolved or deprived of their independence.
tom 6
The present article contains an edition of selected documents relating to the dissolution of the Bernardine Monastery in Toruń, to be found in the Kwidzyń Region (Regierung Marienwerder) fonds kept in the State Archives in Gdańsk. The documents come from a bound volume of records entitled Property of the Bernardine Monastery in Toruń 1817 (Das Vermögen des Bernhardiner=Klösters in Thorn 1817). The edition in question comprises the entire archival unit made up of an inventory taking report and the inventory of the monastery’s property itself. The latter consists of four parts, presented in a table: 1 – sum total of the monastery’s assets, divided into immovable property and invested capital, and liabilities; 2 – the monastery’s other income from immovable property, invested capital and rents, as well as income in kind; 3 – detailed description of the church furnishings; 4 – list of the monastery’s tools, crockery and kitchen vessels. The source presented in the article provides an insight into the condition of the monastic household and furnishing of the church a few years before its dissolution.
tom 5
In the first part of the article the author examines the history of Jesuit and Benedictine buildings in Pułtusk from their construction till the present. The Church of SS. Apostles Peter and Paul was built by the Jesuits in 1688–1702, though work inside the church went on until 1718, when the church was consecrated. The furnishing of the church continued in 1720–1764. The Jesuit College was housed in buildings erected in the 1550s and 1560s. After the suppression of the Society in 1773 the church and the school were taken over by the Commission of National Education and then, in 1781, by the Benedictines, who had moved here from Płock. In 1803–1806 and 1816–1819 the Benedictines built a new monastery and school, and in 1827–1828 they carried out a thorough renovation of the church, which was considered at that time to be one of the most beautiful churches in the Diocese of Płock. After the dissolution of the Benedictine monastery in 1864, the church was given to the (collegiate) Parish of St. Matthew. In 1875 it was ravaged by a huge fire, in which most of the furnishings were burnt. The Second World War saw a destruction of the towers in the main facade. Since 2011 the Church of SS. Peter and Paul has been the parish church of St. John Paul II’s Parish. In the second part of the article the author presents the circumstances of the compilation of the inventories published in part three. The first inventory (no. 1) was compiled in 1781, when the former Jesuit church and monastery were being taken over by the Benedictines. A comparison between its entries and the inventory taken in 1775 during Bishop Krzysztof Szembek’s inspection reveals many missing items of movable property, especially those made of gold or silver, most of which must have enriched the treasuries of the Płock cathedral and the Pułtusk collegiate church. Another inventory taking came in late 1864 and early 1865 (nos 2–5) in connection with the dissolution of the Pułtusk monastery. The 1869 inventory (no. 6) was compiled when the monastery building was being taken over by a school. The last inventory (no. 7) was taken in 1882. It shows the Benedictines’ movable and immovable property during the dissolution and the scale of the damage wreaked by the 1875 fire. Only few items survived it.
nr 1
The article presents the history of the Cistercians of Jędrzejów after the dissolution of the abbey in 1819. In the first stage of the research, a biographical index was prepared, which was used to analyze the social and territorial origin as well as the numerical and age structure of the monks. The primary source material were general and personal files of the clergy, diocesan and monastic schematisms, as well as parish files and record books. After the suppression of the abbey, some of the monks stayed in the monastery buildings, others went to parish work. These were often centers associated with the Jędrzejów monastery.
Artykuł przedstawia losy cystersów jędrzejowskich po kasacie opactwa w 1819 r. W pierwszym etapie badań przygotowano kartotekę biograficzną zakonników, która posłużyła do przeprowadzenia analizy w zakresie ich pochodzenia społecznego i terytorialnego oraz liczebności i struktury wieku. Podstawowy materiał źródłowy stanowiły akta ogólne i personalne duchowieństwa, schematyzmy diecezjalne i zakonne oraz akta parafialne i księgi metrykalne. Po supresji opactwa niektórzy z zakonników pozostali dożywotnio w zabudowaniach klasztoru, inni przeszli do pracy na placówkach parafialnych. Niejednokrotnie były to ośrodki powiązane z klasztorem jędrzejowskim.
tom 30
nr 2
The article presents the biographies of the Jędrzejów Cistercians included in the list of members of the monastery during the dissolution of the abbey in 1819. The content of biographies includes information on e.g., the date of birth and place of origin of each monk, the time of joining the monastery, making their religious profession, and being ordained a priest, and performing monastic functions. Particular attention was paid to the post-dissolution fate of the monks. The primary source material included general and personal files of the clergy, diocesan and monastic schematics as well as parish files and record books.
