System zainstalowano w odlewni wyposażonej w żeliwiak i piec kanałowy wykorzystywany jako automat zalewowy. Seria kolejnych wyników pomiaru temperatury z opracowanego w I.O. pirometru PDS-1800 przetworzona przez program komputerowy umożliwia sterowanie mocą zasilającą pieca kanałowego. Duża rezerwa mocy pieca pozwala praktycznie na bieżącą regulację temperatury metalu wlewanego do formy.
The system was installed in a foundry on cupola and channel furnaces used for automatic pouring. A computer processed series of the following results of the temperature measurement, from the PDS-1800 pyrometer designed and manufactured in the Foundry Research Institute, enables a power adjustment of the channel furnace. A high reserve of the furnace power allows almost an on-line temperature regulation of the metal poured to the mould.
A classical algorithm Tabu Search was compared with Q Learning (named learning) with regards to the scheduling problems in the Austempered Ductile Iron (ADI) manufacturing process. The first part comprised of a review of the literature concerning scheduling problems, machine learning and the ADI manufacturing process. Based on this, a simplified scheme of ADI production line was created, which a scheduling problem was described for. Moreover, a classic and training algorithm that is best suited to solve this scheduling problem was selected. In the second part, was made an implementation of chosen algorithms in Python programming language and the results were discussed. The most optimal algorithm to solve this problem was identified. In the end, all tests and their results for this project were presented.
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