Narastająca na wsi dysproporcja w budowie kanalizacji zbiorczych w stosunku do wodociągów zbiorowych często powoduje, że powstające ścieki są odprowadzane do środowiska gruntowo-wodnego bez należytego unieszkodliwiania. Wywołuje to negatywne skutki w jakości tego środowiska, a pośrednio przyczynia się do pogorszenia warunków sanitarnych w rejonie zagród, wsi, gmin na terenach wiejskich. Potwierdzeniem tej oceny jest pogarszający się stan jakości wód gruntowych, podziemnych, będących podstawowym źródłem zaopatrzenia mieszkańców wsi i rolnictwa w wodę.
W artykule omówiono zagrożenia związane z obecnością hormonów w wodach powierzchniowych i podziemnych. Wskazano również regiony w Polsce szczególnie narażone na obecność estrogenów. Najprawdopodobniej największy ładunek estrogenów dostarczany jest do środowiska wraz ze ściekami rolniczymi, przede wszystkim z hodowli krów i loch. Ze względu na rozkład ilościowy samic bydła i trzody chlewnej na terenie Polski, najprawdopodobniej najwyższe stężenia estrogenów w wodach gruntowych i powierzchniowych mogą występować w województwach podlaskim, wielkopolskim i mazowieckim. Ze względu na zaopatrywanie ponad 2,2 mln mieszkańców wsi w wodę pitną z prywatnych ujęć wody, istotne jest sprawdzenie jakości wód gruntowych na terenach wiejskich, w rejonach szczególnie narażonych na obecność estrogenów.
The article presents the risks associated with the presence of hormones in surface and ground waters. Regions in Poland particularly exposed to the presence of estrogens were also indicated. Probably the largest load of estrogens is delivered to the environment along with agricultural sewage, mainly from cows and sows. Due to the quantitative distribution of cattle and pigs female in Poland, potentially the highest concentrations of estrogens in groundwater and surface waters may occur in podlaskie, wielkopolskie and mazowieckie province. Due to the supply of drinking water to over 2.2 million rural residents from private water intakes, it is important to check the quality of groundwater in rural areas, in regions particularly exposed to the presence of estrogens.
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Celem podjętych badań była ocena możliwości wykorzystania metod geostatystycznych do estymacji zmienności przestrzennej wybranych wskaźników jakości wód przypowierzchniowych na terenach użytkowanych rolniczo. Badania przeprowadzono na obszarze o powierzchni ok. 10 ha, na którym wykonano 27 odwiertów i pobrano próby wody. Punkty wytyczono wzdłuż dziewięciu tras. Na każdej trasie dwa punkty znajdowały się w obszarze użytku zielonego a jeden na gruncie ornym. Przeprowadzona próba oceny zmienności wybranych wskaźników jakości wód przypowierzchniowych na styku gruntów ornych z użytkiem zielonym z wykorzystaniem narzędzi geostatystycznych wykazała zróżnicowanie składu chemicznego wód w obrębie analizowanej powierzchni oraz przestrzenną jej zależność. Na badanym obszarze najwyższe wartości analizowanych wskaźników stwierdzono na gruntach ornych, natomiast najmniejsze na użytku zielonym. Odwrotną tendencję zaobserwowano jedynie w przypadku żelaza.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the possibility of using geostatistical methods to estimate the spatial variability of selected indicators of subsurface water quality in areas used for agriculture. The study was conducted in an area of арргохіmаtely 10 hectares, which made 27 wells and water samples were collected. Points marked out along nine routes. On each route, two points were in the area of grassland and one on arable lands. Made an attempt to evaluate the variability of selected indicators of subsurface water quality arable land at the junction of grassland using geostatistical tools showed a variation in the chemical composition of water within the analyzed surface and its spatial relationship. In the study area the highest values were analyzed indicators on arable land, while the smallest grassland. The opposite trend was observed only in the case of iron.
Groundwater quality study was conducted in the Drini basin situated in the northern part of the Albanian territory. The objective of this study was to identify the quality of groundwater in four different well-defined monitoring sites. Groundwater is vital for the population and is considered to be subject to continuous exploitation with high growth intensity, and permanent risk of pollution from natural and human activities. Contamination of groundwater occurs when synthetic products such as gasoline, oil, road salts and chemicals get into the groundwater and return it unsafe and unfit for human use. Groundwater monitoring was carried out according to a network, which aimed to include mainly the most intensive areas of exploitation and distribution in the aquifer. Samples were collected in two different months of June and October in four monitoring drilling sites and were analysed for those key indicators defined by the rules and procedures for the drafting and implementation of the national programme of environmental monitoring in Albania. The study results reveal that geological formation, human activities as well as environmental conditions affect groundwater quality. Complete chemical analysis revealed that the groundwater in this area results in medium hardness, has good physico-chemical properties, local pollution is encountered, and there is no massive pollution of the basin. They are waters with low mineralisation. Further, they are neutral waters, which meet the allowed norm for drinking water. The pollution displayed is occasional, as the presence of NH4+ and NO2- are isolated cases, manifested mainly by the non-application of areas of strictness and sanitary protection around the drill and the small cover of the subaxillary layer. The analysis performed for microelements shows that the content of some heavy metals is below the maximum allowed amount; this demands serious future attention to the density of the network and the monitoring frequency in this basin. The risk of pollution in the Drini basin is high due to the small protective cover, especially in the source of Dobrac. Intensive exploitation can lead to the mixing of fresh water with water with high mineralisation. The concentration of Cu, Pb, Zn, Cr, Cd, Na+, K+ and Cl− in the water samples known as the major pollutants from the urban transport sector, has shown that the values are within the water quality standard. The low concentration of these pollutants was due to the distance of the drilling sites from the roads in these areas.