Artykuł przedstawia biogramy cystersów jędrzejowskich, uwzględnionych na liście członków zgromadzenia klasztornego w czasie kasaty opactwa w 1819 r. Zawartość biogramów stanowią informacje dotyczące daty urodzenia i miejsca pochodzenia każdego z mnichów, czasu wstąpienia do klasztoru, złożenia profesji zakonnej i przyjęcia święceń kapłańskich oraz pełnionych funkcji klasztornych. Szczególną uwagę zwrócono na pokasacyjne losy zakonników. Podstawowy materiał źródłowy stanowiły akta ogólne i personalne duchowieństwa, schematyzmy diecezjalne i zakonne oraz akta parafialne i księgi metrykalne.
tom 27
nr 1
The article was prepared on the basis of archival materials found in the Diocesan Archives in Kielce. The archival resources consist of two volumes of 19th century files, mostly containing correspondence between nuns and diocesan, religious, and secular authorities. Poor Clares lived in Chęciny from 1643 to 1902. Even though the dissolution took place in 1864, the nuns were allowed to remain there until most of them died. The convent was small in terms of the number of nuns. The financial situation of the nuns in the nineteenth century was very difficult, poverty and lack of funds were the reason for the search for various sources of income, which were often not in accordance with canon law. This caused numerous disputes and quarrels among the nuns. Visitors tried in various ways to restore religious discipline. The convent of Poor Clares in Chęciny was closed in 1902; from 1930 to date there has been a Bernardine monastery.
Artykuł został przygotowany na podstawie materiałów archiwalnych znajdujących się w Archiwum Diecezjalnym w Kielcach. Stanowią go dwa tomy akt z XIX w., zawierające w większości korespondencję pomiędzy mniszkami a władzami diecezjalnymi, zakonnymi i świeckimi.Klaryski zamieszkiwały w Chęcinach w latach 1643-1902. Chociaż kasata nastąpiła w 1864 r., mniszkom pozwolono pozostać w nim do czasu wymarcia większości zakonnic.Konwent należał do niewielkich pod względem liczby zakonnic. Sytuacja materialna sióstr w XIX w. była bardzo trudna, bieda i brak funduszy stanowiły przyczynę poszukiwania różnych źródeł dochodu, które często nie były zgodne z przepisami prawa kanonicznego. Powodowało to liczne spory i kłótnie wśród zakonnic. Wizytatorzy próbowali różnymi sposobami przywrócić dyscyplinę zakonną.Konwent klarysek w Chęcinach został zamknięty w 1902 r., od 1930 r. do chwili obecnej istnieje w tym miejscu klasztor bernardynek.
tom 3
The present document contains a discussion of the circumstances and the course of the 1819 dissolution of monasteries, drawn up by tsar Nicholas I’s order of 1827. The ruler wanted to find out who had been the originator of the suppression, what plans it involved, who and how debated the project, and to what degree the decisions made at that time were subsequently effectuated. It was the Government(al) Commission of Income and Treasury –which may come as a surprise– that was appointed to prepare the study, rather than the Government(al) Commission of Foreign Denominations and Public Enlightenment, responsible for the administration of the property of suppressed monasteries. The author of Historical outline, Paweł Głuszyński, elaborated a brief history of the dissolution process, which was supplemented with copies of the most important records (nonextant in the documentation) illustrating its course. It is noteworthy that the outline emphasises the significant role of the Holy See in the subsequent stages of work on the suppression decree, and later on the course of its execution. The document is located in the fond Komisja Rządowa Przychodów i Skarbu, no. 1304, f. 112-118v, kept at the Central Archives of Historical Records in Warsaw.
tom 5
The article presents 40 early printed books, acquired from different monasteries, which currently belong to the collection of the Franciscan Provincial Library in Gniezno. Initially, they were handed over from dissolved monasteries to – among other institutions – the Archdiocesan Archive Library and the Seminary Library in Gniezno, where they remained between 1836 and 1975. In 1975, the then Gniezno-Warszawa metropolitan archbishop, cardinal Stefan Wyszyński, returned to the Gniezno Franciscans the early printed books which they had been in possession of before the 1831 suppression. However, seven manuscripts and 63 incunabula remained in the libraries of the Gniezno Archdiocese. The manuscripts have been recorded in the catalogues of the seminary library prepared by Tadeusz Trzciński, Arkadiusz Marian Lisiecki, and Jadwiga Rył. The incunabula from the seminary library of the cathedral library in Gniezno are present in the catalogue created by Fr Leon Formanowicz before World War II, and supplemented in the 1960’s by Fr Julian Wojtkowski. Further information on the incunabula of the Franciscan monastery library in Gniezno can be found in a catalogue prepared by Jadwiga Rył. By way of compensation for these manuscripts and incunabula, the Gniezno monastery received 58 early printed books of different provenance from the duplicates owned by the Archdiocesan Archive Library and the Seminary Library. Among them there were items from dissolved Greater Poland monasteries as well as from Polish and private foreign book collections. Moreover, in 2008–2013, the author – librarian at the Franciscan Provincial Library in Gniezno – incorporated 17 early printed books, a bibliophile inheritance from the deceased fellow brothers, and books personally acquired at fairs from private collectors, into the library’s special collection section. Bibliographic descriptions presented in the catalogue of early printed books have been compared with foreign central catalogues available online. Descriptions of individual features of the items have been prepared in compliance with the Polish version of the international standard of early printed books description ISBD(A).
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