The moon is one of the basic motives in the output of K.I. Gałczyński and a designation animated by him the most frequently – in the poet’s lyrics appeared 97 animisations of the moon. Using them the moon is created as a human being: it has a human appearance, it behaviours like a man, it has a human psyche and human interests, it plays various social roles. The type of animation used the most frequently is the anthropomorphisation and the considerably rarer are anthropopateis, animisations and animalisations. The density degree of the moon animisations in the poems is low (41,9), same as the degree of their frequency (45,3). The majority of samples of the stylistic figure plays the poetic function or dynamism to the lyric picture, the other are used for the expressive and humoristic purpose.
The article is a synthetic review of Polish linguistic literature 1977–1997 from the point of view of publications devoted to the thematic-rhematic structure of utterances. The conventional boundaries of the described period are marked by the publication dates of two important monographs (Bogusławski 1977, Wajszczuk 1997). The following paragraphs gather information about, among other things, pioneering publications from the 1970s, the most important directions of STR research carried out by Polish linguists in the period indicated (1977–1997), as well as more didactically oriented works.
Artykuł jest syntetycznym przeglądem polskiego piśmiennictwa językoznawczego z lat 1977–1997 pod kątem publikacji poświęconych strukturze tematyczno-rematycznej wypowiedzi. Umowne granice opisywanego okresu wyznaczają daty publikacji dwóch ważnych monografii (Bogusławski 1977, Wajszczuk 1997). W kolejnych paragrafach zebrane są informacje o pionierskich publikacjach z lat 70. XX w., najważniejszych kierunkach badań nad STR prowadzonych przez polskich językoznawców we wskazanym okresie (1977–1997), a także o pracach zorientowanych bardziej dydaktycznie.
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