The formability of aluminum alloys at room temperature is low, which can lead to the fracture of the sheets under traditional stamping. In this work, electromagnetic forming (EMF) and stamping flanging of 5052 aluminum alloy sheets were performed by experimentally and 3D numerical simulation. Under stamping flanging, when the prefabricated hole diameter decreases, the flanging height increases, but the gap between the flanged part and die and maximum thinning rate becomes larger. With the increase of discharge voltage, the fittability of the flanged parts is improved. There is a critical discharge voltage, under which the fittability and maximum thinning rate are optimal. Compared with stamping, the sheet flanging height is larger under EMF. This is due to the inner and outer layers of sheet fillet are subjected to greater radial tensile strain, and the thickness of sheet fillet are reduced after EMF. In addition, the sheet mouth collides with die at high speed, which causes the mouth material extend radially. The results revealed that the hardness of outer and middle layers at the sheet fillet was larger after EMF than that after stamping, while that of the inner layer was relatively small. This distribution of hardness corresponds to material strain.
Omówiono czynniki związane z przygotowaniem masy, wpływające na tworzenie filmu pokrywającego powierzchnię cylindra suszącego Yankee. W szczególności przedstawiono znaczenie frakcji drobnej. Struktura papieru higienicznego jest zależna od dynamiki deflokulacji i reflokulacji we wlewie hydraulicznym. Najwyższą jakość formowania uzyskuje się, jeśli rozmiary flokuł są zminimalizowane. Charakterystykę reologiczną mas włóknistych uzyskuje się z wykorzystaniem zmodyfikowanych reometrów rotacyjnych i dynamicznego analizatora flokulacji. Charakterystyka reologiczna pozwala wyznaczyć wytrzymałość flokuł oraz dynamikę deflokulacji i flokulacji dla mas o różnym składzie frakcyjnym i stopniu zmielenia.
Factors related to stock preparation affecting the formation of the film covering the surface of the Yankee drying cylinder are discussed. In particular, the importance of the fine fraction is presented. The structure of the tissue paper depends on the dynamics of deflocculation and reflocculation in the hydraulic headbox. The highest formation of sheet quality is obtained if the flocculent sizes are minimized. Rheological characteristics of pulp are obtained using modified rotational rheometers and a dynamic flocculation analyzer. Rheological characteristics allow to determine flocculus strength and deflocculation and reflocculation dynamics for stocks with different fractional composition and refining degree.
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