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In this work, attention has been paid to the problem of quality of groundwater, which is the main source of supply of drinking water for rural inhabitants. In particular, the important factors for the groundwater quality in rural areas have been presented. This paper also shows the impact of the quality and quantity of available water resources on the exploitation of chosen small water intakes. Results of research on the quality parameters of groundwater, obtained in 2012÷2016 for selected rural intakes in north-western Poland, were presented. There was an increase in the content of iron and manganese compounds, ammonium ions, as well as the presence of bacteriological contaminants in test water samples. For these reasons, problems with providing the receivers with water of appropriate quality parameters have been reported in described rural intakes. The paper is an attempt to show the relationship between the type and magnitude of changes in the groundwater quality and the efficiency of the water treatment. In addition, pro-quality activities undertaken by local water companies were emphasized.
Celem pracy jest przedstawienie problemu jakości wód podziemnych na obszarach wiejskich i jej wpływu na funkcjonowanie niewielkich systemów zaopatrzenia w wodę. W pracy obszernie przedstawiono czynniki, istotne dla jakości ujmowanych wód podziemnych na terenach wiejskich oraz ukazano specyfikę eksploatacji niewielkich systemów wodociągowych. Przedstawiono wyniki badań parametrów jakościowych wód podziemnych, uzyskane w latach 2012÷2016 dla wybranych ujęć wiejskich w północno-zachodniej Polsce. Jakość tych wód w analizowanych latach ulegała pogorszeniu, w szczególności stwierdzono wzrost stężeń związków żelaza i manganu, azotanów, jonu amonowego, a także obecność zanieczyszczeń bakteriologicznych. Z tych względów w opisywanych ujęciach odnotowano problemy z zapewnieniem odbiorcom wody o odpowiedniej jakości. W pracy podjęto próbę ukazania zależności między rodzajem i wielkością zmian jakości wody a skutecznością jej uzdatniania, ponadto odniesiono się do działań projakościowych, podejmowanych przez lokalne przedsiębiorstwa wodociągowe.
The study was conducted to assess the quality of shallow groundwater in the Drean plain, with a focus on the concentration of heavy metals. The indices employed included the water quality index (WQI), heavy metal pollution index (HPI), and metal index (MI). Spatial distribution maps of heavy metals, as well as pollution indices, were developed based on twenty samples. The physicochemical parameters, including T, pH, EC, DO, and TDS, were measured using standard techniques. Heavy metals, including iron (Fe), lead (Pb), zinc (Zn), chromium (Cr), manganese (Mn), and cadmium (Cd), were analysed through spectrophotometry. The average concentrations of Mn, Cr, Cd, and Pb exceeded the World Health Organization (WHO) drinking water standards, with respective values of 0.16 mg/L, 0.06 mg/L, 0.28 mg/L, and 0.38 mg/L. According to the water quality index (WQI), which ranges from 21 to 800, approximately 50% of the water samples was classified as highly polluted and therefore not recommended for consumption. According to the metal index (MI), the average value is 6.77, with 80% classified as highly polluted. The average value of the heavy metal pollution index (HPI) was 2201, indicating that the water in the plain is severely polluted for consumption, with 100% of the samples classified as unfit for consumption. The study underlines the urgency of reducing the health risks to the urban population and recommends continuous monitoring of the area to assess the evolution of the pollution.
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The main purpose of the present research is to propose a comprehensive attitude of the salinity in groundwater resources of Iran using 116 papers in the assessment of groundwater quality in different areas of the country. The conducted study contains the measurement of the values of physicochemical parameters of which electrical conductivity (EC), as the fundamental parameter for salinity determination of groundwater, was considered mostly, and by comparing it with standards, as well as employing the Wilcox diagram, the quality of water was assessed for drinking and agricultural purposes, respectively. Study of the previous papers revealed that in only the west and northwest of the country, the groundwater quality was suitable for drinking, and in the majority of provinces, EC values exceeded the recommended limits. The highest EC level was seen in central provinces which led to the aggravation of groundwater and the largest proportion of salinity, putting the quality of water in an unsuitable class for drinking. Additionally, the assessment of groundwater quality for irrigation uses using the Wilcox diagram showed high and very high salinity rates in most areas of the study area. Northwestern provinces relatively had the lowest level putting in C3-S1 class, while central areas reached the highest with C4-S4 classification. Deficiency of rainfall, high rate of groundwater exploitation, and the intrusion of saltwater from Salt Lake were the principal reasons for groundwater deterioration in central parts of the study area.
In order to characterize the physicochemical quality of groundwater, and to examine the behavior of factors influencing water chemism in the Tebessa Plain, which is part of a semi-arid region located in the northeast of Algeria, physicochemical analyses were carried out on 32 water samples from the Mio-Plio quaternary water table. In the east of the study region, in the Djebissa area, most of the Triassic formations form a depression made up of masses of gypsiferous clay, where some outcrops of Triassic dolomites appear together with several blocks of carbonate rocks, torn off during the Aptian-Albian age. In the center and to the west of the plain, carbonate formations are represented by a significant layer of limestone marl and marl from the Cretaceous to Tertiary periods. The results obtained showed that the quality of the water is influenced by the heterogeneity of the geological formations. The concentrations of chlorides, sulphates and sodium are high in the eastern part of the study area, which can be explained by the impact of gypsum formations, confirmed by the Sr2+/Ca2+ ratio being greater than 3 ‰ for the majority of samples. In the wells of the Tebessa and Ain Chabro areas, the concentrations of calcium, magnesium, and bicarbonates increase due to the predominance of carbonate formations of borders. The use of the statistical tool confirmed the evaporitic origin of the anions, especially in the east of the study region.
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