The article focuses on the signs of semantic diffusion in word formation in the context of the indeterminate nature of many Polish compounds in which the first element is foreign, such as those with the component e-, euro-, or eco-. Derivatives are investigated in terms of their context, i.e. emphasis is put on their updated meaning in specific uses in journalistic texts. The phenomenon is analysed in connection with the pragmatic aspect of word formation in the language of the mass media.
The author of this article analyses some poetic quotations which are grouped in the following way:1. Soviet poets, who in different extent of involvement, were apologists of the Soviet reality2. Classicists of the 19th century Russian poetry3. Soviet poets whose literary works were forbidden, or were treated disrespect-fully, or simply ignored, therefore these pieces of work circulated frequently in clandestine publishing and distribution. The analyse made by the author depicts that such way and context of citation was often used by many authors whose works played an instrumental role for temporary purposes. However, they did not always keep their minds on high artistic level of ana-lysed texts. Their citations were frequently applied to discriminate the seventy - year period of the Soviet ruling, particularly in the aspects of political and social life as well as to point out degeneration of perestroika and the so called Soviet „democracy”. However, one can recognize their substantial, expressive and cognitive function.
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The article examines linguo-axiological specificity of the regional media discoursethrough integration of functional stylistics, discourse analysis and axiological linguisticsmethods. The material for semantic and stylistic analysis includes over 2500 texts of the citynewspaper “Kuznetsky rabochy” (Novokuznetsk, Russia) since 1980 to 2014. Appeal to mediatexts of this period is tied with important changes in spiritual life of Russian society. Thesechanges were caused by perestroika, as well as by the transformation of modern personal valuesystem. According to results of the research, it is possible to conclude that the value categoryof truth is the base of the axiological sphere supra-regional component in a local edition. On thecontrary, the base of the axiological sphere regional component in local mass media performscommemorative and local historical function. This function determines semantic and stylisticfeatures of the main hypertopic (topic of a region, city) and of local historical dominants ina regional edition.
The paper deals with Dontsov’s “phraseological speech” in the framework of cognitive linguistics. The ways of creating partially-authorial (biblical) and authorial (anthropocentric) phraseologisms are discussed and their assignment to different phraseological-semantic microfields is suggested. A number of Dontsov’s phraseologisms are viewed as linguomental pictures of the world that are potentially acceptable for a wider use.Methodologically, the research presents a cluster of general scholarly methods and those used in cognitive linguistics as well as special approaches developed in modern anthropocentric research. Methods of cognitive linguistics are of the utmost importance and include categorizing the phenomena of the objective reality and the interdisciplinary method of interpretation related to the correlation of language data with cultural studies, political science, ethnopsychology and other disciplines. Semantic and contextual analyses are also used as supplementary methods. The potential value of the research is ensured by its contribution to the modern anthropocentric linguistics that aims at studying language through its speaker.Structural-and-logical scheme illustrating the cognitive stages of generating a phraseologism is suggested and the importance of categorization of lingual phenomena is emphasized. Dontsov’s phraseologisms are claimed to be means of exposure of the national Ukrainian lingual picture, symbols of the national worldview, and the prism of the world perception and understanding.
The article deals with the journalistic texts of Svyatomyr Fostun, published in the London military journal “Surmach” (Trumpeter). It analyzes the specifics of the grammatical and stylistic design of these texts. It was found that the author’s journalism reflects the phonetic, orthographic, lexical, and morphological features codified in the Ukrainian spelling of 1929. The journalist’s creative self-expression in the analyzed journalistic texts includes tropes and stylistic figures, which expand the semantic framework of the text, and reveal its essential features. The conclusion is that the author uses stylistic devices in journalistic language for emotional and expressive reinforcement, axiological characteristics (positive and negative evaluation), communicative and pragmatic guidelines. Intertextual elements contribute to the structural and semantic integrity of the publicist’s texts, and coordinate the addressee’s perception and interpretation of the message in the right direction.
