The article focuses on the general issues on the currently common practice to replace the employment contracts by civil-law contracts (commonly known as ‘junk contracts’) by Polish entrepreneurs. One of the aims of the paper was pointing out the advantages and disadvantages of such proceedings - both for the businesses and employees. Moreover, Authors intended to outline the other consequences of such actions, those of an economic and social aspect. Although the effects of common use of civil-law contracts among entrepreneurs might be of various kinds, it's vital to strongly underline that this type of contract is absolutely necessary and one cannot completely abandon them.
Along with many other weaknesses of liberal-peripheral economy, the coronavirus pandemic has exposed the one that can be called the fall of the myths associated with the precarious,”junk”or flexible employment formula. Many vices of the Polish state can be observed in this issue. Both these directly related to working relationship and protection of employees, as well as broader, systemic ones which prove poor condition of legislation and its enforcement, institutional shortages, illusive support of citizens by the state, etc.
Oprócz wielu innych słabości gospodarki liberalno-peryferyjnej pandemia koronawirusa obnażyła jeszcze i tę, którą można nazwać upadkiem mitów związanych z prekarną, „śmieciową” czy elastyczną formułą zatrudnienia. Jak w soczewce skupia się w tej kwestii wiele słabości państwa polskiego. Zarówno tych, które wprost dotyczą stosunku pracy i ochrony pracowników, jak i szerszych, systemowych, świadczących o mizernej kondycji prawodawstwa i jego egzekwowania, niedoborach ładu instytucjonalnego, złudnym wsparciu obywateli przez państwo itp.
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