W artykule przedstawiono analizę tekstów publicystycznych Swiatomyra Fostuna, publikowanych w londyńskim czasopiśmie wojskowym „Surmacz”. W szczególności zbadano specyfikę ich konstrukcji gramatycznej i stylistycznej. Stwierdzono, że publicystyka autora odzwierciedla cechy fonetyczne, ortograficzne, leksykalne i morfologiczne, skodyfikowane w pisowni ukraińskiej w 1929 roku. Przedstawicielami twórczej autoekspresji dziennikarza w analizowanych tekstach publicystycznych są tropy i figury stylistyczne, które stanowią poszerzenie ram znaczeniowych wiadomości, ujawniają jej głębokie, istotne cechy. Stwierdzono, że autor posługuje się środkami stylistycznymi w języku publicystycznym dla wzmocnienia emocjonalnego i ekspresyjnego, cech aksjologicznych (oceny pozytywnej i negatywnej), wskazówek komunikacyjnych i pragmatycznych. Elementy intertekstualne przyczyniają się do strukturalnej i semantycznej całości tekstów publicysty, koordynują percepcję i interpretację wiadomości przez adresata we właściwym kierunku.
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The article problematizes the formation of regional toponymic derivatives a well as identifying the attributes of their functioning in the journalistic and literary texts on the life of the Grodno region. Studies focusing on the analysis of regional features of onyms and toponymic derivatives of the Gomel region, Western Polesie, Poozerye are also referred to. The lexicographic registration of administrative names of the Grodno region (districts, village councils) was carried out by E. Rapanovich. The questions of systematization of toponymic derivatives, the degree of their standardization and conformity to the overall trends in the development of the Belarusian language, the manifestation of regional peculiarities in their formation and functioning need scientific consideration. Therefore, the study of this lexical group is of current concern and social significance. The analysis of toponymic derivatives of the Grodno region extracted from Old Belarusian and modern texts reveals common features in their word-building patterns, their ability to combine with certain lexico-semantic groups, which is attributed to the continuity in the development of toponymic system of different periods, stability of toponymic patterns, and methods and means of toponymic derivation. Toponymy-derived adjectives with the -ск- (-цк-) suffix used in the mass-media are employed in the nomenclature proper names of various organizations and enterprises. Тoponymic derivatives with the -шчына formant are used as the names of regions and territories, the names of residents of the localities of the Grodno region and built with the suffixes -анін, -анк-а, -ан-, -еўчан-е, -чанін/ -чан-е, -ец/-цы, -авец/-аўцы, -енец/-енцы. The relevant feature of toponymic derivatives in the analyzed works of V. Adamchik and V. Korotkevich is their direct connection with the overall Belarusian and specific Grodno region patterns, which generates the effect of reality and performs text-building, localizing, nominative, regional identification, and other functions. The differences in the use of toponymic derivatives by the authors stem not only from their original writing style and creative manner but also from the characteristics of the periods and events described, which determines how these means are selected and used in texts, as well as the range of functions that they fulfill.
В статье анализируется проблема образования региональных оттопонимических наименований, определяются особенности их функционирования в публицистических и художественных текстах, отражающих жизнь Гродненщины. Называются исследования, посвященные анализу региональных особенностей онимов и оттопонимических наименований: Гомельщины, Западного Полесья, Поозерья. Лексикографирование административных названий Гродненской области (районов, сельских советов) осуществлено Е.Н. Рапановичем. Не решены проблемы систематизации и определения нормативности образования оттопонимических наименований; отсутствует научное осмысление соответствия их общебелорусским тенденциям и проявления региональной специфики словообразования и функционирования. Поэтому исследование данной группы лексики является актуальным и социально значимым. Анализ гродненских оттопонимических дериватов, выявленных нами в старобелорусских и современных текстах, показывает общность словообразовательных моделей, способность к сочетанию с определенными лексико-семантическими группами, что является результатом переемственности в развитии топосистемы разных эпох, стабильности топомоделей, способов и средств оттопонимического образования. Оттопонимические прилагательные с суффиксом -ск- (-цк-), используемые в текстах СМИ, входят в номенклатурные собственные названия различных организаций и предприятий. Оттопонимическими дериватами с формантом -шчына являются наименования регионов и территорий, а также названия жителей населенных пунктов Гродненщины, образованные при помощи суффиксов -анін, -анк-а, -ан-, -еўчан-е, -чанін/ -чан-е, -ец/-цы, -авец/-аўцы, -енец/-енцы. Особенностью оттопонимических наименований в проанализированных произведениях В. Адамчика Чужая бацькаўшчына и В. Короткевича Хрыстос прызямліўся ў Гародні является их непосредственная связь с реальными общебелорусскими и гродненскими моделями, что позволяет создавать эффект реального присутствия и выполнять текстообразующую, локализирующую, номинативную, регионально идентифицирующую и другие функции. Отличия в употреблении авторами оттопонимических дериватов обусловлены не только индивидуально-авторским стилем, творческой манерой, но и описываемыми эпохами, событиями, что определяет характер отбора средств и специфики их использования в тексте.
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